for Lifelog
Day 1331 - Stronger, not easier - #lifelog

for Lists Kit
Added 1 new item Basefront (, a Airtable to directory widget plugin by @J__Rosen, to the Directory Starters directory ( #listskit

Paid influencer US$30 for sponsored ads on youtube and pinterest #pluginsforcarrd
for Outsprint
Prepping, rehearsing for design thinking workshop with gov Ministry tomorrow #outsprint
for Lifelog
Day 1330 - The problem with consistency - #lifelog

for Lists Kit
Added 1 new item Tanoomba (, by @t31kx, to the Commit365 directory ( #listskit #commit365

for Commit365
Added 1 new item Tanoomba (, by @t31kx, to the Commit365 directory ( #listskit #commit365

for Outsprint
Troubleshoot pptx slidedeck material for upcoming Friday design thinking training workshop.. life of a corporate trainer 😕 #outsprint
for Lists Kit
Removed @petecodes' Webflow directory template Quick Directory from the Directory Starters directory ( cos he asked #listskit
for Lists Kit
Added 1 new item Antek (, a WordPress theme for construction equipment booking & rentals by park_of_ideas, to the Directory Starters directory ( #listskit

for Outsprint
Finally after months of troubleshooting with IT from 2 different polytechnics, countless emails back and forth, and fiddling with Workday, I submitted my timesheet for adjunct lecturing a design thinking workshop at SP 1 month ago #outsprint
for Lifelog
Day 1328 - Back to building Lifelog - #lifelog