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yes but if the builds are already leaked someone will just continue the work
that's an L snoykeks
good luck lmao
Just like Yuzu was continued? lmfao
>>686039938 (OP)
snoys cant stop shit
>sony execs see it
>they release everything on pc
I bet he got jealous because he only had a 64 when he was a kid
the suffering of others
lawful evil
>>686039938 (OP)
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>took down Yuzu
how strange
I seem to still have it, and I'm playing ToTK
get this retarded man some help
so basically what this anon said >>686040539
>>686039938 (OP)
>literal who taking credit
>>686039938 (OP)
sony isnt as evil as nintendo so good luck
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I have him to thank for because he helped in gatekeeping emulation from normalfags.
Btw you can still download Yuzu if you know where to search for.
>>686039938 (OP)
just dox him lmao.
I'm not a normie, I'm one of yall guys hehe. Can you tell me where to get it? I'd love to play some nintendos
nintendo cares about pirating
sony couldnt bother
hes gonna fail
Modern white people are always like this because they look through history and see their ancestors accomplishing all sorts of awesome things.
And they're just sitting around, accomplishing nothing. So they act like this to "feel important"
>>686039938 (OP)
Bless him
>check emulator website
>it's all bloodborne
pick one
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they're just sad, miserable creatures that want to drag everyone down to their level.
They deserve it for shilling soulsshit so much instead of more important games like gravity rush or odin sphere
No shit, that's the only thing of value on PS4 that you can't get elsewhere.
>>686039938 (OP)
>I took down Yuzu
Lol he did jackshit
This retard clearly wants to pretend he's way more important than he really is
Thousands of people have tried asking Nintendo about C&D for Yuzu for YEARS before it finally actually happened last year (and that was only because Yuzu team promoted piracy and locked builds behind patreon)
the fuck are you talking about schizo?
>i took down yuzu
Nah, the Yuzu devs were brain dead, bragged about piracy in their Discord, when Nintendo had a bunch of spies in their Discord.
>>686039938 (OP)
Yuzu killed itself, lol. Who the hell is this retard?
depends, if sony perceives a treat over the games being ported to PC, they might act
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>took down yuzu
Works on my machine.
It's exactly what I said. Need me to translate it into Spanish so you'd understand what I said?

>Los blancos modernos son siempre así porque miran a través de la historia y ven a sus antepasados logrando todo tipo de cosas impresionantes.
>Y ellos están sentados sin hacer nada. Así que actúan así para «sentirse importantes»
name a time that has happened in the last 10 years
unfortunately for sony they can't do shit and they know it
emulation is legal
crippling autism
yes, i can play any switch game i want right now
>b..but twitterman stopped i....
no he didnt, we just stopped letting it be so public
emulation always wins
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Say something nice about Ryujinx and its creator!
tlow and the rest of the shit being ported on PC wasn't happening before
same thing yuzu kept thinking about nintendo
no he didnt, we just stopped letting it be so public
which is the result we want anyho, normies ruin emulation
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>Heh, a several billion dollar company with a team of crack lawyers practicing sheeny magic? They would have had NO CLUE about this emulator were it not for me
think about how many niggas on planet earth think they're the protagonist
Even though I hate microsoft and its own version of Java, I gotta admit that this dude is pretty based, despite his loyalty to that blasted programming language.
Sony got buck broken in 1999/2000 trying to get emulation banned, and became one of the biggest reasons why emulation is legal in the US. lmao
every nigger on twitter has this mindset, except for japanese porn artists
yuzu was making money, that's why they lost
don't pretend that you don't understand the difference here, and why every other nintendo emulator is perfectly safe
Nintendo and Sony probably has a few spies in this very thread.
>get this retarded man some help
he said while playing TOTK
>tlow and the rest of the shit being ported on PC wasn't happening before
they only ported those once ps3 emulation got good enough for a playable experience, but they never outright removed the rpcs3 from the internet with copyright unlike nintedo so bloodborne/shadps4 is probably fine
>Sony got buck broken
The other way around, anon, Bleem got buck broken fighting Sony. Sony afterwards bought Connectix
Then they should've done it years ago, the cunts are porting and remastering 2 year old games while bloodborne is still stuck on that piece of shit hardware and didn't even get a PRO patch to fix the fucking frame times.
I fucking hope this emulator keeps this pace and we're able to play the game at 4k60fps before its 10th anniversary, seeing bloodborne being pirated to oblivion gives me pure joy, I hope it makes those sony execs sneed like they have never sneeded before
This is snoy's fault, they knew there was always a demand for Bloodborne but only ported games nobody asked for, Good riddance
You can just tell this creature was bullied as a kid and clearly not enough.
I'm not siding with any corpo anon, just keeping it realistic, as long as shadps4 doesn't do yuzu levels of stupidity it should be ok.
Not wanting his favorite entertainment medium to crash due to people stealing games. Go fuck yourself for even needing to ask.
Who's breaking into best buys and stealing Bloodborne copies?
you couldn't even get a single date right, jesus
(You)s, just like us. We're not so different really.
Lack of traditional religious beliefs leads people to turn to less traditional religious beliefs.

i.e worship of corporations, celebrities, political groups, etc.
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It's not even mindbroken at this point
it's mind raped
nobody, redboxes are much easier
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>"cough" I-Im sure g-glad I spent all those y-years d-defending "cough" billion d-dollar corporations...
corpo defender
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Anyone /v/ hates I automatically like.
just another insecure non-white
It's on romsforfun, vimm's lair, cdromance, internet archive, romhacking dot org, nsxw, ziperto, zophar dot net, kh insider, squidboard (place that shamelessly steals from kh insider), wowroms, and coolroms.
>gravity rush or odin sphere
there are good answers that I can't really add to in any truly meaningful way, this said I can only hope that if the guy's here I want him to know that he should kill himself for being a self righteous prick that has to ruin it for everyone else for literally nothing, because Nintendo sure as shit won't reward him for snitching and defintely not pride because if he had any to begin with he wouldn't be >>686044305
>troon flag
>Marceline profile pic
Checks out
>whoooOOOAAaaahhh anime girls in midair
Let me guess, gachashit?
I mean, you know who it is, so what's up with that?
Why are you pretending to be retarded?
reminder that piracy objectively was proven to do negligible effects on overall profits.
Speaking of people thinking they're the protagonist
>heh wh-what if gigacorporations followed me into every thread I'm in? damn I'm important
you don't even know what stealing means you dumb fuck
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Lol goodluck doing that.
RPCS3 completely went untouched, do you sincerely think Sony are going to push back on this? The only way for ShadPS4 to get shutdown would be for the developers to start paywalling shit or try to distribute illegal copies of games in their inner circles which will never happen.

A cease and desist doesnt even matter either, you can just wipe your ass with it if the law is on your side.
It won't be
The only good part of Gravity Rush is the OST. You don't need a ps4 for that
Catholicism is a corporation.

Negligible =/= zero
Does it matter when companies can actively profit from emulator development in a few years with their own special remasters? Both nintendo and sony use emulators and ROMs in their shitty re-releases
I 'member last time sony went after an emulator and lost.
no we don't, shut up faggot kike
mods kill this guy
>Negligible =/= zero
Everything has negligible effects on profits, so it doesn't matter.
piracy definitely isn't the cause of video games going to shit, and if anyone genuinely believes otherwise, they're actually retarded.
>product that costs money to receive
>take product without paying
>"y o u d o n ' t k n o w w h a t s t e a l i n g i s"
Bait used to be believable
>>686039938 (OP)
>0 likes and retweet
>only posted 5 mins ago before screencapped
Okay stop pormoting yourself here, vrinn
>>686039938 (OP)
Won't do shit. The reason Yuzu was down was because Tropic Haze had a whole Patreon campaign, discord channel, and their github page advocating for piracy. The devs were sperging about going against the lawyers, which injured their case even further, and the big N had all the evidence needed to prosecute them for $2.4 million.
On the other hand, Sony previously LOST to a small software/hardware company over a trademark copyright infrigment involving VGS.
Second, Sony cares less about emulation software, and in fact it even benefits them since they now want all their titles on PC.
>>686039938 (OP)
guy reminds me of that other dude who called keanu chungus breathtaking and thought he was famous overnight
I thought the Snitch couldn't be emulated anymore?

You bros be saying I can still play Snitch games on my PC? How do I do it?
>Everything has negligible effects on profits
Except for...you know...BUYING THE FUCKING GAME
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your post glows
A lot of pirates will never buy any game, so it doesn't matter.
but i'm not going to re-spin the same old arguments again. So unless you have something new/ interesting to say, enjoy the last (You)
there's like a dozen switch emulators at this point
I hate you retards so much, Yuzu got shut down because they were talking money you fat ape not because it's "illegal" to make and use an emulator
>ok... how?
By Legally™ purchasing a Nintendo™ Switch™ of course!
>Pirate game
>Enjoy game
>Go on your favorite shitposting website and praise game and try to get other retards to play the game as well

>Can't pirate game
Alright. I'm never going to eat a brussel sprout but according to you, that means I should be allowed to waltz right into Price Chopper and grab myself an armful of them and walk out without paying.
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>>686039938 (OP)
>literal fucking who thread
It's you, isn't it?
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I actually always wanted to play 3-Houses. I got a decent PC AFTER Pretendo destroyed emulation. So I never had a chance.

99% of them suck ass. I'm pretty sure it was Yuzu the one that was actually good.

Never giving a dime to Pretendo.
anti-piracy/bootlickers will seethe about piracy/emulation, and then turn around and drop hundreds on used games
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Ok then if Yuzu is sooo totally not dead and it's sooo totally fine to use it...why can't you download it anymore? Why don't you post yourself playing it? You literally can't. Know why? Because emulation is illegal. Shocking, I know!
stealing means taking physical posession of something and depriving the seller from making profit off of it, that's why piracy is a term.
Piracy would be a problem only in a perfect world where every company wasn't hellbent on fucking people over to the point of making it a better alternative to buying the game in most cases. But sure, go ahead and die on the hill of being a beacon of justice and morality by simping for the game industry.
>I'm pretty sure it was Yuzu the one that was actually good.
lel, that paypig slop has always been worse than its open source alternative, glad it got shut down and drove retards away
>Can't pirate game
>Buy game
>Enjoy game
>Go on your favorite shitposting website and praise game and try to get other retards to play the game as well
ding ding ding we have a winner
This but unironically this time. Since we all know you're being ironic.
/v/rinn is a favorite on this board, like dsp or the pewds
Mgs4 at 60fps
You're a literally who, retard.
Data is physical. I bet you think memories are magical videos in your head and not physical chemicals inside your brain.
no win7 support
isn't it only on ps3?
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Usually when I can't pirate I just wait tills it's 5 bucks on G2A or something
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Holy shit it's actually you LMAO
What a fucking retard
stop spoonfeeding faggot nigger
Piracy isn't stealing. It's copyright infringement.
data can be copied and the memory analogy means nothing
There is literally nothing illegal about emulation in itself you fucking idiot. If there was, Sony v BLEEM! would of put an end to it over a decade ago. Eat shit and kill yourself you worthless faggot.
hes lying
rooms4fun only has ps2 emulators
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are you unironically talking about yourself in third person?

Ruining stuff for others is pretty 4chan, as a hardcore oldschool channer I'm gonna lol if he actually does it
nta, but that analogy doesn't work because you aren't making copies of the brussel sprouts. Piracy =/= theft
Hi OP, can you try to be less obvious when you samefag? Thank you.
seek mental help vrinn
average tr*nny behavior
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>OP took a screenshot of his own tweet, immediately posted it on /v/ and went on a poor samefagging spree
this is beyond sad
Also on Vita.
No it's not.
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>>686039938 (OP)
>5 minutes ago
Hi, vrinn. Kill yourself.
You didn't do shit and Real Slopdrid is a team for NPCs btw.

Maricón de mierda.
You are so low IQ it hurts
I'm giving him a list of sites to snitch on so that piracy has less places to happen. Mad? Don't be a criminal in your next life.
>would of
Opinion immediately disregarded

Except it does work because with a brussel plant you can grow infinite sprouts. You thought you had me but I was actually a step ahead of you pirate douchebags.
I will not buy your game, tranny. I will pirate it 10000 times just to steal from you and then delete it.
I think is funny watching a bunch of niggers that want shit for free getting BTFO
It would be if you guys ignored him. Look at this thread. You think this is discouraging an attention whore? You gave him everything he wanted and more.
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>name a time that has happened in the last 10 years

halo MCC getting ported to PC after microsoft shut down eldewrito
This. /vpol/ feels the same way but only when it happens to nonwhites. When it happens to non-whites: /vpol/? Oh no, all of a sudden it's a problem.
>paying money for something that can be obtained for free and more conveniently
I don't get it.
>Get btfod
>just go to a different website and download it
Hmm yeah i guess you sure showed them but inconveniencing them for 15 milliseconds while the other page loads good job
you can't even understand the difference between copying and stealing, and that's after at least 4 people explained it to you in 4 different manners, you're genuinely borderline retarded and worse, a cuck for an industry that did nothing but shit on its core customers for more than a decade, you're a stupid, spineless loser that drags everyone else down just by the way you operate, the only positive thing you could do is to kill yourself now just to even it out.

telling these type of animals to off their pathetic lives is a luxury, they deserve nothing else
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Retards should be called out and bullied, if anti-piracy corpo cucks joined in to jerk themselves off is merely a side effect.
None of this happened schizo
>>686039938 (OP)
Post his doxx
You clearly know nothing about human psychology
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see >>686050548
He's a spaniard footie normalfag
The smartest retard. Might as well say TotK is on Wii U.
Narcissism. How else does one think their tweets to Nintendo's social media manager, among thousands notifying them of emulators they already knew existed, had any affect on their legal decisions.
>other retards also pirate the game
>game is beloved but doesnt get any money
>woops, I guess people dont like this kinds of games
>did nothing but shit on its core customers for more than a decade
>release amazing game after amazing game
Pick one and only one.
>giving attention whores attention is really putting them in their place!
And you wonder ehy twittroons like xem feel so welcome here that they post screenshots of their own comments. YOU are the cancer killing /v/.
damn straight I did
>>686039938 (OP)
this nigga killed etika...
>klonoa and megaman
It still hurts.
Yuzu was actually breaking the law.
Good, Etika was a faggot
>>did nothing but shit on its core customers for more than a decade
>>release amazing game after amazing game
>Pick one and only one.
can i get Yuzu if i want to play too?
Anon, you need to get your scanners checked and your definitions updated. That person wasn't bullied; it was something far worse.
They were completely ignored.
literally all trojans
No, thankfully Nintendo forced them to scrub it off the net.
think is kind of based
emulators that work too well are just stealing at this point
nintendo needs to fuck these thieves into slavery like bowser
Nice try but you can dowload illegal gaming material from there no problem. You're trying to get people to leave those sites alone because you feel threatened by them becoming more public. Why do you feel threatened, anon? Isn't piracy legal? You were "kek"ing not so long ago, now you're shaking in your boots. Curious!
>>686039938 (OP)
If he's so powerful. How come he couldn't take down Ryujinx?
i think emulators are fine but only after they become the last gen
current gen emulation is just evil
It will *never* not be hilarious that one of Nintendo's biggest villains in real life ended up actually being named Bowser. Anyone who thinks God isn't real after seeing such a huge coincidence like this is fucking silly.
best part is that he has to give nintendo half of everything he makes until he fucking dies
It's the peoof that Yuzu was more accurate between the two and therefore the bigger threat to Nintendo.
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He works in mysterious ways
>>686039938 (OP)
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Wasn't the whole problem with Yuzu that it was using leaked versions of games (by that I mean Totk) and by extension using ilegal copies to make builds? Why would paying for an emulator make it worse in the eyes of the law than simply giving it away? It's about the licenses?
Literally my first thought. It's like when you give your kid brother a controller that isn't plugged in and they think they're playing the game :3
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>he's still samefagging his schizo thread
If that were thecase then all Switch emulators would be under fire
>>686039938 (OP)

I don't think about you at all.
>>686039938 (OP)
>Leave the multi-billion dollar company alone...
Well you say that but I remember Ryujinx working way worse than Yuzu until the day Totk released and in that same day a patch came and fixed most of the problems. I think Ryujinx was smart about releasing their builds for copies of leaked games while Yuzu didn't care at all and just wanted their emulator to be known as the best. And in the end it bit them in the ass.
Fucking kek this is why ryujinxfags are a complete joke
>heh yeah ok so yuzu is the best but that's why ryujinx is winning so hard! hell yeah second place bros!
You were trained wrong as a joke
Ryujinx was always better and far more accurate. Only poorfags with shitty 10yo CPUs used Yuzu.
yeah but the alternative was not playing the game at all, so in this scenario the game would have failed either way
This isn't the own you think it is.
>y-yeah well yuzu is so capable that even toasters can run it! not like my favorite unoptimized trash, ryujinx!
>>686039938 (OP)
ryujinx still exists and never stopped being actively developed and yuzu has three active forks

plus i'm pretty sure nintendo knew about yuzu well before some literal who on twitter started screeching about it

sudachi, torzu, and suyu are all continuations of yuzu, so yes
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How is your work being taken down and forced to pay 2.4 million dollars considered winning?
>yeah well all the people interested in the game who played it without paying means it wouldn't have succeeded anyway
Piracyfags aren't sending their brightest. Or hell, maybe they are and this is unironically the best they've got.
It proves that they were so powerful Nintendo had to get serious with them. In comparison, ryujinx and skyline are joke characters like Dan.
So you agree that piracy is irrelevant in this case and that ultimately allowing piratefags to play for free and spread knowledge via word of mouth has a greater chance of helping the game than not.

I agree!
And you have not even a fucking idea what you are talking about. Sony never went bankrupt and closed shop, Bleem did, stop yappering already.
>>686039938 (OP)
>praising Real Niggerid
He needs to take a bvll up on his ass
It was not capable. It was a buggy piece of shit that had to use hacks so that third worlders like you could get it running on their toasters. Thank god it died so we can filter out browns and poorfags from modern emulation.
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Yee and they sure won that battle didn't they?
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>trust me bro all the (hypothetical) pirates would have paid for the game if it had some form of DRM!
really faggot?
They won against ryujinx then died an honorable death to the company that released the very first device you could use to play pirated Switch games.
It's not that complicated, yuzu checked every single thing in the no-no list, got bullied into bankruptcy and devoured by Nintendo.
The end.
Only yuzu meat riders argue otherwise, go figure
>buggy piece of shit that had to use hacks
But enough about ryujinx
Ryujinx always had less bugs because it was more accurate. I can tell you never used both, probably because your shit pc couldn't.
>Honorable death
Nigga please. If they hired the developers and made them create an oficial emulator for their new console sure. But they gutted their work and made them pay. It's like paying for a romantic vacation with your wife and then the bull goes with her instead. Literal cuck mentality.
I bet you think Germany didn't have an honorable defeat after WW2.
>Ryujinx always *copious coping sounds*
Guess which one is so stable I can play it on the same phone I'm posting with right now. Go on, guess.
desu, i wouldn't have cared at first but you guys spamming the board makes me wish it works
prove how c# isn't straight up the best oop language atm
>so poor he has to play games on his phone
Lmao thanks for proving me right. What are you even doing here? This is a board for video games not candy crush.
good morning sir
Anyone can type Castlevania (or Super Mario, Final Fantasy, Dragon Warrior, Ninja Gaiden ect.) free ROM on Google and all those sites pop un on the first 2-3 pages. They are not hidden by any means.
>>686039938 (OP)
I bought Bloodborne twice already. I would have bought a PC port. Sony and From won't make a PC port, so I'll emulate. You're also a cocksucking faggot.
they knew about the emulators, the thing that got them up in shitfit was Tears of the Kingdom getting leaked before its actual Switch release date and those morons running Yuzu locking builds behind a patreon paywall, literally asking to get C-and-D'd

there is zero precedent for Sony to give a shit about a PS4 emulator because it's breaking zero laws and not stepping on their toes, and that's if they had a case that wasn't just 'emulation bad'
Your tears
>>686039938 (OP)
Welp, its over lol
And vegans were so close this time.
yuzu was taken down because they paywalled versions of the emulator that ran Zelda before it came out, not to mention posting instructions to what amounts to literally piracy

shadps4 is safe
Lawful neutral.
>Not wanting his favorite entertainment medium to crash due to people stealing games.
Fucking lmao, I have already not bought Bloodborne for 10 years, do you honestly believe anyone like me is gonna break down and buy it plus a ps4 at this point?
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Ok, and?
>>686039938 (OP)
why are white people like this
No retard. It's called piracy because guys in sailor outfits scale game companies with hooks and ropes, kill all they encounter and literally steal all the videogames from within, them bury then in secret locations, only marked on shoddy maps and sea charts they guard with their lives. I would know, I'm one.
You didn't buy shit otherwise you wouldn't be pirating it.

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