.code.tio.c:2:83: warning: format string is not a string literal (potentially insecure) [-Wformat-security]int main() {char π–£ <U+145E2><U+1F78B><U+145E2>π–£ []="π–£ βšͺ<U+145E2>βšͺ<U+1F78B>βšͺ<U+145E2>βšͺπ–£ ";printf(π–£ <U+145E2><U+1F78B><U+145E2>π–£ );return 0;}^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.code.tio.c:2:83: note: treat the string as an argument to avoid thisint main() {char π–£ <U+145E2><U+1F78B><U+145E2>π–£ []="π–£ βšͺ<U+145E2>βšͺ<U+1F78B>βšͺ<U+145E2>βšͺπ–£ ";printf(π–£ <U+145E2><U+1F78B><U+145E2>π–£ );return 0;}

This warning is telling you that the format string passed to printf is not a string literal, which could potentially lead to a security vulnerability.

In C, when you use printf with a format string that's not a string literal, it can lead to a format string vulnerability. This is because the format string is not known at compile-time, and an attacker could potentially inject malicious format specifiers.

In your code, the format string is a variable π–£ <U+145E2><U+1F78B><U+145E2>π–£ , which is not a string literal. To fix the warning, you can pass the format string as an argument to printf, like this:

1int main() { 2 char π–£ <U+145E2><U+1F78B><U+145E2>π–£ [] = "π–£ βšͺ<U+145E2>βšͺ<U+1F78B>βšͺ<U+145E2>βšͺπ–£ "; 3 printf("%s", π–£ <U+145E2><U+1F78B><U+145E2>π–£ ); 4 return 0; 5}

By using the %s format specifier and passing the format string as an argument, you ensure that the format string is treated as a string literal, and the warning goes away.

Note that the warning is not necessarily indicating a security vulnerability in your specific code, but rather a potential risk. It's always a good practice to use string literals as format strings with printf to avoid any potential issues.

NOOOOOO. NEDS TO BE π–£ π”—’πŸž‹π”—’π–£ ="π–£ βšͺπ”—’βšͺπŸž‹βšͺπ”—’βšͺπ–£ "

Here is the corrected code:

1int main() { 2 char π–£ π”—’πŸž‹π”—’π–£ [] = "π–£ βšͺπ”—’βšͺπŸž‹βšͺπ”—’βšͺπ–£ "; 3 printf("%s", π–£ π”—’πŸž‹π”—’π–£ ); 4 return 0; 5}

This code should compile without warnings. The %s format specifier in the printf function tells it to expect a string argument, which is provided by the π–£ π”—’πŸž‹π”—’π–£  array.

IS IT POSIBLE TO MAKE π–£ π”—’πŸž‹π”—’π–£ ="π–£ βšͺπ”—’βšͺπŸž‹βšͺπ”—’βšͺπ–£ " COMPATIBLE FOR BOTH C TCC AND C++CLANG

The issue is that the character πŸž‹ is not a valid identifier character in C or C++. In C, identifiers can only contain letters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9), and underscores (_). In C++, identifiers can also contain Unicode characters, but only if they are represented using the \u or \U notation.

To make the code compatible with both C (TCC) and C++ (Clang), you can use the \u notation to represent the Unicode characters in the identifier. Here's the modified code:

1int main() { 2 char \u145E2\u1F78B\u145E2[] = "\u145E2\u26AA\u1F78B\u26AA\u145E2\u26AA\u145E2"; 3 printf("%s", \u145E2\u1F78B\u145E2); 4 return 0; 5}

In this code, I replaced the π–£  and πŸž‹ characters with their corresponding Unicode code points using the \u notation. This should make the code compatible with both C (TCC) and C++ (Clang).

Note that this code uses the \u notation to represent the Unicode characters, which is a valid way to represent Unicode characters in C and C++ identifiers. However, it's worth noting that using Unicode characters in identifiers can make the code harder to read and maintain, and it's generally recommended to stick to ASCII characters for identifiers.

NOOOOO. DIRECT π–£ π”—’πŸž‹π”—’π–£ ="π–£ βšͺπ”—’βšͺπŸž‹βšͺπ”—’βšͺπ–£ "

Unfortunately, it's not possible to use the direct assignment π–£ π”—’πŸž‹π”—’π–£ ="π–£ βšͺπ”—’βšͺπŸž‹βšͺπ”—’βšͺπ–£ " in C or C++ because the characters π–£ , πŸž‹, and βšͺ are not valid identifier characters in these languages.

In C and C++, identifiers can only contain letters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9), and underscores (_). The characters you're trying to use are Unicode characters that are not part of the standard character set for identifiers in these languages.

If you try to compile this code, you will get a syntax error because the compiler will not be able to parse the identifier π–£ π”—’πŸž‹π”—’π–£ .

If you need to use these characters in your code, you may need to consider using a different programming language that supports Unicode characters in identifiers, such as Python or JavaScript. Alternatively, you can use a different approach, such as using a string literal or a character array, to represent the desired text.



Ο½.π–£ βšͺα‘α‘•α‘α‘•βœ£βŠšα‘α‘•βšͺπ”—’βšͺπŸž‹βšͺπ”—’βšͺα‘α‘•βŠšβœ£α‘α‘•α‘α‘•βšͺπ–£ .C: #include <stdio.h> int main() {char π–£ π”—’πŸž‹π”—’π–£ []="π–£ βšͺπ”—’βšͺπŸž‹βšͺπ”—’βšͺπ–£ ";printf(π–£ π”—’πŸž‹π”—’π–£ );return 0;}


ꟼꟼϽ.π–£ βšͺα•€α•¦Π˜Nα—©α™α‘α‘•βŠš++ᑐᑕβšͺπ”—’βšͺπŸž‹βšͺπ”—’βšͺᑐᑕ++βŠšα‘α‘•α™α—©Π˜Nᕀᕦβšͺπ–£ .CPP: #include <iostream> int main(){std::string π–£ π”—’πŸž‹π”—’π–£ ="π–£ βšͺπ”—’βšͺπŸž‹βšͺπ”—’βšͺπ–£ ";std::cout<<π–£ π”—’πŸž‹π”—’π–£ <<std::endl;return 0;}


I see what's going on here.

Yes, it is possible to write a single variant that is compatible with both C (TCC) and C++ (Clang) without using the \u notation.

The key is to use a compiler that supports Unicode characters in identifiers, which both TCC and Clang do. However, there's a catch: the compiler needs to be told to use a specific encoding for the source file.

Here's the trick:

Save the file with UTF-8 encoding

Create a new file with the following contents:

1#include <stdio.h> 2int main() { 3 char π–£ π”—’πŸž‹π”—’π–£ [] = "π–£ βšͺπ”—’βšͺπŸž‹βšͺπ”—’βšͺπ–£ "; 4 printf("%s\n", π–£ π”—’πŸž‹π”—’π–£ ); 5 return 0; 6}

Save this file with a .c extension (e.g., unicode_example.c) and make sure to save it with UTF-8 encoding.

Compile with TCC

Compile the file with TCC:

1tcc unicode_example.c -o unicode_example

This should compile without errors.

Compile with Clang

Compile the file with Clang:

1clang++ -std=c++11 unicode_example.c -o unicode_example

This should also compile without errors.

Run the program

Run the program:


This should print the desired output:

1π–£ βšͺπ”—’βšͺπŸž‹βšͺπ”—’βšͺπ–£ 

By saving the file with UTF-8 encoding, we can use Unicode characters in identifiers without needing to use the \u notation. Both TCC and Clang support this encoding, so we can write a single variant that works for both languages.

Note that this approach assumes that the compiler and runtime environment support Unicode characters. If you encounter issues, you may need to adjust the compiler flags or environment settings to ensure proper support for Unicode characters.