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The Long (And Only) Way to a Palestinian State

אבי גרפינקל
Avi Garfinkel
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אבי גרפינקל
Avi Garfinkel

British historian Niall Ferguson recently suggested that the October 7 massacre essentially eliminated any chance for a Palestinian state. Let's hope that he's wrong, because otherwise we are doomed to eternal warfare.

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The problem in the "dialogue" (such as it is) between various parties on the Left and the Religious Zionists on the Right in particular is that the latter consider themselves to be God's mouthpiece. In other words, in contesting them, in their eyes, one is contesting God--so the engagement is asymmetrical, with one side on the absolute divine right and the other merely human and given to foibles. The challenge in engaging with Religious Zionists is to get past that. (I suppose we can use the Religious Zionist lingo and say to them something they can't deny as it is part of the whole Jewish story: that Jews have a contract with God--and over the centuries each side periodically considered the other to renege on any bargains--but that shouldn't stop ordinary humans from debating God, represented by Religious Zionists, as part of the contract. Of course, that begs the question of whether God considers the likes of Smotrich or Ben-Gvir as His mouthpiece--but that's another story).


It's really fascinating how for decades Israelis have been commuting a very serious crime under international law, have just been stated as in breach of said international law and to stop breaking the law immediately and to pay reparations to their victims, and it still doesn't seem to register anywhere.
Israelis keep thinking they have to be convinced, they have to choose, they get to decide.
Well, indeed, Israelis get to decide, for now. But the thing is : it's only for now. It WILL end. If there is only one lesson in history, it is this one : no position of power holds indefinitely.
Israelis should trade land for peace now, because the more the wait, the more m they may have to trade more land for less peace. In fact they should have done so 20 years ago.