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Wood Sandpiper Wood Sandpiper
Wood Sandpiper
Photo : Erich Greiner
Wood Sandpiper
(Tringa glareola)
Observations in Germany and Luxemburg based on data submitted via ornitho.de and ornitho.lu since June 1st, 2024. Join in and help make the picture more complete!
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Thursday, August 15th, 2024
Watch out for Eurasian Dotterels! (Please also report nil counts!)
Das Brutgebiet des Mornellregenpfeifers liegt in den Fjällflächen und Tundren von Skandinavien bis Ostsibirien. Die europäischen Brutvögel überwintern in [...]
Tuesday, May 28th, 2024
Update: New version of the NaturaList app available (v0.264)
A new version of the NaturaList app for Android has been available since yesterday. In addition to various visual improvements, this mainly includes bug fixes and technical enhancements [...]
Tuesday, May 28th, 2024
Vogelwelt aktuell: Rückblick auf den Winter 2023/2024
Der vergangene Winter zeichnete sich durch erneut sehr milde Witterung aus. Genauer gesagt war es der 13. milde Winter in Folge und der drittmildeste je gemessene. Doch Rekorde [...]
Saturday, April 20th, 2024
Please select photos carufully!
Die digitale Fotografie hat die Übertragung von Bildern auf Internetseiten wie ornitho sehr einfach gemacht. An Spitzentagen werden mehrere hundert Fotos hochgeladen. [...]
Wednesday, April 17th, 2024
Keep your eyes open when using identification apps!
Smartphones are now a constant companion for most people. The technical possibilities in the field of bird identification are also developing rapidly. While digital identification [...]
Monday, April 8th, 2024
Important information on reporting via "NaturaList": location, time, species list
Die ornitho-App „NaturaList“ erfreut sich großer Beliebtheit und mittlerweile werden bei steigender Tendenz rund 60 % aller Daten mobil erfasst. Es zeigt [...]

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Friday, August 16th, 2024

Waxing Gibbous (11 days)
moonrise at 19h27, moonset at 1h03
 Sun: sunrise at 06h11, sunset at 20h41
 Day : dawn at 05h34 and dusk at 21h17
Last observation added: this minute.
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Friday, August 16th, 2024

Brunsbüttel: Braake Koogstrasse - Brücke Bötticherstrasse
Common Sandpiper 
Meldorfer Speicherkoog N: Odinsloch
Eurasian Spoonbills 
Meldorfer Speicherkoog N (FD1) [1819_4_47s]
Black Stork 
Meldorfer Speicherkoog N (FD1) [1819_4_47n]
Montagu's Harrier 
Kentish Plover 
Red-necked Phalarope 
Common Sandpipers 
Wood Sandpipers 
Little Stints 
Temminck's Stints 
Curlew Sandpipers 
Meldorfer Speicherkoog N (FD1) [1819_4_48s]
White-tailed Eagle 
Meldorfer Speicherkoog N (FD1) [1819_4_48n]
White-tailed Eagle 
Meldorfer Speicherkoog N: Wöhrdener Loch (FD11)
Red-necked Phalaropes 
Meldorfer Speicherkoog N (FD1) [1819_4_49s]
Common Sandpiper 
Green Sandpiper 
Vorland Meldorfer Speicherkoog N (VD21) [1819_4_46n]
Common Sandpipers 
Curlew Sandpipers 
Schellbruch: Kleine Lagune West
Egyptian Geese 
Domestic Ducks (Bastard) 
Northern Shoveler 
Red-breasted Mergansers 
Little Grebes 
Great Egrets 
Water Rails 
Little Ringed Plover 
Common Ringed Plover 
Common Snipes 
Common Sandpiper 
Green Sandpiper 
Caspian Terns 
Common / Arctic Terns 
Common Kingfisher 
Carrion / Hooded Crows 
Schellbruch: Süßwasserteich
Northern Shovelers 
Little Grebes 
Green Sandpiper 
Schellbruch: Große Lagune
Common Snipes 
Common Sandpipers 
Itzehoe [2023_3_42s]
European Honey Buzzard 
Lägerdorf [2123_1_05s]
Common Quails 
Water Rail 
Kronshagener Au
Common Kingfisher 
Amrum: Kniepbucht/ Kapitäns-Haken (IA2)
Eurasian Spoonbill 
Little Stints 
Beltringharder Koog (FN6) [1419_1_23n]
Canada Geese 
Red-crested Pochard 
Common Goldeneye 
Kentish Plovers 
Common Sandpiper 
Beltringharder Koog: Kleientnahme Süd Lüttmoordamm (FN632)
Ruddy Shelducks 
Common Goldeneyes 
Black-necked Grebes 
Common Sandpiper 
Wood Sandpiper 
Beltringharder Koog (FN6) [1419_4_49n]
Common Goldeneyes 
Little Grebes 
Black-necked Grebes 
Eurasian Spoonbills 
White-tailed Eagle 
Common Sandpiper 
Beltringharder Koog (FN6) + Vorland [1419_3_33s]
Red-breasted Mergansers 
Beltringharder Koog (FN6)/ Arlauschleuse [1419_4_37n]
Little Grebes 
Red-necked Grebes 
Little Terns 
Bearded Reedling 
Beltringharder Koog (FN6) [1419_2_16s]
Eurasian Dotterel 
Northern Wheatears 
Beltringharder Koog: Pütte westlich Aarlau-Schleuse
Wood Sandpipers 
Beltringharder Koog (FN6) [1419_1_15s]
Wood Sandpiper 
Temminck's Stints 
Beltringharder Koog gesamt (FN6)
Wood Sandpipers 
Beltringharder Koog: Kleientnahme Nord (FN631)
Little Terns 
Black Terns 
Beltringharder Koog (FN6) [1419_4_36n]
Caspian Terns 
Gröde, offshore [1318_1_24s]
Little Terns 
Hauke-Haien-Koog Nordbecken (FN31)
Ruddy Shelduck 
Common Goldeneye 
Eurasian Spoonbills 
Great Egrets 
Black-winged Stilts 
Documentation with the DAK required 1 
Long-billed Dowitcher 
Red-necked Phalaropes 
Wood Sandpiper 
Little Tern 
Caspian Terns 
Hauke-Haien-Koog Nordbecken (FN31) [1318_2_06n]
Black-necked Grebes 
Black-winged Stilts 
Documentation with the DAK required 1 
Long-billed Dowitcher 
Red-necked Phalaropes 
Hauke-Haien-Koog Südbecken (FN33) + Vorland [1318_2_17s]
Common Sandpipers 
Little Stints 
Temminck's Stint 
Curlew Sandpiper 
Hauke-Haien-Koog Südbecken (FN33)
Documentation with the AK-SH/HH required 1 
Marsh Sandpiper 
Wood Sandpipers 
Little Stints 
Temminck's Stints 
Little Terns 
Caspian Tern 
Katinger Watt: Katinger Priel Nord (EE142)
Little Egret 
Rickelsbüller Koog (FN1): Nordost
Common Goldeneyes 
Great Egrets 
Black Terns 
Rickelsbüller Koog (FN1)/ Vorland [1017_4_59n]
Eurasian Spoonbills 
Sönke-Nissen-Koog (MN41)
Eurasian Goshawk 
Sylt-List, Ellenbogen [0916_4_38n]
Red-throated Loon 
Little Gull 
Sylt: Königshafen, Lister Nehrung (IS23)
Little Terns 
Terns, unidentified 
Black Terns 
Sylt: Westerland-Seawatching
Northern Gannets 
Parasitic Jaeger 
Vorland Hamburger Hallig Nordost (VN53/ VN42) [1319_3_42s]
Great Egret 
Vorland Hauke-Haien-Koog Süd (VN41)
White-tailed Eagle 
Vorland Beltringharder Koog (VN62) [1419_1_22n]
Middle Spotted Woodpeckers 
Glinder Au S Oststeinbek [2427_3_31s]
White Storks 
Glinder Au / Gut Domhorst [2427_3_32s]
Northern Raven 
Fehmarn: NABU-Wasservogelreservat Wallnau Püttseer Teich / Östliche Wiesen
Eurasian Spoonbill 
Red-backed Shrikes 
Fehmarn: NABU-Wasservogelreservat Wallnau Steinteich
Great Egret 
Little Ringed Plover 
Common Ringed Plover 
Common Snipes 
Common Sandpipers 
Spotted Redshanks 
Wood Sandpipers 
Temminck's Stints 
Fehmarn: NABU-Wasservogelreservat Wallnau Püttseer Warder III / Höppner Wäldchen
Green Sandpiper 
Kuhlsee Gleschendorf
White-tailed Eagle 
Fährmannssander Elbwatt
Northern Wheatear 
Heidgraben [2223_4_60s]
Green Sandpiper 
Hetlinger Schanzteich
Green Sandpipers 
Holmer Sandberge-Südwest [2324_3_52n]
White Storks 
Wedeler Marsch -Nordwest [2323_4_60n]
Great Egret 
Wedeler Marsch: Giesensand [2423_2_09n]
Peregrine Falcon 
Laboe: Sandbänke Neustein
Canada Geese 
Moltenort: U-Boot Ehrenmal
Red-breasted Merganser 
Plön: Stadtwäldchen
Red-crested Pochards 
Selenter See: Selent Bad [1628_4_56s]
Common Merganser 
Common Kingfisher 
Sepel [1828_3_43s]
Grey Plover 
Trammer See: Grote Warder
European Honey Buzzard 
Bülk [1527_1_22s]
Broad-billed Sandpiper 
Elsdorf-Westermühlen [1723_3_32n]
White Storks 
Langwedeler Holz [1725_4_49s]
White-tailed Eagle 
Surendorf (Marinedepot)
Canada Geese 
Greylag Geese 
Feldmark N Heidbergring [2528_1_23n]
White Storks 
Mölln Waldstadt [2330_3_52s]
White-tailed Eagle 
Mustin [2331_1_04s]
Eurasian Sparrowhawk 
Altona, Fischereihafen
Egyptian Geese 
Caspian Gulls 
Billwerder [2426_4_57n]
White-tailed Eagles 
Eppendorfer Mühlenteich (WVZ)
Canada Goose 
Great Egrets 
Western Osprey 
Common Sandpipers 
Common Kingfishers 
Nettelnburg [2527_1_02s]
European Green Woodpecker 
NSG Die Reit
Black Woodpecker 
Planten un Blomen
Canada Geese 
Rahlstedt [2426_2_10n]
White Storks 
Rissen [2424_2_16n]
Red Crossbills 
Salzhaff [1935_3_34s]
Black-necked Grebes 
Salzhaff [1935_3_34n]
Black Terns 
Große Rosin Nord
Western Osprey 
Große Rosin [2143_1_23s]
Western Marsh Harrier 
White-tailed Eagle 
Black Tern 
Große Rosin, Aussichtsturm Aalbude (2143_1/3)
Water Rail 
Wrodow, Feuchtsenke S [2444_1_25n]
Ducks, unidentified 
Northern Shovelers 
Little Grebes 
Western Osprey 
White-tailed Eagle 
Water Rails 
Common Sandpipers 
Green Sandpipers 
Common Kingfisher 
Nebeltal N Parum [2138_4_48s]
Western Osprey 
Common Kingfisher 
Feldflur Greifswald-Rosental [1846_3_55s]
Caspian Terns 
NSG "Ladebower Moor": Moorweide
European Honey Buzzards 
Eurasian Whimbrel 
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker 
Red-backed Shrikes 
European Stonechat 
Red Crossbill 
NSG Ladebower Moor [1846_4_56n]
Red-backed Shrike 
Stralsund Frankenvorstadt [1644_4_56s]
Common Kingfisher 
Blankenhof - Thiergarten [2444_2]
Little Grebes 
Klenzsee (2743_4)
Western Marsh Harrier 
Neubrandenburg, RRB Hellfeld [2445_2]
Common Kingfisher 
NP "Müritz", Dambecker See
Water Rail 
NP "Müritz", Dambeck / Dambecker See [2543_4_37n]
Common Kingfisher 
NP FSL, Wendorf, Feldflur W [2646_2_09n]
Western Osprey 
Seewalde, Feldflur O / Gobenowsee O / Pagatzsee[2743_4_47n]
Western Osprey 
Müritz, Klink [2541_2_18n]
Red-crested Pochards 
NP "Müritz", Boeker Wold N Boeker Sender [2542_4_58n]
Black Woodpecker 
Röbel/Müritz [2541_4_58n]
White-tailed Eagles 
Waren (Müritz) [2541_2_29s]
Common Terns 
Neubrandenburg, Strandbad Broda [2445_1]
Common Sandpipers 
Tollensesee, WVZ N-Teil [2445_3_35n]
Egyptian Geese 
Caspian Gulls 
Tollensesee, WVZ N-Teil, Buchort [2445_3_34s]
Common Kingfisher 
Ahrenshoop, Althagen [1640_1_15s]
Common Redshank 
Ahrenshoop Ost [1640_2_16n]
Windwatt Meiningenbrücke
Caspian Terns 
Zingster Strom N Bresewitz [1542_3_51n]
Red Kite 
Red-backed Shrikes 
Zühlendorf, N [1643_1_22s]
Caspian Tern 
Blowatz [2035_1_11s]
Red-backed Shrike 
Boiensdorfer Werder [1935_3_42n]
Eurasian Hobby 
Common Snipes 
Boiensdorf [2035_1_05n]
Eurasian Golden Oriole 
Gollwitz Insel Poel [1934_4_50s]
Stock Doves 
Eurasian Collared Doves 
Malchow Insel Poel [2034_2_09n]
Eurasian Collared Doves 
NSG "Insel Langenwerder"
Common Shelducks 
Little Grebe 
Great Egrets 
Eurasian Oystercatcher 
Grey Plovers 
Common Ringed Plover 
Eurasian Curlews 
Common Snipes 
Common Sandpiper 
Common Redshanks 
Common Greenshanks 
Red Knots 
Little Stint 
Caspian Tern 
Little Stints 
Weitendorf Insel Poel [2034_2_06s]
Canada Goose 
Wodorfer Wiese
Common Shelduck 
Great Egrets 
White-tailed Eagle 
Water Rail 
Little Ringed Plovers 
Common Snipes 
Red-necked Phalarope 
Common Sandpipers 
Spotted Redshanks 
Wood Sandpipers 
Red-backed Shrikes 
Wodorfer Wiesen [2035_1_11n]
Common Snipes 
Wood Sandpiper 
Groß Karrendorf, Feldflur SO
Eurasian Goshawk 
Karrendorfer Wiesen, Südteil [1846_1_24n]
Documentation with the AKMV required 1 
Marsh Sandpiper 
Karrendorfer Wiesen Süd - südl. Fahrdamm
Broad-billed Sandpiper 
Küste Ahlbeck Reha-Klinik [2051_3_33s]
European Green Woodpecker 
Common Redstart 
Moeckow [2047_2_06n]
Western Marsh Harrier 
NSG "Insel Görmitz" [1949_4_46s]
Caspian Terns 
Feldflur NW Groß Banzelvitz [1446_3_44n]
Red-backed Shrikes 
Klosterwiesen Hiddensee
Eurasian Oystercatcher 
Lobber Niederung: Südteil [1648_3_44n]
Great Grey Shrikes 
Heinrichsruh [2349_4_38n]
Western Marsh Harrier 
Biolovision Sàrl (Switzerland), 2003-2024