Analysis |

Despite Gaza, Netanyahu Is Topping the Polls in Israel Again. He Should Thank Iran

Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu is enjoying an unbelievable, if not unbearable, recovery in the polls, despite Israel's dire diplomatic and security situation. In cold campaign terms, his management of the Gaza war and the drawn-out hostage crisis is a losing issue – but there's salvation in Tehran

Dahlia Scheindlin
Dahlia Scheindlin
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Dahlia Scheindlin
Dahlia Scheindlin

An Israeli expression holds that you must "rub your eyes" at the sight of something that is at once unbearable and incomprehensible.

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Many Israelis have almost completely switched off to the reality of their situation. They have switched off to the truth. They don't want to know. They will follow this man to disaster as they have been for a long time.

Director Mossad USA

Putin is also our fellow Jew. Mossad class officer materiel. Jewish Putin for you.

Paul Joseph

Does Netanyahu have enough support to eventually pull off his judicial reform?


You can apparently fool all of the Israeli right wing all of the time.

Director Mossad USA

Bibi has been consistently tough and consistently righteous. When a leader vaccillates weak enough not to resist the leftist slant his enemies will take advantage until they destroy him. That is how filthy politics is.
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00:08Director Mossad USA
BiBi and trump celebrates foreign enemies like Putin and autocrats like Viktor Orban.

Director Mossad USA

01:35Director Mossad USA
Putin is your fellow Jew. Trump's wives are all Jews. Show respect to your fellow Jews unless you are heathen.

haaretz repetitive - Dahlia Scheindlin

netanyahu is for netanyahu, and nobody else, Why have a deal when I can just delay ? This is a bad movie with bad actors and this is repeat

Dianelos Georgoudis

I suppose many Israelis were also impressed by the many standing ovations Netanyahu received in the American Congress. Forgetting that Zelenskyy also received enthusiastic applause in the same Congress - and look where Ukraine is now.
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Director Mossad USA

23:25Dianelos Georgoudis
How else can netanyahu handle that? Scoff on accolade.." their reasoning are like those of animals.."-bible

Director Mossad USA

23:40Dianelos Georgoudis
I can understand. Putin is also a Jew.

Director Mossad USA

01:45Dianelos Georgoudis
Zelenskey is also a Jew.


Un-effing-believeable. After reading this, I don't want to hear another person blame the Palestinians for the election of Hamas. At least the Palestinians have the excuse that most of them weren't born yet. Then again, at least a third of my country wants to re-elect Donald Trump. God help us, people are stupid.
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Dianelos Georgoudis

"People are stupid"
I understand the frustration, but given that exactly 50% of people have above average intelligence, this statement makes little sense. I think what is happening in the democratic West is that technology has made it easier for the powerful to manipulate the people. This leads to the paradoxical situation where democratic governments tend to act against the general interest of the people who vote for them. Not to mention that many don't even bother to vote. Whichever way you look at it, the Western model of democracy is failing, and failing badly.

Director Mossad USA

I am a Christian thoroughly familiar with all the verses of the Quran, Torah and Bible. Anti Israel rhetoric will never win me over. Netanyahu is correct. Do not deal with terrorists. Look, terrorist kidnappings decreased by 75%. If I get kidnapped my last will and testament says "do not pay the kidnappers". Let me die. Every one must agree to that just like any Mossad will agree to that: FOR THE GREATER GOOD.


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