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Project ID: 53441769
cleemy desu wayo's avatar


This is a library, and at the same time a framework, and at the same time an internal DSL.

If you need Japanese Edition of this README, see


The author, cleemy desu wayo, has only tested it on Linux.

The first release version will be 0.1. Probably in the first half of 2025.

During the summer and fall of 2024, potentially disruptive changes will be made that will result in incompatibility. I will try to make the sample code I put under samples/ work as well as before.

The last version before these changes were made is version


  • Ruby 3.0 or later

What's This?

Outvoke makes it easy to write code that hooks into the data stream.


Put outvoke.rb in the current directory and give it execute permission.

Start it using the -e option as follows, and if you see output every 5 seconds, it is running for now.

$ ./outvoke.rb -e 'hook "every-sec", /[012][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][05]/'
# starting Outvoke 0.1 (version ---- 2024-08-16 12:46:06 +0900
# ----
# given ruby code:
# hook "every-sec", /[012][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][05]/
# ----

[2024-08-16 12:46:06 +0900] [outvoke-system] vrchat-001: a new log file was found.
[2024-08-16 12:46:07 +0900] [outvoke-system] vrchat-001: first time log check has done.
[2024-08-16 12:46:10 +0900] 2024-08-16 12:46:10 +0900
[2024-08-16 12:46:15 +0900] 2024-08-16 12:46:15 +0900
[2024-08-16 12:46:20 +0900] 2024-08-16 12:46:20 +0900
[2024-08-16 12:46:25 +0900] 2024-08-16 12:46:25 +0900
[2024-08-16 12:46:30 +0900] 2024-08-16 12:46:30 +0900

To exit, press Ctrl + C.

There may be error lines if VRChat is not installed or the log files are in a different location.

If you have VRChat installed and it has been a long time since VRChat was started, it may take a long time after Outvoke is started before you see the first time log check has been done. This time can be shortened by restarting VRChat.

Config File

If there is a file outvoke.conf.rb in the current directory, Outvoke will first include that file.

For example, if you have a line like the following in outvoke.conf.rb, you can specify the directory for VRChat log files to look for.

$outvoke.sources['vrchat-001'].log_dir = "#{Dir.home}/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/compatdata/438100/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/LocalLow/VRChat/VRChat"

Basic Usage

When you run Outvoke with no arguments, it looks for main.rb in the current directory and includes it.

You can specify a file name or write a one-liner using the -e option, but for the sake of clarity, this assumes that you are writing in main.rb.

If you write "using OutvokeDSL" at the beginning of main.rb, you will be in the mode of internal DSL. You can write it as casually as writing a configuration file.

Since main.rb is interpreted as a Ruby script, you can write complex programs.

The following is an example of main.rb.

using OutvokeDSL

hook 'every-sec', /05:00:00/ do
  spawn 'play', '-q', '-t', 'wav', '-v', '0.6', 'ring.wav', 'repeat', '50'

At 5:00 AM, ring.wav in the current directory is played by the play command.

(The rest is currently being written)

With VRChat

Some explanations and samples may be found at the following:

Also see the samples below.

a video of samples/2024/vrchat_multiple_ds2.rb in action:

(The rest is currently being written)

One-liner examples

Even with one-liners, basically all of Ruby's features are available.

Before you run them, you'll need the following:

  1. Put outvoke.rb to the current directory

  2. Set up maoudamashii-se-system47.wav to the current directory

(download a wav file from )

  1. Check to see if sound is played by the play command
$ play maoudamashii-se-system47.wav
  1. Put outvoke.conf.rb to the current directory with the following contents
def ring(vol = "0.05")
  spawn "play", "-v", vol.to_s, "-q", "maoudamashii-se-system47.wav", :err=>"/dev/null"
  1. Check to see if the sound is played once per second with the following one-liner
$ ./outvoke.rb -e 'hook "every-sec", /./ do ring ; end'

In version or later, the following is also possible:

$ ./outvoke.rb -e 'hook "every-sec" do ring ; end'

You can also write as follows:

$ ./outvoke.rb -e 'hook("every-sec"){ring}'

Notes on the one-liners presented here

These one-liners make heavy use of _1 (numbered parameter).

$ ./outvoke.rb -e 'hookvr(/pickup object/i){puts _1.body}'

The above is the same as:

$ ./outvoke.rb -e 'hookvr(/pickup object/i){|e| puts e.body}'

As of August 2024, hook "vrchat-001" is the same as hookvr, but these one-liners dare not use hookvr.

Slightly complicated alarm clock one-lilners

Now, here are a number of one-liner examples.

Sound three times every 10 seconds between 5:00 AM and 05:10 AM:

$ ./outvoke.rb -e 'hook("every-sec", / 05:0[0-9]:[0-5][036]/){ring}'

Play the video once every 5 minutes between 05:00 AM and 05:55 AM:

$ ./outvoke.rb -e 'hook("every-sec", / 05:[0-5][05]:00/) {spawn "mpv", "", "--really-quiet", :err=>"/dev/null"}'

At 22:48, start looping "Hotaru no Hikari" and end at 23:05:

$ ./outvoke.rb -e 'hook("every-sec", / 22:48:00/) {spawn "mpv", "", "--really-quiet", "--loop", :err=>"/dev/null"} ; hook("every-sec", / 23:05:00/) {spawn "pkill", "mpv", :err=>"/dev/null"}'

Note that pkill mpv will terminate all mpv.

PID can be memorized so it's possible to terminate the mpv with pinpoint accuracy:

$ ./outvoke.rb -e 'mpv_pid = nil; hook("every-sec", / 22:48:00/) {mpv_pid = spawn "mpv", "", "--really-quiet", "--loop", :err=>"/dev/null"} ; hook("every-sec", / 23:05:00/) {spawn "kill", mpv_pid.to_s, :err=>"/dev/null" if mpv_pid}'

Sound at exactly 05:00 AM, but only between Monday and Friday:

$ ./outvoke.rb -e 'hook("every-sec", / 05:00:00/){ring if (1..5).include?(}'

Instead of, you can also use

$ ./outvoke.rb -e 'hook("every-sec", / 05:00:00/){ring if (1..5).include?(}'

In these examples, either is fine, but you should be aware that will attempt to get the current time every time it is evaluated.

simple VRChat-related one-liners

Play a sound when someone joins:

$ ./outvoke.rb -e 'hook("vrchat-001", /onplayerjoincomplete/i){ring}'

/onplayerjoined/i is not recommended.

Play a sound when you pick up an object:

$ ./outvoke.rb -e 'hook("vrchat-001", /pickup object/i){ring}'

Display all video-related logs at all:

$ ./outvoke.rb -e 'hook "vrchat-001", /(resolv|video)/i'

If you write "resolv", it will match both "resolve" and "resolving".

Display all TopazChat-related logs at all:

$ ./outvoke.rb -e 'hook "vrchat-001", /(rtsp|topaz)/i'

Slightly complicated VRChat-related one-liners

Play a sound when someone joins, but no ringing for 90 seconds after you join:

$ ./outvoke.rb -e 'hook("vrchat-001", /onplayerjoincomplete/i) {ring if _1.status.elapsed > 90}'

You can get the elapsed time since you joined by _1.status.elapsed.

This will prevent unnecessary noise immediately after you join an instance with a large number of people.

When you want to output string even without sound:

$ ./outvoke.rb -e 'hook("vrchat-001", /onplayerjoincomplete/i) {ring if _1.status.elapsed > 90 ; _1.body}'

If you want to output _1.body, you can actually use true:

$ ./outvoke.rb -e 'hook("vrchat-001", /onplayerjoincomplete/i) {ring if _1.status.elapsed > 90 ; true}'

Using 1 instead of true, for example, is not recommended. It may result in different behavior in the future due to changes in the Outvoke specification.

Whenever a video starts playing in the world, play that video in mpv:

$ ./outvoke.rb -e 'hook("vrchat-001", /video playback.*resolve url..(https[-_.a-zA-Z0-9&=?%:\/]*)/i) {spawn "mpv", _1.m[1], "--really-quiet", :err=>"/dev/null"; _1.m[1]}'

If an error occurs in a video player in the world, mpv may start multiple times due to retries.

If you dynamically change the arguments passed to Kernel.#spawn, you should be aware of the security risks. Avoid passing the entire OS command line as a single string.

$ ruby -e 's = "aaa;date" ; spawn "echo", s'
$ ruby -e 's = "aaa;date" ; spawn "echo #{s}"'
Sat Aug 24 18:30:35 JST 2024
$ ruby -e 's = "aaa\";date;#" ; spawn "echo \"#{s}\""'
Sat Aug 24 18:30:38 JST 2024

Every time a video starts playing in the world, output the URL and title:

$ ./outvoke.rb -e 'hookcc("vrchat-001", /video playback.*resolve url..(https[-_.a-zA-Z0-9&=?%:\/]*)/i) {title = IO.popen(["./yt-dlp_linux", "-q", "--get-title", _1.m[1], :err=>"/dev/null"]).each_line.first; loputs "#{_1.m[1]} -- #{title}"} ; hooklo'

For information on hookcc and multi-threading, see samples/2024/vrchat_loputs.rb and samples/2024/vrchat_loputs_hookcc.rb.

yt-dlp_linux is a binary of yt-dlp for Linux. The latest version is available from

If you want to know how long it takes to get the title by yt-dlp, you may also do loputs at the beginning of the block as follows:

$ ./outvoke.rb -e 'hookcc("vrchat-001", /video playback.*resolve url..(https[-_.a-zA-Z0-9&=?%:\/]*)/i) {loputs "#{_1.m[1]} -- hookcc start" ; title = IO.popen(["./yt-dlp_linux", "-q", "--get-title", _1.m[1], :err=>"/dev/null"]).each_line.first; loputs "#{_1.m[1]} -- #{title}"} ; hooklo'

Dynamically changing the arguments passed to IO.popen has also a security risk. Avoid passing the entire OS command line as a single string. And you should also be cautious about using Kernel.#` or %x for security reasons.

(More and more samples to be added)

About tee command

Although not directly related to Outvoke, it is useful in combination with the tee command if you want to output strings to the terminal while keeping a record of it.

$ ./outvoke.rb vrchat_join_log2.rb | tee join_history_$(date "+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S").txt

Of course, it can also be used in one-liner mode.

$ ./outvoke.rb -e 'hookcc("vrchat-001", /video playback.*resolve url..(https[-_.a-zA-Z0-9&=?%:\/]*)/i) {title = IO.popen(["./yt-dlp_linux", "-q", "--get-title", _1.m[1], :err=>"/dev/null"]).each_line.first; loputs "#{_1.m[1]} -- #{title}"} ; hooklo' | tee video_history_$(date "+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S").txt