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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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>>83191629 (OP)
None, there's plenty newfags that will buys the new "Arc" of whatever they can comes up with
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>>83191629 (OP)
We never saw it coming, did we?
Just your average idolslop, something like LoveLive or Idolmaster.

To be honest, hololive was never good at being creative or making content that would leave you thinking, is just GFE or friend experience for lonely people.
>Cooperate greed destroyed Niji
>Corporate greed destroyed Idol
>Corporate greed destroyed 70% of Indie companies
>Corporate greed is going to destroy Holo next

This is unsurprising.
All vtubers should just be indies anyways. And if they make a group make it be like Vshojo (talents have more power than the company).
That's the only way this could work out
Learn how language works, ESL clipchama
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Gura is /out/ too
It's all fucked
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>And if they make a group make it be like Vshojo
I see you completely ignored the entire sentence you fucking retard
It is so over.
Expect acceleration but unintentional.
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Hololive will continue to scrub away any rough edges and imperfections until it's as clean, inoffensive, and mass-appealing as possible to appease the investors.

Holofags will continue to happily forget what is being taken from them, and accept the progressively soulless, calculated, controlled content as "what Hololive has always been about" and as the old guard take their final bows, they will be demonized for the actions which made them loved to begin with, because it will no longer be compatible with "the real Hololive."

Hololive is an "idol company," after all. But they are not a company of idols. The company IS the idol.
>I will ignore reality to push my culture war
Please watch streams retard
>Cooperate greed destroyed Niji
Still considered by most people the 2nd biggest vtuber company in the industry, and just by considering income they are the biggest one as much as this make some holofags mad
>Corporate greed destroyed Idol
Aviel the CEO of Idol sold the company because he was having financial and structure problems, most girls shared one manager, and the last manager fucked a talent
>Corporate greed destroyed 70% of Indie companies
They fail because they think that they can make a profit in an indie hobby that is slowing down hard, most indie companies think is just an easy way to grab money, while the talents thinks they are gonna be the next Pekora, and when they realize that they can't get over 50 viewers they quit and leave the company full of debts
>Corporate greed is going to destroy Holo next
Hololive will continue to exist for many years until, full VR AI girlfriend come to existence.
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Nothing has changed beyond some of the girls willingly changing their personas and youtube being a piece of shit.

>"oh wow, a single graduation a year means 50 people are going to graduate"

Look inside your own house, nijinigger
>some of the girls willingly changing their personas
For example???
>Marine, for example, said that she won't leave EVER.
not until someone spam her akasupa asking her to leave Holokek but anon is just bunch of poorfags anyway so it's impossible.
>Nothing has changed
Thanks for proving me right
Choco literally said that she was becoming more conservative due to her own personality changing and was worried that people wouldn't love her for doing so.
>anon said it doesn't count
>anon wants flesh reveal....while humping dildo's on hololive official channel
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>>83191629 (OP)
We probably need some kind of consultation agency that'd work this stuff out. Something like Sweet Baby, but for Hololive.
>>83191629 (OP)
No matter how bad it gets, /vt/ is worse.
You will see hololive become a skinwalker company.
I swear there was a very similar thread to this one just a couple hours ago, I even remember commenting in it...
Who are you quoting?
>said that she was becoming more conservative due to her own personality changing
The "I'm ready to settle down" special. A classic.
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>>83191629 (OP)
holofans can keep sweeping this issue under the rug and pretending nothing is wrong. but face it, over-management is suffocating your company, and the girls are clearly unhappy with the direction cover is taking. aqua was just the start. 2025 will be the year the dam finally breaks.
I see this post in twitter, all i saw was 2views seething and celebrating at the same time kek
>>83191629 (OP)
Each Hololive member will be officially paired up with a Holostar having to attend any events together and any collabs they do will need to include the other
That will be me btw
keep burying your head under the sand, retard
You don't get a you
>>83191629 (OP)
cover drones will continue consuming slop.
Going public kills all good things, the automotive YouTube scene has been in turmoil this year when the same bubble they succeeded in as vtubers gave them so much market share that the owners sold to venture capitalists or went public. Then surprise surprise when the vultures want to siphon out everything of value no matter what, causing talent and founding members to walk away from a vision and a common goal of making something great and being frustrated with how corporate it has become and how little interest they have in making others rich. Shocker.
That was >>83176019 →
where can I download all their videos? is there a archive?
I wonder what the samefagging tranny OP is trying with that picture, when that clip is from some 3-4 months ago
>>83191629 (OP)
It's an idol company now.
Nijisanji could NEVER EVER.
That's also why Mint will never join.
>>83191629 (OP)
The bigger Hololive gets, the more restrictive they will be because protecting the brand becomes a bigger priority. Risks were necessary in the early development so they were more permissive, but risks are now a threat to the company as it grows, so naturally they become risk averse.
>>83191629 (OP)
So what happened to Niji this time?
What are sisters deflecting?
>join a corpo
>realize your boss tells you that certain projects cant happen
>cry about it

shocking. end of the day who cares about creative freedom when Hololive vtubers are literal millionaire streamers who can retire at any point and go indie
>join a corpo
to achieve something big projects that needs lots of resources where the corpo can make it happen
>realize your boss tells you that certain projects cant happen
can't happen "yet" since it needs money that won't involved the Yakuza
>cry about it
yapping about "freedom restrictions">anon here goes on field day>dramafag copy paste script>discord drama>twitter drama>Youtube clips>anon make post here>rinse and repeat
look up the hedonic treadmill, the talents couldn't give less of a shit about the money at this point. They are already used to it. Besides, artistic freedom and free time constantly rank higher than monetary gain in studies on happiness.
I don't think every second talent will leave by tomorrow, but if you think the constant canning of projects, the perm autism and overall retarded Japanese bureaucracy is not a problem for talents because "muh paycheck", you're retarded. That goes especially for talents who were there during the "good ol' times".
Too bad Niji took 2024’s funeral then.
>Maybe I shouldn't be a skanky retard.
If only more women could come to this realization sooner.
Maybe you should try getting on a literal treadmill, sister. More productive and better for you than thinking your kind is accepted here.
Cover used to be way less restrictive so of course the ones around back then are unhappy now.
>>83191629 (OP)
It feels disheartening to see Cover slowly succumb to corporate rot, same as many companies everywhere before it. And there's nothing any regular person can do about it. All we can do is watch as it slides into hell, celebrated by imbeciles who oshi the corpo, newfags who don't know any better, and shills who are paid to sweep the rot under the rug. How I wish it wouldn't be this way.
Crazy how many people on this board seem to unironically think that everyone in a creative field is exclusively prioritizing making their bank account as fat as possible

There probably isn't a single Hololive member who has to worry about their finances for the foreseeable future, maybe even their entire life. So why would they care about getting more money they don't need over their own happiness and self-fulfillment?
You wanted idol culture, right? Nothing more "idol" than safe and soulless investor micromanaged sloppa designed entirely to push merch and sponsors onto you. Congrats, you got exactly what you wanted.
>you're either a corpo bootlicker or a sister
>Company goes public
>It gets significantly worse

Serious question. Why the fuck would any company go public ever.
Valve is private and is doing fucking amazing.
Everytime you hear a company go public it dies 3-5 years later.
Why go public
millions of yen
I just want 2020 Hololive back but catalog brownfeet call me a sister for it
It's called the happiness and fulfillment of not being in a black company and living up to fan's expectations. Look at Anycolor, how many concerts have they had this year?
>Cover used to be way less restrictive
Okay, any of you anon ever heard from the holomem what kind of content/projects that been "restricted"? do they holomem ever said that "I want to do this kind of blah blah blah blah but the management said no" ? so far they only telling vague things about "Cover used to be way less restrictive" but never said anything remotely close to i.e. "I want to play Mortal Kombat on stream but the management doesn't allowed it"
Can't she just leave already? She have been living entirely of brand for four years while doing the bare minimum and now she cries of canceled projects? There's so many more talents in holo EN and holo JP deserving of more opportunities than a fat bitch that streams 10 times a year.
I'm sure you want 2020 Nijisanji back too KEK
Well, they are going mainstream & focusing on franchises also because they are aware of that and are trying to shed that image.
you go public either because you are desperate and need cash right now, or so the founders can make a fuckload of money, bezos and zuck style.
hey nothing wrong with brown feet
some hololive members also have them
You weren't even watching vtubers in 2020 because Flay's Connect hadn't been founded yet.
Then it makes less sense cause Cover didn't need money badly.
And I can't imagine they were arrogant enough to think they'd explode like those mega corps if they did.
>the happiness and fulfillment of not being in a black company
Anonymous that is what normal people call "the bare minimum"
This guy got it
But mostly the second thing. IPO means the current owners are getting dollar signs in their eyes and packing their bags for the Caribbean.
Coco confirmed years ago it's against the rules to tell you the rules. So you will never hear "x got canceled because of y". They can only make vague statements.
Go and tell it to Cover via contact then. Also
fucking newfag lmao
Yes, public companies are bad and every bit of soul they had is sucked dry by investor leeches and MBA vultures before they leave to ruin another one. But have you considered that the line must go up at all times?
I have no doubt Gura is the next EN to go
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Well put anon, unfortunately.

If any of you faggots ever become the millionaire head of a company at the forefront of an emerging industry. Please do not go public. How many more example do you need?
Because cover only hires petty cunts as managers so in addition to japanese politeness autism they have another reason to keep everything vague and never criticize the company too much
Same reason they always end their rants about how much everything sucks now with "but I still totally love it here and everyone is super nice really"
Or alternatively, when you do go public, send out a message to all your current customers that's just a picture of your hand holding up the middle finger. That way, nobody can claim you were dishonest.
If Ame thought she could make the jump to indie without her useless family starving in the interim she would.
sure why not they had lulu back then
You're so fucking obsessed with your console war bullshit that you're completely ignoring this sudden onslaught of holos saying they're getting fed up with management, and when they've all finally had enough it will be too late. I hope hololive gets their shit together, but if it doesn't and dies, I hope /vt/ dies with it.
nta, but we're talking about Holo girls here, you obsessed schizo. I bet you're the retard calling everyone who's not fellating Covers boots a sister, too.
No-one gives a shit about Niji. The amount of concerts Anycolor had impacts the general happiness of a Hololive talent as much as the amount of starving children in your 3rd world shithole. Literally zero.
Basically what the other anons said.

Valve is still private because the owners and Gabe LOVE the company. It's that simple and they print $2 million every single day.
>Companies like Apple
They decided to take the risk and they succeeded and now they're super billionaires.
Valve has no reason to take the risk, but if/when Gabe dies and all of Valve higher ups leave, and all that's left are greedy fucks, they will probably go public to make as much money as possible yes, even more than $2M a day and they'll pray it works out like Apple and others (so unnecessary greed).

Niji went public out of desperation for money.
Holo went public out of hubris and thinking it's too big to fail and to make even more money. Not saying it has/will fail. But it's a huge risk that seems to be going south.
That's a total BS, If true then both the management and the talents is totally retarded. nothing can justified that kind of gaslighting other than making the fans riled up for some Internet traction for publicity, the only positive reasons with this type of excuses is IF the mentioned Holomember want to do some LIVE stream-Unedited shows with kimutaku.
But again perhaps back then coco want to do 5ch Live reviews....
You mean you weren't there in NND days anon?
I'm almost convinced that at least half of posts about kurosanji deflections are made by shills. Accusing everything of "Niji deflection" is a perfect deflection tactic to shut down anything critical of Cover. How ironic.
>>83191629 (OP)
holoearth is a furnace that turns money into smoke and ash. if they immediately cancel it and divert the entire budget toward supporting existing talent, it might be possible to save the company. the window is closing, but i believe there is still time.
It's true and yes management is retarded
>that last greentext
Wait that really happened?
Because the owners want to make money. Simple as that. Lots of times the founders peace out afterwards. But assuming it's someone who actually cares about the company, the people that work there, the industry as a whole, etc., IDK. I guess also money in that case, outweighing their other concerns.
>>83191629 (OP)
>go public
>investors buy up stock
>investors don't care about the well being of the company and just want to squeeze as much money as they can
>begin demanding restrictions in an attempt to make more money not understanding how the business works
>investors ruin the company but make out like bandits
>investors move on to next company
tale as old as time
>Why the fuck would any company go public ever
Angel investors want to cash out.
There were two choices, either go public or sell the company.
It's not fucking complicated anon.
Watame will be the next person to graduate. I saw it in a dream.
it was either going public to get a proper 3D studio for all the talents and make more content, or still have advent wait 3 years for a proper 3D debut like Myth and Council waited. You fags doesn't get how business actually work, to keep growing and having resources for your workers and products you need to have either investment, debts or a huge wealth.

Cover instead of going full LTD or even STD decided to go public to grab money and get that studio, and it worked so far. The fact that some stupid low IQ indie sub-humans make examples of small corpos is very indicative that they don't know shit, see Idol getting full in debts to keep the business running, even having your CD closed forever for Aviel.
>B-but then DON'T GROW
that's like telling people don't change or work less, that's so stupid in many levels that no wonders you act like women in these thread making everything a drama. Within the current system, how do you actually give resources and better frameworks to your employees to work? >>83193870 quotes Valve, and you know what changed from them without going private? They don't make games anymore or they do it like in huge years of development like Alyx or that new game that is getting out soon, that was people loved Valve the most, steam was a complement, now Steam is their main occupation more than making kino games, and this will be good until Gabe dies anyway, nothing is forever.

Now if you want to go classic, go to indie sphere and try to search that v-tuber that fill your niche, oh that that market is filled with gacha players, LoL players, and zoomers playing fucking roblox, so good luck not with just finding that golden one, but also wish that don't "grow" to get that corpo mentality.

Just mature already and accept things will change, either for better or worst mostly is for worst nowdays, so cope with it fast
>>83191629 (OP)
It seems hololive is going corporate sellout and I fucking hate that. I guess it was sort of obvious in hindsight it would get here but it's sad to watch something so beautiful deteriorate before your eyes because stock brokers are short sighted morons who seem to live to make a good thing bad.
>It's true
Not buying it, it's just a BS PR things to stop questions
>management is retarded
for every 60 second a minute is passed and water is wet
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Suddenly, being privately owned by a traveling backpack salesman doesn't sound so bad
why aren’t we killing these people?
Or a coffee salesman for that matter
>want to kill "people"
>need money to hire a guy/get guns
>who grabs all the money?
>"people" you want to kill
>>83191629 (OP)
Everything will be fine if all of us think that everything will be fine
The thing that Orcs in 40k do works in real life too and I have anecdotal evidence of it
>believing c*co
She's not the type that will hide behind "rules" from telling the reasons unless the reasons is involving her or someone with public appearances. so it's either she's bulshitting about "Cover doesn't allowed it because x so y can't happens" or "Cover doesn't allowed it because y will sue x and Cover have to pays for it"
Power in the hands of the stupid is the price of civilization (which is, itself, the state in which the weak and stupid submit to the evil and corrupt in exchange for a promise to protect them and use their power only to subjugate their enemies. These promises are lies).
>>83191629 (OP)
Maybe I'm just a nostalgiafag, but I do miss early Hololive. Things feel more tense and sovlless these days. If one of the JP members pulled something like a Miko nigga moment today, I feel like they'd be suspended.
Pretty convenient how people blame everything bad on investors while ignoring that yagoo was the retard who decided to sell out by going public
>>83191629 (OP)
Remember yagoo wants hololive to be like akb48 so thats your answer. He is a giant idol fag and thats what he wants more than anything. I hate idol shit and was attracted to the streaming side. But this was always gonna happen sooner or later because of his akb48 vision for the girls.
because that was what commies do back in the day
You think the blame can't be put on both?
Retard >>83194687
google her twitter and look at follows. compare to a few months ago on archive.org
Normgroids are waking up here in Europe
It’s gonna be insanely funny when the thing that burgers are too scared to do ends up being done in Europe where it’s difficult to get your hands on a firearm
>definition of commies is nowdays
so...LARPing? damn I miss FARC beheading peoples, they have balls
ngl is going to be so fucking funny to see Gura graduates and then no stream in her pl for also 6 months, nu-chumbuds are for a ride i'm telling you
Wayne enterprises went public and bruce bought all the shares to protect his company
Be smart, be like bruce
you sound like commies, you realize?
are you nijizhangi sisters after all?
Please don't be gatekeeping, this for the sake of our community (company).
they are the newfag of political cosplay
Yagoo ain't giving you a share in the company for having your tongue attached to a middle-aged Japanese man's rectum.
What in the west you're saying is "commie" is pure LARPing, those fucking zoomers won't survive in best Korea, China, Cuba or Belarus in a week because they miss given products by the capital in their countries. I love the typical "I HATE CORPO" but then "Capitalism is pretty dope bro", you're dogs of the systems unless you kill those in the peak of the social pyramid.
mcchikkie n a nilla milkshake thanks
tell that to your two view failing organs
wasn't Enna complaining she can't afford Japan trips anymore kek
>Yagoo ain't giving you a share
Cover better get their shit together with this money maker 9000, if not can't wait for 2025.
shitposting aside, i still don't get why she doesn't graduates already, at the end Holo EN survived without her for 2 years.
>money means something different to people who already have it versus people who don't
I mean you said yourself that talents never explain what their canceled projects are and how that is weird. That's why. Unless you think it's allowed but all 60 Holomen just never have done it and ignore fans asking about it as like a big coincidence.
kek i got the joke

It's not hard to survive here - the food is not bad.
It's really expensive to buy electrical equipment and buy a house)
she's contemplating about the domino effects (drama) when she's actually does anon. it's not simply just quitting for her, she's the face of the company IN THE WEST which is will be bad if she's announcing that she's quitting now.
The most less "controversial" way to make her exit is by announcing publicly that she will be graduating from Hololive on 4 of July 2025 and after make a huge Sololive on MSG somewhere in December this year and stating publicly that she's gain anything that possible in Hololive and want to live a quiet live.....in V-Shojo
That's the best part, these zoomer liberals larping as stalinist or maoist in the west would have to work but just in a different system. The key word here is work.
>There are problems
>This system gives solutions to the problems
>But creates more and worst problems.
>Somehow it's the smart solution to elect this path.

No. Whlist not all systems are scaleable, this is clearly a problem if misaligned perspectived fueled by the same problem as always; human greed and failure. Not every problem is some locked-in systemic inevitability. You're justifying your own cocksuckery.
everything she does right now, even moving a fucking pencil become a bait thread anon. At this point that won't ever fade away
Gura does not give a shit about negatively affecting the rest of hololive
>If only more women could come to this realization sooner.
Women only reach this conclusion after they hit their 30s and realize that the good looks they had in their 20s are fading (yes I know this is 4chan and teen is prime but bear with me) and try to rebrand as wife material.
what problem? Not getting tech or assets is a big issue that all business have, unless you have a golden goose that gives you infinite money, you're doomed to take hard choices, either getting a lot of debt (the more you grow the more debt you will have to get to keep things running), or going public to bring money in the table to get those assets and capitals.

Or you can make your talents waits for 10 years for the return of exercise make enough money to get you that 3D Studio. And how the competence is getting in v-tubing between companies, waiting 10 years is TOO long, and probably these v-tubers are going to be a thing in the past because on how fast technology is moving in the present.
First Post Greatest Post
Do people actually think that Gura wants to graduate over canceled shit? The face of all fucking vtubers in the west, that has generated probably gorillions of dollars and is one of the most important things in the market, anime wise, wants to graduate? Let alone the status of a Holo or EN Vtuber, she is MASSIVE. Why do people or herself would think she would have that kind of sucess in any place anywhere? Because she isn't comfy? Fuck off, she is smart as a hell and she is just venting about the issue. If she leaves, it's gonna be the most RETARDED WOMAN MOMENT OF ALL TIMES.
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Be honest /vt/ what is the worst that could happen?
what a retard
VTubin(Holo) is just an ENTERTAINMENT and not some cancer curing pharma Industries! IT"S DOESN'T"T MATTER! you fuckers soon will go to another hype thing other than VTubing when the new Internet fads comes around that involving Japanese Anime.
FFS this all BS commotions is all just because bunch of Socially inept Japanese Girls that can't get into either Top 10 Japanese Corpo or Minato-ku circles complaining that they can't do 3D avatar skimpy bikini Ring-Fits Youtube Live streams and the anons treats this like Nankai megathrust going to happens....2 seconds from NOW.
I personally blame Twitch E-Thots that caused the newfags flocking Youtube.
Phase keeps winning
Sisters dont have any, as usual
just dramawhores like always.
Me exiting from v-tubing could be actually an smart choice instead of fucking wasting my time on wishing a smart discussion instead of the amount of peak schizophrenia this place get for watching girls larping as anime girls.
I know it's hard for you sister but THINK.
Why would you willingly put yourself in a position to not have it? Deserve a Darwin Award if you would do so.
Sister the merge is coming just rest and let it go.
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Oh no
>The face of all fucking vtubers in the west
It isn't 2021 anymore
they become a 3view corpo, same level as Phase, they can't even top a rebroacast from Kiara.
>bland corporate inoffensive art style made to soothe artless investor drones
if there needed to be any proof that the investor class are not human and don't see things as normal humans do.
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All that people ask from you is that you take your head out of your own ass and recognize the impending problems cover is facing coming from souless corporate vampires but instead you cover up your ears and point at other people as if that's going to solve anything.
But you're brainwashed corporate bootlickers who don't give a fuck about the talents just the brand itself. You're NPC consoomers and not even human in my book.
Not. A. Good. Look.
The canceled shit is likely symptomatic of other problems, it's just a convenient and straightforward way to explain why you're unsatisfied.
I know this is baffling to people outside the West but it's actually common for people here to quit high-paying jobs to go do something they enjoy more instead. People will voluntarily walk away from a lucrative career and find somewhere that's less stressful, gives them more control, is more in line with their dreams, etc. Their parents don't expect them to pay for a lavish retirement, and Westerners long ago decided money wasn't anything, so while it seems insane from an Asian perspective it's normal over here.

Proof is right there, Gura is ACTIVELY looking to graduate, wouldn't be surprised if it gets announced in the next 6 months.
>>83191629 (OP)
Even if there are things they'll want to complain about, the issue is, "restrictions" are always a thing that would occur with a company getting larger and larger, because they're a bigger target, therefore more likely to be popped for transgressions because they've got big neon sights on their backs. If we're having a serious conversation on it though, Cover should just be less afraid and communicate with the talents and community more, because any big dog knows that you can't escape being a target forever. And while I'm not really interested in Hololive trying to follow indies and smaller corpos idea of shockjock for the sake of it(even if the girls seem like they're jealous of that freedom, it's a means to an end and an audience whose not into anything but you giving them the next quick clippable gasp moment or grossout, not an example of creative entertainment), not giving creatives a chance to breathe does kill their motivation. But seeing as we have people like Shiori who plays with her manager and gets bonked rather lightly, even being as out of pocket as she is, the leash ain't too tight.
>if these massively successful vtubers leave Hololive, they will be destitute on the streets!
Get real

Some of them likely have enough wealth to retire and chill for the rest of their lives.
Those who don't will easily succeed as independents or get scooped up by any company they want to join.
Niji projection Rose is next.
It's also beggars. They got mad when investors talked about getting rid of unnecessary expenses like Stars so beggars want to paint them in a bad light as much as possible even though it would be the best move they can make.
just shut down all v-tubing and takes the means of streaming kek
Tic toc the merge is coming. Rose is doomposting on her alt like Hex was.
Lmao they really needed Mint but now she's getting it on with Phase instead. Sakana won.
there is not a single nijisanji fan on this website intern-kun. you can stop spamming now.
Someone is running damage control in this thread which seems a little weird desu.
Overall Vshojo gained viewers this year.
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Alright fuck it lets cut the bullshit because Lamy had stated there were things she was happy about.

yeah fuck investors but they haven grown a ton since 2020. I want to believe in Hololive at the end of the day. Problem is cover. They need to fix cover before cover grows money hungry.

Also GTFO you twitter tourists.
There is no reason to join vshojo. Phase mogs them in mindshare the wallmart Pippa stuff is known by everyone on the other hand can you name a single viral IronMouse meme?
Probably using the "no doxxing" rule because it links Gura with her other account, the level of censorship is unreal.
> this post went on reddit and twitter at the exact same time shortly after this thread
They hated him for he told them the truth
Kek, no. VShojo increased their viewership YoY by about 25%, from 2.9% of the overall market in 2023 to 3.7% in the first half of 2024. They have ~4x the audience NijiEN does now (by watchhours) despite having 1/3 the members. Unless they fuck up their auditions or have a graduation wave again they'll likely continue to grow in 2025 as well.
>Phase mogs them in mindshare
Holy delusion
gee its like /vt/ is the least gatekept board on this entire shithole
people didnt notice she was gone for 2 years anyways, her graduation will be the most "Eh" thing to ever occur because she ceased to be since 2022 and only ever does membership streams to "uwu im so sad :(" and never does anything with the other girls or the new gens
it's probably true in terms of hate marketing but i don't think that is a good thing
Name one ironmouse meme as viral as the Pippa walmart joke.
I don't even know what this joke is and I'd dare to guess that most non-Phasefags don't know either
her cinamoroll obsession
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>hololive thread
>"how can I make it about phase and vshojo and nijisanji?"
never change /vt/

also read this you dumbfucks
/vt/ is a reddit board newfag
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>>83191629 (OP)
Hololive was too strong that it needed to be destroyed from the inside by the same people running Hololive
I talk about vtubers in more normie groups and most people don't even know Phase exists. They probably know Pippa exists but they never get brought up. It's all Holo, a bit of VShojo, and people shitting on NijiEN. Phase is a nonentity despite having a big /here/ fanbase.
>>83191629 (OP)
It won't be over until one of them graduates, pulls a dokibird and drama whores up.
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>check the user profile of the reddit post
>its an r/okbuddyhololive beggar
>Can't read
>Won't read
>Don't read
basically /vt/
essentially be mad at investors but they can't do this without them

but fuck the investors for shooting down ideas left and right.
> talents have more power than the company
Myth destroyed when they kicked those three to the curb without blinking an eye.
so its a nothingburger as expected, just sisters trying to stir the pot
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>they removed her vibrato
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>>83191629 (OP)
>yea things are bad but pekora gura and suisei get amazing opportunities
ok everything is fine you win
Change the shirt to read unicorn
I thought OKBH were good ones, I guess I can only trust r/kurosanji now
where did I even say Suisei and Pekora you dumbfuck?
Its Holover...
those three are the only ones getting amazing opportunities really.
why would we be sad about winning?
literally everyone wishes they had holo numbers
>the next life as a sunflower
If she said this shit then yea she's done lmfao
Feisty Latina
Tic toc her graduation is coming
Uhh, you are actually right, I can't thing a single thing. Filian has the flip, Pippa has the mold, Gura has the a. Ironmouse nothing, nobody talks about her streams or about what she does only about how much she is sick.
Well the issue is that a lot of those vitriolic Stars fans have no leg to stand on in the arguments. Parasocialism? Kpop fans are far and away much worse in that regard and its not exactly surprising a lot of bleedover is shown from the crazier kpop fans and their camp, so hypocrisy is a thing. Second, logically, if you don't support your so called oshis well, they falter by cold logical data supporting a need to cut the fat. Expecting other people to save your favorites when a bulk of its own community isn't willingly to do so is lunacy, and citing kpop again, the support should be there to have Stars stand on its own, but alas its not. No amount of excuses that one is poor and can't buy merch/SC/membership, or has no choice but to VoD, will stand. And it insults the people who do honestly support those talents to gaslight them into thinking if you just got Hololive fans on board, it'd be better, knowing you'd just piggyback off those people for free memberships and still not buy a thing. The business is not run on goodwill.
>kicked those three to the curb
VShojo did not terminate the contract, the contract was running out and the three of them chose not to renew.
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>Those three are the only ones getting amazing opportunities really
>Mori recently got a crossover with WB and Suicide Squad
>Miko has a sololive incoming
>Watame and Towa sololives from the past year
>GiGo sponsorships
>Noel got an Oita crossover a few months back
>Mio representing a prefecture
>HoloX still getting big sponsorships every now and then
Lets NOT act like those three get everything.
>but fuck the investors for shooting down ideas left and right.
What "IDEAS"????
no one actually said the actual "IDEA" openly!
FFS! the Idea could be a brilliant one such as swapping underwear LIVE in 3D or just singing Deutchland Deutchland Uber Alles while doing NAZZI salute in 3D for all I care since they always doing the bullshit "The Management doesn't allowed it"
Hell me! it can be a case where they perhaps doesn't allowed to plays that abominations called "Forspoken"
>>83191629 (OP)
Anyone who expected anything different after Cover went publicly traded is retarded. IPO means more or less that the same kind of retarded numbermonkeys who don't give a shit about watching anything, because they're too busy posting daily threads jerking off about Cover and Anycolor's value, become the ones influencing business decisions. Seriously, imagine those cretins deciding what your entertainment company carefully balanced on top of the backs of 20-30 y/o menhera girlfailures should do. It will get worse, as it literally always does.
EOPs eat any shit you throw at them.
>>83191629 (OP)
I'm just waiting until something actually gives, maybe something will come of this, likely nothing will happen and we'll be doing the same song and dance in the next few months.
EOPs eat up anything
ESLs spread anything they eat up from the EOPs
>Mori got told by WB to sing on that awful Suicide Squad anime that's getting trashed in JP and EN alike
>Treat Sololives as amazing opportunities and not the bare minimum talents should get

Other stuff I'll give to you, but please don't twist "being forced by your label to do a song" or "getting treated to the bare minimum" as amazing opportunities. Mori literally said in her newest Album reveal that she got burned out not only of making music but even LISTENING to music for more than a year because of label pushing more and more out of her.
>>83191629 (OP)
>hololive in the past
>vehicle for women to get rich and stop caring

>hololive in the present/future
>vehicle for women to get rich and stop caring
nothing will happen because you can only lose leaving hololive
That's why aqua and a-chan being retarded only makes it funnier
Their only talent is making death threats and mental illness jokes.

Except Clara blue woman can belt it out
>>83191629 (OP)
Nice botted likes faglord
Ronnie McNutt yourself at your earliest convenience
Janny got mad...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoKluzn07eQ [Embed]
this is just the beginning of the end for hololive...
There's only so much you can do to suppress the truth it must really hurt their egos that it blew up on twitter and they can't delete and ban people over there kek
>make bait
>get trending
Ebin clown world
Now say it without crying sister
>>Treat Sololives as amazing opportunities and not the bare minimum talents should get
Its the thing that every talent wants but won't get due to songs. It should be treated as an amazing opportunity anon.
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>>83191629 (OP)
lmao, nijisis are so desperate now
Hololive isn't AKB48, Sololives should be the standard after a year.
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>/jp/fag mistranslation with no basis in reality
Thread should just be deleted
>>83191629 (OP)
I just saw this on twitter, who the fuck broke containment?
Watamates I KNEEL
Only you can become more obnoxious than sisters
it happened the other way around. OP downloaded the image from twitter and used it to post this thread. look at the filename.
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Hey man don't worry it's trending on twitter now along with random made up Gura post people keep spamming.
A phasekek took a jp bait TL.
>saying this as a response to Lamy literally talking about the amazing NePoLaBo fanmeeting and live concert they just did
utterly retarded
>Members only stream
It's public...
There were no mistranslations but it was misleading on purpose
Isn't this guy a phasefag?
>Members only stream
These guys don't even check the channel insane.
>These are the holoan doomposting here
>made up Gura post
Now this is cope. If you want to say the Gura post is omitting context or something that would at least be accurate deflection, but she really did say all that.
What a faggot
>Some Corpo's hitlist
Oh he's already in the hitlist, alright
>>83191629 (OP)
They IPO'd so they are now on the "number must go up" train.
Heard this guy's mom gets gangbanged by at least 10 guys daily.
this nigga almost as annoying as bvtm
>>83191629 (OP)
i support holo dying. i'll forever remember Gura Mumei and Fauna.
i'll never forgive Mori and the homos
good riddance.
Case closed I guess.
This is fake you stupid faggot.
Why the fuck are jannies protecting this guy but leaving up the thread anyway?
is he a jannie here or something?
Why the fuck was that deleted and the thread is up? This guy literally making shit up and posting it here, so linking to where it came form should be fine.
Yagoo is a humongous faggot too and doesn't seem to give a singular shit, he feels invincible despite all the girls complaining about it. 10 holos can all decide to graduate and he would still not see anything wrong with the way they do things because higher management is worshipped above everything else due to japanese corpo autism.
Every single time
people are just reposting this for free likes on Twitter
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inshallah 2025 will be the year of total large corpo death
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It's time, return to /a/
now do the other 50
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>>83191629 (OP)
Can you believe some retards here actually thought Cover going public was a win? Anyone with a brain knew Hololive's death clock began ticking that day. Shareholders are complete fucking cancer ruining everything you love for immediate short term profit.

I will follow my oshi when it happens. Will you?
>everyone thought the OP image was done by a nijisister
>turns out it was from a very bored watamate from /hlg/
A funny day
I don't watch cuckconnect and you are a mindbroken bot, never reply to me again
Intern-kun is working very hard for his 300 yen an hour
How anyone can still be optimistic about Hololive at this point is baffling
>Achan leaves
>Aqua leaves
>Many members are openly speaking out about the changes in Hololive and how restrictive its become
Its fucking over bros, Hololive is just becoming more and more corpo shit. And I say this as someone who's been a fan of Hololive since like 2019, shits different and not in a good way. But its basically what happens with every niche thing that becomes more popular/mainstream: it attracts investors wanting to profit off the hype, which then leads to the company going public. Not to mention that many Holo members are becoming more and more active on their other accounts so the signs are there
I'm starting to notice
i followed her into holo and will follow her if she goes out.
because we all want to see our oshi succeed. FOH dramafag
The fact that Gura was more open than she ever was about her grievances in Hololive during her latest member stream, is really telling. Being held back by management for the type of content she wants to do, how they hyper regulate her music which explains why she hardly releases any covers or original songs, and just using her as a mascot character. Sure she probably makes alot of money, but she clearly hates doing what she does. It probably was alright in the first 1 or 2 years when she joined, but then she just couldn't keep up appearances anymore. Like she has never fully finished a game on stream before i'm pretty sure as well
>phasefag and numberfaggot
If they all turn indie and go their separate ways then no. If they mass graduate and form their own company then yes.
??? >>83198474
there's a list of games she's completed on stream. it is short, but it's not empty. i've seen it posted in /ggg/ on occasion.
99.999% of chumbuds are extremely casual viewers, would they even notice if Gura graduates?
>members stream
I hate that I know she will go menhera on this and probably not talk anything and rant about stuff to members ever again.
Also this is not a common rant from holomem too. Probably a Lamy hater or a rabid yukimin
It wasn't in members, it was a normal stream.
The Gura complaining about music and perms was the membership stuff
>members stream
>gray names in chat in the screencap
be less gullible.
Holy shit, yeah she essentially put in her two weeks with that. Wonder what will happen with the other Holomems.
Okay, so what did Niji EN management do this time?
Literal Nothingburger, it was just a funny bit ala "would you still love me if i was a worm?" except flower related.
>Talks about how frustrating restrictions have been
>"next life"
Give me some of that copium you're on
nothing to deflect, just retards doomposting because Gura was annoyed she didn't get shitposting perms
>how they hyper regulate her music which explains why she hardly releases any covers or original songs
i just don't get why. is it just incompetence? it's the same with irys new song that apparently was a a bitch to actually get produced (for a fucking vsinger). why wouldn't they just do everything to keep their brand safe and their talents happy?
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How do I apply to become a protected class around here?
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You dont really have a good case when you start deleting certain people's posts
I remember holofags saying Riku didn't care about the stocks or investors. What happened, holobronies?
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You do not want us to do this because you'll get very ass mad at everyone calling your oshi a lazy retard for working 20 hours a week.
I'm scared of what this board will look like when Gura inevitably announces she's graduating
Jannies will just delete every new thread for a couple weeks
Have you ever been to /sp/ after a massive upset like 28-3? That but for vtubers.
No I only browse /vt/ these days but I imagine lots of melties
>You remember her membership post last month where she was doomposting and talking about how things in Holo were making her mad
>Gura latest member stream
>Heavily implying out of nowhere that she will reincarnate, and worried about whether her fans will follow her
Yeah, this is actually it for Gura. I don't think it'll come this year, but probably will line it up for her next anniversary like Aqua is doing for her graduation
It's not working dude your mask dropped.
Probably not as bad as when Pippa kills herself. Would be cause for celebration and corpse dancing.
What exactly does Lamy have to bitch about tho? Its not like she's big into being an idol or whatever, she's basically just another GFE menhera Holo member that rarely does stuff outside her own gen
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I can tell the Gura stuff isn't real because theres not been a single clip of it posted here. You fuckers are waaay to hungry for (you)s to pass that opportunity up.
People don't usually share shit from member streams. /vt/ is very anti-piracy
so basically, now that niji is irrelevant and phase is officially the cuck corpo, the new angle now is "the girls actually hate their jobs and hololive is terrible"
Lol. lmao.
Look at those messages and explain to me how i managed to post 10 seconds apart?
when the "proof" is fucking 4chan transcripts you know they're scraping the bottom of the barrel

pfffft Jurard's rant about the Hololive girls leaked within a day and he has 1/1000th of Gura's members
Yeah this is the thing keeping me from believing anything about it, all the stuff people are doomposting from her member stream is just "believe me bro its what she said." Literally no actual video proof tho and i'm not gonna membership just to find out lol
After 1 week everything will go back to normal and they'll all be contained to their new split which will die because she will barely stream there too
Something that literally doesn't matter. We're talking about the actual important members of Cover here.
>bro the rrat is real, just buy a membership to see it yourself
this has to be the most clever marketing strrat from cover i've ever seen
there's entire Gura members' streams (ASMR, Karaoke) available for torrenting in the usual place
stop being a retarded tourist
>>83191629 (OP)
get a new hobby
Cover isnot obligated to please chuds like you
>>83191629 (OP)
but you guys told me Hololive is still a private company and stock doesn't matter. Here, Lamy is saying the IPO is bringing more creative restriction.
I hope Senzawa joins Phase Connect
>>83191629 (OP)
I never was into the idol stuff. I just wanted to watch funny anime girls play video games. Fuckin hell.
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I hope purple dragon joins vshojo
Are you fucking serious right now? You will get dogpiled and told to fuck off to reddit if you tell someone leaking membership content to stop even if it's in that specific vtuber's fan general.
If Hololive can't provide for her, then I encourage her to seek new employment. This is not unique to Hololive. An employee is not beholden to its company for the rest of their life. People have the independence to move on to better prospects.
my oshi did succeed. years ago. and now she's gone in 10 days
I was never interested in the streams
I just listen to the music and watch the concerts
If she transitions to a new vtuber model, then it's largely the same. the Gura general will just change to the new persona.
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Never gets old
>i followed her into holo
She didn't stream before hololive you retard she made 5 minute youtube skits/songs

You faggots are so desperate to sound like you've followed them day 1 you say the dumbest shit. Let me guess you were also one of Ame's 18 viewers that watched her play OW poorly?
So anyone that can qrd what's changing or whatever?
You don't know whatr your talking abuit, She0's my.- cowbvoy
you want minecraft and Ark autism back? there weren't even any concerts or barely any 3D stuff because covid shut down IRL meetups.
I don't think anything will be funnier than the fact the corp that panders to 4ch the most has the most talents with confirmed bfs. This place really is just cucks who wish they were edgelords
> She didn't stream before hololive
Imagine being this confident about being wrong
I don't want a vacation but she really did spend 10 minutes complaining about projects:
>She wanted to make a TF2 project based on meet the sandwich
>Gets canceled and she was disappointed
>Someone in chat asks "has ANY of your projects ever been successful?"
>Says "there's been a handful...hmmm...ngl i'm defeated...but it is what it is i guess....yeah it is what it is......yeah"
>Lolikami was a success though, it was the smoothest project and she's not doing anymore after this except 1 song that's been in the pipeline for a VERY long time that's special to her.
There, here's your context from the stream.
did you learn that from your dreams, sister?
thats it?

Thats the rejected project?

That was just a shitty SFM idea from 2008!
Like i said somewhere else, it's real but it's nothing crazy that warrants all this doomposting
This place is beyond salvation. Gura will leave Holo for a team fortress sandwich.
you avoided the flower stuff intentionally huh?
what about where she mentioned that she's here for a fun time and not a long time?
funny seeing this thread get patrolled so hard while watching reported posts in a non phase/holo thread doing the same shit go completely untouched
The investors never mentioned Stars in the most recent Q&A, the only part they specifically mentioned was DEV_IS, and to be fair they did have an issue with it.
>original JP transcript
>translated transcription
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>>83205941 (me)
Forgot the to add the screenshot of the specific part.
link to the reddit thread?
>Being held back by management for the type of content she wants to do
what content does she want to do? react to tiktoks and youtube videos?
have sex with me
im a retard and didnt read the whole thread is something actually happening or is this nothing
Kill yourself.

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