We dont know details on the Durov arrest, but the “light content moderation” frame is taking hold. Thats not good. X has “light content moderation” & their product is crappy as a result. Filled w spam, porn, bots, etc. But Musks dirty secret is that X still addresses the worst stuff.
Telegram is another level: it has been the key hub for ISIS for a decade. It tolerates CSAM. Its ignored reasonable LE engagement for YEARS. It’s not “light” content moderation; it’s a different approach entirely.
It's disappointing to see journalists framing this as a moderation issue. If someone rents my property and runs organized crime out of it, and I know about it, and I do nothing and even lie about it, that's not a moderation issue.
I wish the authorities would come out with more details; the vacuum is being filled by a lot of hot takes and speculation that are really unhelpful for those trying to make the internet a safer place.(Have clearly appreciated your perspective, though.)
It’s genuinely difficult in these early moments when you worry about a misleading narrative taking hold…but you also don’t have enough of the facts to push back or reframe effectively. The obligation of accuracy (or at least a good faith effort at it) carries a real price when you’re moving fast.