brian.fishman.5's profile picture

We dont know details on the Durov arrest, but the “light content moderation” frame is taking hold. Thats not good. X has “light content moderation” & their product is crappy as a result. Filled w spam, porn, bots, etc. But Musks dirty secret is that X still addresses the worst stuff.

Telegram is another level: it has been the key hub for ISIS for a decade. It tolerates CSAM. Its ignored reasonable LE engagement for YEARS. It’s not “light” content moderation; it’s a different approach entirely.

info_rosalie's profile picture
It's disappointing to see journalists framing this as a moderation issue. If someone rents my property and runs organized crime out of it, and I know about it, and I do nothing and even lie about it, that's not a moderation issue.
wiczipedia's profile picture
I wish the authorities would come out with more details; the vacuum is being filled by a lot of hot takes and speculation that are really unhelpful for those trying to make the internet a safer place.(Have clearly appreciated your perspective, though.)
brian.fishman.5's profile picture
It’s genuinely difficult in these early moments when you worry about a misleading narrative taking hold…but you also don’t have enough of the facts to push back or reframe effectively. The obligation of accuracy (or at least a good faith effort at it) carries a real price when you’re moving fast.
wiczipedia's profile picture
Yep. I’d just prefer to see news outlets acknowledging how little we know right now rather than give Tucker Carlson the kicker in their pieces.
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