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Another HSU vs PSA vs Rythmik comparison... can there be too many?

13K views 52 replies 28 participants last post by  dpc716 
#1 ·
Hello everyone,

Like many that have preceded me, I have been doing research on subwoofers to add to my home and in the process narrowed my search
down to HSU or PSA or Rythmik. I collected all my data into a presentation so I could compare each subwoofer company
and specific subwoofer product offering side by side. What I also documented was my decision making process, specifically those things that I
look for. You can call them my values or priorities I suppose. I found this useful so I could look at the companies objectively and holistically. Well as holistically as
as multiple internet searches can yield I should say. In the end I thought publishing my information here might help others, so I did in the attached *.pdf.

I compared 15" subwoofers and the presentation includes the normal information people look for at high level, like size, weight, cost, free trial times, technology differences, etc. I also went one level deeper to show some differences in the Amps and Drivers. I am not an acoustic expert so I didn't spend any time on how loud the deep base is or subwoofer home integration pros/cons or anything that is very specific to the individual needs. I do include sound data from the vendors or OEM driver websites, but don't attempt to reconcile good from bad.

Here is a short summary that represents the biggest differentiators based on what I could find. It's highly likely I don't have all my data right as I am not a long term industry aficionado. Feel free to respond with better data.
  1. HSU, PSA and Rythmik are all direct-to-consumer subwoofer companies with full line-ups of subwoofer sizes and configurations (ported, sealed, double firing). HSU stopped or or greatly slowed innovation since 2014 when their last sub model was released, the very popular and highly celebrated VTF-15H Mk2. This in contrast with PSA and Rythmik that continue to upgrade their amps and drivers. On top Rythmik integrates servo control.
  2. Given they are direct to consumer, the only way to audition one is to buy one and return it in 30-60 days using the companies Free Trial program. HSU's policy is the least generous as the timeframe is only 30 days AND since shipping is separate on the sub price you have to pay both ways. So to sample the VTF-15H-Mk2 you will be out $500 for two-way shipping. PSA and Rythmik offer longer trial times (45/60 days) and since shipping is built into the original price, you only have to pay for the return.
  3. The ported versions of the 15" subwoofers are almost 2X the volume (i.e. how much space they take up in your room and how big they look) versus the sealed versions. Until I did the math I didn't realize they were that much different in size. The weight of the ported is 20-30 lbs more. I assume this is in extra wood and internal bracing. The ported versions of the 15" subwoofers were $300-$400 more expensive versus the sealed versions. For many who consider getting 2 subs in their room, the size and investment for the larger units probably isn't a big factor, but I thought the size and price differences were at least interesting to consider.
  4. HSU, PSA, and Rythmik all use old school plate amps. No Bluetooth or apps or wireless technology. I really like the simplicity of all three amps in this regard. The Rythmik and PSA use high efficiency 900W+ Class D amps. HSU uses a less efficient and older school 600W Class A/B+D (Bash) amp. Rythmik's amp has an EQ built into it where PSA and HSU don't.
  5. HSU, PSA and Rytymik are all based in the US. HSU's supply chain is 100% from China. PSA and Rythmik assemble, finish and QA their subs in Ohio and Texas respectively, but source the plate amps and drivers internationally.
With all the above, I came out with Rythmik and PSA really at a tie, both slightly ahead of HSU. But I would be happy with any three of the subwoofers. For actual purchase I am leaning toward Rythmik as I have a past affinity to servo drive subwoofers.

If you are reading this and are also doing the same search, I hope this helps. In return, if you've found some interesting comparison that please jump on and add in your information.


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#2 ·
Nice post(y)

As far that I see, where I might have miss it. You should have mention that HSU is much cheaper to buy, compare to PSA and Rythmik. Where it might be a factor, for future potential buyer if a factor.

Other than that, great post where you have showed that you have put lot's of effort into it. Well done:)

#15 ·
Yes for sure! HSU products were $200-$500 less expensive on a subwoofer form factor basis. I assume the incremental costs for PSA comes from US labor costs in assembly and cabinet making and the use of a very expensive Italian driver. The incremental cost for Rythmik comes from US labor costs for assembly and cabinet making and using servo control driver and amplifier. What in interesting market.
#3 ·
Yes. way to many already.
#5 ·
I didn't have the chance to compare same size ones unfortunately but at least the vtf15 (dual) I had before were outclassed by the tv1812. So much that my original plan was to keep them all 3 but I decided to sell the HSUs and just get another PSA.
Don't get me wrong, the HSU is a great sub and value but the PSA was just something on a different level. Then again it was not a 15" vs 15" comparison though
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#6 ·
I just like primarily that the Rhythmik FV18 is much less deep (22") than the PSA TV1813m (32.5"). I hate the subs sticking out into the room unnecessarily far. I cant use the regular TV1813 (for vertical use only) but only the m version, as it has to fit under the screen on its side. The EV1813M loses a few Hz at the bottom, and I knew would just keep wondering what I was missing, but its depth is nice at 22". Still curious how the Rhythmik FV18 (900 watts) performs compared to the TV1813 which has twice the watts (1920 watts). Rumor has it that the PSA semigloss finish is better than the Rhythmik (painted or vinyl oak), but not sure how the PSA matte finish compares. Im pretty sure the Rhythmik "Servo" hooplah is all marketing as JTL etc with bigger budgets dont bother with similar technology.

Ordered the PSA TV1813m, which has a 4 month delay, and in 3 months will order the Rhythmik FV18, which has a 1 month delay, and compare head to head. Loser goes to the living room, and will order a second winner for the home theater.
#7 ·
I disagree about the "unnecessarily far". There is a reason the box is the size it is
Looking forward to your comparison!
#9 · (Edited)
#10 ·
You did a lot of work on this and it's good, though you've approached this exercise differently than I would have. The way I would do it is to assess my needs and requirements in terms of output, extension and sound quality and make a projection based on my room and listening habits the number and general type of subs I need. I would then narrow down the choices to those that fit the bill and decide among those.
#11 ·
Don't forget, PSA has a 5 year " bumper to bumper" warranty with no extra cost.
#16 ·
Yes, PSA had the best built in warranty at 5 years for driver and electronics. Rythmik is 5 on driver, 3 on electronics. This is interesting for Rythmik in that the driver has a piezoelectric sensor
that is part of the electric circuit, so I'm sure there is some gray area there. HSU was 7 years on driver, 2 years on electronics, but for $80 you can extend the electronics for 5 years. I looked on Klipsch website and they offer 2 year electronics and 5 year on driver and cabinet. I think the challenge for warranty repair on direct-to-consumer subwoofers, specifically compared to the big box or local boutique stores, is the actual transaction effort cost of a warranty return. Two people can lift a subwoofer into an SUV and it can easily be driven to Best Buy. As I've read on a few posts within forums, most people discard all of the original shipping packaging so trying to get the subwoofer re-packaged for warranty return work is quite the effort. The cost of warranty repair at a big box store is the cost of gas to get there. The cost to send back to PSA, HSU or Rythmik, particularly if all the original shipping materials have been discarded, can be hundreds of dollars. I think I read in some cases PSA may have shipped out a new driver or amp to replace versus having the customer go through the hassle. For people inclined to repair themselves, like me, this is a great benefit, but I don't think this strategy is universal.
#13 ·
HSU subs are great(Maybe the best) for their price range... but they are not on the same level as Rythmik and PSA subs. Those two are a step up from HSU.

Something like:

Speedwoofer at $500
SVS at $750
HSU at $1000
Rythmik and PSA once you hit $1500.

The prices may have creeped up a little but It's still generally true.

The Rythmik and PSA subs have a different sound signature that's more articulate and quick.
#22 ·
I looked at PSA, Rythmic, SVS, and JTR. Once I did my due diligence, I selected a PSA 3613 as it is smaller than my present sub but much more powerful, and the factory is only an hour's drive away. Will pick it up when completed.
#38 ·
I always make sure to tell my wife what you guys are doing with your sub setups. Makes our 2x TV2112 seem like no big deal at all.

I appreciate you guys.
#43 ·
have you explored visiting a local meet? i've not had the pleasure of attending one... but there may be owners of those subs that you want to have you can go in and listen. yes it's not your house... but it is A home.

i imagine there is still a meet in real life subthread here you can ask around. the sub is probably in your area already, you just ask a fellow nut house to allow a demo. and if i had a FV18 for example, i would love to demo it for everyone! i'm still saving up $ for it. but in other aspects, i love showing off my HT, it's my pride and joy... especially to other avs/ht enthusisasts.
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#44 ·
Thanks for this. Nice work! I am (was) also in the market for a subwoofer and was deciding between a Salk/Rythmik and PSA subwoofer. I had some specific requirements (height, cabinet color) and ended up ordering two PSA S3012s (each sub has 2 15" drivers, so 4 15" drivers in total, all sealed). But I feel you can't go wrong with Rythmik either. As someone else has mentioned, HSU seems to be a class below these two (although they're fine subs).
#46 ·
Get the Rythmik… actually get MY, less than 6 months old, Rythmik (FV18) at a great deal!
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