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>>145024721 (OP)
i miss the dd&j era.
>>145024721 (OP)
that thing on the right looks like a rabbid so I automatically hate it
>>145024721 (OP)
I don't know...
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ding dong a cute
>>145024721 (OP)
There's a nail in my anus
>>145024721 (OP)
I don't like oneyplays, they don't do the funni scream no more.
Cory is still there to provide the funni screams
That sucks, anon
One time a kid threw a nail in my eye
Gave the little shit detention
True story
>is named Ding Dong
>has no dong
I sure hope someone got fired for that blunder!
Daddy dearest
everyone fearest
he sneezed into his son's mouth
You've been a bad dog courage
Since this is an obvious stealth OneyPlays thread how do we feel about things slowing down heavily in 2025? Honestly this is the only thing I even like online anymore. Will Chris finish Bowlbo and continue pursuing games or go work with Zach who now has industry connections?
That’s their only appeal? Maybe they were never good.
I’m fine with it, already feels really slow anyways
>>145024721 (OP)
Crash bandicoot 2 and kingdom hearts were their best playthroughs
it was always supposed to just be a side thing for Chris in the first place, and I really like the stuff he and the boys do outside of Oneyplays, there's a reason I've watched their stuff for a decade and a half. It'll be exciting to see where they can go from here, and if I ever miss it it's not like there isn't a fuckoff enormous backlog of videos to watch
He's an alien, he reproduces asexually
Have they confirmed this slowimg down somewhere? This is news to me.
I just jope they make a Nostalgia Critic collab before turning the channel fully into CoreyPlays.
I'm glad he's reached the ascension to godhood phase of his lifespan, soon a bunch of little dinglings will grow out of the ground where he laid his spores
>>145024721 (OP)
https://youtu.be/5NnbkokJAZs?si=_jl9gRJXL6otBhsy [Embed]
Chris O'Neill saying the N word
>>145024721 (OP)
Cause Adam won't shut the fuck up
>>145024721 (OP)
I'm Pagliacci
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>>145024721 (OP)
How shit is my Oney Play mixtape I made for myself?
they're super boring without zach, ding dong and julian. idgaf what anyone says about cory, he's almost as boring as tomar
>no history of power rangers
you need that mlp autist's Skyfall cover
Cory always has the most unhinged fucking crazy stories that end up being true
>when we were suspended in school they sent us to a sponge factory with retarded people
>i was putting hot tar on a wall and got some on my hand and my dad told me it would burn through my skin all the way to the bone so i rushed to the sink crying trying to wash it off
>I threw my old binder of embarassing shittily-drawn porn into the bottom of a river with a brick on it
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>>145024721 (OP)
I don't wanna...

I could definitely tell things were slowing down even by early 2024. Everyone seems to have moved onto new projects for the most part and the type of humor the crew engages in is vastly different (everyone gets older, it’s natural). The old Motifa and Pushkinti days are over, but everyone has to grow up sometime.

It’s a bummer, but I can always fall back on hours of previous material to listen to and there’s still Game Grumps (I’m 36 and don’t care about fake internet drama so as long as people provide me something fun to listen to while working I will enjoy it).
Does anybody know what video it is when they start making realistic baby crying noises after Tomar makes a slight complaint in order to mock him?
I feel like 2 mlp videos would be a bit much.
I mean the song itself is barely MLP related, it's that James Bond song sung by that dude that wanted an applejack instead of a rarity at McDonalds and can't pronounce his R's
>I gotta smash that like button, hehehehe.
>This is the lizard SKWAAAD
>>145024721 (OP)
What is their favorite cartoons
>>145024721 (OP)
DingDong is funny as hell, I know people say he’s a drama queen and what not but I liked how he was actually knowledgeable about the games they played, provided both humor and analysis, and was damn good at them too
I tried to keep up with them but DD keeps his chat in sub-only mode (or at least it was both times I visited) and that killed any interest in watching for me. I haven't been back in who knows how long now.
Summer Resort rocked and I'm looking forward to whatever else he and Jules are gonna be adding to it. I'll be there the moment the Gaming Awards video thing he talked about on stream goes live in there.
I appreciate Lyle now. He was sort of an annoying cunt at first but he's found his place. Content where it's him, Chris, and Zach are some of the best stuff in recent memory. Every Forspoken episode is good.
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>>145024721 (OP)
DingDong was a good reasonable intelligent talker and I enjoyed when he spoke but it was always like he was baby sitting and worst of all he was stuck with Julian a insufferable uncreative faggot that took every moment to talk about how he was a literal fag and rarely had anything to talk about so he leeched off of others conversations and tried to mimic what they did but failed.

Tomar is a good boy.
Jeff and Lyle are okay, I always get them confused.
I enjoy Zach's chaos and gas lighting and funny goblin voice.
Adam is a retard and rarely adds anything.
Cory comes from crazy and his military grade autism has its moments and makes him unique at times but his horniness and screaming gets boring fast.

I like Chris but for years he might as well be a side character of his own material at this point with how he's gathered all his friends to do everything for him even playing the games.
>I'm gonna smash EVERYONE's like button so no-one sticks out!
Did anybody ever figure out who the hell Uncle Bunkus/Cousin Bunkus was? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VvPs9kEHRE [Embed]
Who asked?
When are we gonna get a Disco Elysium playthrough with Corey playing and Adam has to read all the text?
Slowing down in 2025? It's been moving to a glacial pass since last year.
>>145024721 (OP)
Same reasons as Ding Dong. Severe depression and an unfulfilling job.
Super Mario 3d World. by far the most funny moment of the series https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrmkWoAby-M&t=515s [Embed]
The existing thread where everyone is posting opinions of the Oney gang?

Step back for a moment and try your hardest not be a bitch and just maybe your life might get better one day.
>>145024721 (OP)
Man Ding Dong was my favorite. I liked his voice, it made me calm hearing him. The new era is still amazing though, can't really go wrong.
He was funny on Oneyplays. On his own he's a fucking whiny bitch. Every stream I've popped in on or skimmed that he's done has been fucking boring or he's just sitting at a pause or title screen crying about whatever the fuck.
>you need to advertise a hotpocket?
>I'm your man
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGPZPx71FE4 [Embed]
The only series I bothered watching from them this year were Robocop, Twinsen, Tomodachi and that one with the furry goat babe
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>mfw Cory and/or Adam is in the thumbnail
I guess I'm not watching Oneyplays for another three months.
Adam always sounds like he downed a bottle of valium before they started the episode
Lyle's good at rolling with and expanding on a bit, which works well with Zach who can get a good bit started at the drop of a hat
I do not like Adam. Even in an episode with Lyle who I like he brings it down so bad. That Undertale play though was fucking unbearable cause of him
Lyle has improved "too much" when it comes to ad lib. He started weak, and now his one-liners are either right on the dot, or are too cerebral for the retards he's sharing an episode with (not including Zach). I don't know if he took brain pills or something, but he keeps competing with Zach for my favorite guest on an episode.
when oneyplays was at its peak, they weren't afraid to call their fans retards and actually had interesting opinions
Cory has overstayed his welcome
The Witch Hunt playthrough is retroactively ruined for me because of him. Some morons say that he's pretending to be THAT autistic, and that it was a bit, but there was genuine vitriol in his voice and he legitimately made everyone else uncomfortable with how adamant he was about being correct despite being absolutely wrong.
we had two golden eras. dd&j and energy filled zach before he made it and became too tired/overworked and disinterested during recordings. we are in the zombie era, and either the channel stops uploading regularly at some point or chris' back fully disintegrates. whichever comes first.
Skinwalker Hunt*
And yes, that final "bit" is painful
how did he confuse a philly cheesesteak with a french dip
The Forspoken episodes are great and it's funny whenever Zach made a passive aggressive jab about New York like he's still butthurt about the drunk EMT story from years ago
why not make an account
Cause he's an egghead that doesn't listen but wants to be heard at all costs
Me too. Lyle and Zach are okay but the other guys kinda suck.
I gotta admit, his whole tirade about 2 seconds of invincibility was legitimately annoying and no good jokes came out of it.
"Julian, it's you!"
"It's me!!"

"Tomar, it's you!"
"What?! No it's not!"

This is the difference...
>>145024721 (OP)
Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 will be the peak.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVzP9rnqojo [Embed]
Why is it that Kingdom Hearts straight-up fucking murders Let's Play channels? It did the same thing to SBFP.

Wind Waker is great too, almost any 10+ hours one is great. Kinda wish they bring back Jeff to finish RE2
Yeah. Cory is no fun. His autistic rants go on too long and he's too mad.
Sub-only means pay-to-chat on Twitch, unlike "follow"(channel subscribe)-to-chat on Youtube.
ive known about spazkid since i saw his brawl 4 video on ng and when he telling stories about his childhood on oneyplays everything started making sense
Cory is hit or miss, Sometimes episodes with him are solid gold but I really think it depends on the supporting cast, the Sonic Heroes stuff with Zach was great. Usually though he's painfully unfunny. Adam is a genuine non-starter, no content featuring him is good.
Cory's problem is he's trying to force a persona of being an epic rantsona truth teller but he doesn't have the intelligence, charisma, and eloquence to do it so he just comes off as a retarded sperg that's screaming about nothing.
Whenever the whiny Jew comes out of Tomar it's always funny
It didn't murder OneyPlays, they're still going and their LPs have been arguably more popular ever since
Oh no, Cory isn't forcing anything he's genuinely that retarded
Honestly I feel like when he tries to say half his rants are "Just a bit" I don't believe him I think he just gets too embarrassed after the fact. He'd do the same shit on Sleepycabin too
YIIK I.V update will revive the channel
I call it the Best Of Era, because 75% of the uploads are just compilations at this point
why did he stop animating :(
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>the Best Of Era
>it's actually the Worst Of
>not appreciating the CoryPlays Golden Age
Cory is only funny when he's paired with either Dave or Zach, and unfortunately that doesn't happen often
>funni scream without the funni
Cory's anti-chemistry makes him incapable of telling jokes or playing along with bits unless it involves Jaleel White Sonic. Even then it's still not funny. Then he just goes on about a boring personal story or starts screaming for no reason.
Cory is my favorite cast member
I haven't watched any episodes in like 2 months though, maybe he's gotten worse
I'd say he has gotten more chill but then he threw a tantrum for losing a save state.
No one wants to read your blog m8
It’s a discussion we’re having not a rant about every gay thought you think of
i seriously cant think of a good video or series outside of the AI shit. specially the AI songs one. I believe Worms has really been one of the greatest stuff
>>145024721 (OP)
Why can they barely even put out a video per week nowadays?
>unnnhhh I got called a faggot, better kill myself
Do Canadians really
Wait, matt is dead?
they record this shit ages ago and they have to drip feed videos because they're busy and can only record new shit sporadically instead of weekly.
I'm thinking about getting into OneyPlays. What's the best Era/Series to start with?
>Will Chris finish Bowlbo and continue pursuing games
No, he ran out of money. The contract for the gaming studio ended last October
>Work with Zach
Oney is lazy and had industry connections since 2011, there's a reason Zach has someone else do all the Smiling Friends music and gave him one bit part in all of S2
I unsubscribed when they dropped REmake 4. I remember Boney Plays really sucked that one year where they played that creepy mortician game. I stopped watching after that.
Maybe i'm just a faggot, but I will never understand why peoplw write fanfics and draw porn of real people. It just seems wrong to me.
Cory's not even close to being the worst guest since he's actually funny and interesting. Adam automatically outranks him in how unfunny and retarded he is
>they have to drip feed videos because they're busy

no, he just made a big deal out of edgy jokes from 8 years ago (even though he allowed his fat fuck friend to sexually harass someone)
I feel people either love or hate Yiik. It’s one of my favorite series but I’d probably recommend kingdom hearts, hitman 2, visage, worms or the GTA roleplays/mods
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KICf6ILZZDo&pp=ygUVR3JlYXRlc3QgZ3RhIHJvbGVwbGF5 [Embed]
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The animation collab for their Lord of the Rings DOS video is probably one of my absolute favorite things to come out of the channel, I still re-watch it from time to time
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WyVo-F16bs [Embed]
I stopped caring about super mega after they stopped appearing but they seriously went the Arin Hanson route? Sad I really liked Matt when he was on
The only good series you listed is the Worms one. KH is just hours of faggot and fat faggot being unfunny, Hitman 2 sucks because they're terrible at the game and the roleplay stuff was fine when it was just Chris and Jaboody,
You WANTED to watch a series with Adam in it? Adam is the fucking Poochie of this show
Matt might be the unfunniest and most tryhard faggot of them all, only rivaled by that retard Adam
Then list your own instead of being a giant faggot. No one said you can’t give your own suggestions
He was alright the times he was on. Idk it’s been a while since I’ve seen them because they stopped appearing like 7 years ago but he’s apart of the hitler clone debate and that’s one of the best moments of the channel
The best video they ever put out is the Pikachu's Quest episode and it's carried by Ding Dong's jokes, both in-episode and through his editing.
matt was actually funny at times. The banjo kazooie playthrough had some pretty great jokes by matt.
God of War, Spiderman, Street Fighter, Sonic Heroes, Websplorers, Jef, Dinosaur Savers, Sonic Frontiers, Resident Evil 3 and Wind Waker off the top of my head
I love that one too but I assumed he wanted more than just a single video. You don’t get someone into something by suggesting a single one off
>Chris O'Neill saying the N word
That wasn't even funny you retard, it was just this stupid autistic argument over nothing. Just becsuse Chris laughs at his retarded friends that doesn't make them actually interesting or funny.
Matt squealing like a faggot is not funny
we get it you don’t like OneyPlays. Youre very cool and contrarian
Is Matt the one who murdered his roommate and told everyone it was suicide?
I do, I just hate SuperFaggot and the unfunny fat retard he keeps including for some ungodly reason.
See that wasn’t so hard. These are all good suggestions too. You don’t have to be a prick to be liked
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I haaaaaaate Adam, he's a complete dope and the way he talks is aggravating. Cory can be grating too when he hams up being a annoying pervert and the bouts of tard rage, but at least he's conscious and talks about the games they play, he just needs to chill out
The best example is Sonic Forces where Chris and Cory are talking about the game and having a fun back-and-forth while the retard just sits there drooling and going "Woooooow". The only bad thing Niall ever did was introducing this retard to Chris
I wanted to see Chris' reaction to the game, and Lyle seemed to like playing it, since Chris is too lazy to play video games now, despite wanting to make one.
He's a creative consultant and a director, that's why there are two different studios working on the game
>two different studios working on the game
>still nowhere near finished
>guy who's never made a game before underestimates how long it takes
Yes, Chris is a retard
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>Doctor made fun of me for jerking off.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MaDifl0vqA [Embed]
I enjoyed Undertale, some of the Sims stuff and recently Tomodachi Life, but DD&J's LPs are still the best.
I can't pick between GTA5 with mods and both KHs as to which I like the most, YIIK is a strong contender too.
Speaking of which, is YIIK ever gonna get that final episode?
>Autistic man on /co/ loves the unfunny faggot shit that Redditors obsess over
The finale is dead, Chris confirmed it on a livestream
Thanks pal, I didn't ask though.
You were asking for being mocked for your shit taste
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I can't believe I forgot about these videos, fucking immaculate editing
>last one was 2 years ago
damn.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ym1Evj-CCnc [Embed]
I'm loving it honestly
Cory is great
This sucks actual shit, I can't believe you're that easily entertained
The funniest thing is that no one cares enough to sit him down and intervene on anything really
why though? if they recorded it why not put it up? I heard they wanted to do something special for it but why not scrap the idea and just post it as is
It's not that unusual since the guys over on Newgrounds are also taking their sweet time working on Nightmare Cops. 4 years on a whatever budget isn't that long in the grand scheme of things
This is what I mean. They're content to watch him make fucked decisions all the time
>A video game taking too long according to my retarded ass means that something is deeply wrong
Why the fuck are you guys talking as if Chris is about to be homeless? It’s pretty clear he has as much money as he needs from OneyPlays and could finish Bowlbo but really doesn’t want to. He doesn’t talk about games like he used to. He’s clearly fallen out of love with the idea of making them as a career. It’s not a matter of if he can finish it it’s if he wants to. He probably just doesn’t want the shitstorm it would cause if he canceled it. You saw how badly people were upset that the Yiik finale was canceled and that was just a single final episode of a single let’s play series not an entire original project.
There's a lot more wrong there than just the video game lol
Right because the parasocial autists who watch his let's play videos need their worthless opinions validated despite how little they actually know
Smiling Sloppers and its consequences have been a disaster for this website
>expressing an opinion in a thread is blogposting
Nta but shut the fuck up and go be a faggot somewhere else you sound insufferable and your posting is worthless
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>>145024721 (OP)
DingDong and Julian!
I used to hate Corey but I've grown to like him in small doses. Adam was genuinely never funny. I tried really hard to get into their Dark Souls letsplay with Adam and it was so fucking grating that I had to stop. I feel like the people who find Adam funny are the same people who celebrate "national puhskinti day"
There are these weird autists that have been on /co/ for quite a while that seem to really dislike Chris and Zach, and this started long before Smiling Friends
I think they just get mad that someone who comes off like a retard managed to amass a following and seems to have a stable career doing whatever the fuck he wants
>he's pretending to be THAT autistic
When he forced a freakout it's unfunny, hence why the skinwalker hunt rant is a low-point.
the doodle doods revival with harry partridge were their best videos in years
>Chris, Harry, Zach playthrough never
Thats literally it
You forgot about
>goodbye to the people who hated on meeeeee
>goodbye goodbye to everybodeeeeeee
Worm Town was better before Jontron left
The lives of fictional characters are now more protected than the lives of real people.
Has anyone else seen this schizo roleplaying with himself before? I have but I can't remember what thread he was trying to derail
Just one of many of the COVID tourists that mods should've gotten rid of by now since they're a literal underage, just ignore and report
Why is there a 90s cartoon bot/schizo
>listen to while working
Mentally ill behavior.
the game choices have been weak as hell lately
I like Cory but Conker is wasted on him.
Why even attempt to lie? It’s more pathetic if it’s true
I don't know, maybe it's that underage from a few years back that shared his yaoi ren and stimpy fanart on here (I forgot his name)
I guessed their monster hunter rise videos would end at the third video but it ended at the second lmao.
Is their a reason he always gives his avatar giant, sagging moobs? Because I think it's gross and gay.
Specifically to piss you off
To shame you into losing yours. You can do it, bud!
You're not missing much, even to this day he and Julian mostly just complain and never acomplish anything
>Cory in today's episode talked about Bam Margera being a fugitive which happened in April of last year
how old is the oneyplays backlog
i miss dingdong’s 12 hour mental breakdown streams with a paused obscure dreamcast or genesis game
I remember around last October before the Halloween stream they said they were basically done with Bippy…so what happened?
>be DD
>best part of that era
>knowledgable, funny, liked
>makes fun of g4, games, weird shit
>thin skinned in the end
Something about stones and brass houses
There is a real chance he's only just now hearing about it. He's basically an amoeba.
Motifa in GTA
There's no reason other than fat people = funny.
If you think it's sexual that's on you.
They meant basically done as in "I'm done with this bullshit"

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