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It is not enough to have them laugh:Hostility, anger, and humor-coping inSchizophrenie patientsMARC GELKOPF AND MIRCEA SIGALAbstractBased upon Freud's understanding ofhumor äs a coping mechanism, andfindings relating the use ofhumor to stress buffering, we hypothesised thatSchizophrenie individuals who have the ability to use "mature" defensemechanisms such äs humor in coping with stress would show less hostility,aggression and anger. The Coping Humor Scale (CHS), which measuresthe amount of humor one uses when under stress, was correlated withdifferent measures of hostility and anger. The results, äs well äs a reviewof the literature suggest that there is no clear one-to-one relationshipbetween the use ofhumor äs a coping mechanism and the use of aggression,hostility and anger. We assume that this is due to several reasons. First,humor may be used immaturely; second, even if an individual has thecapacity to use it maturely it does not mean that aggressive attitudes donot remain somehow "functional" especially in closed institutions, andparticularly for Schizophrenie patients.Agressive behavior is in everyday life and on most occasions an immatureway of coping with internal and external conflicts, a "primordial reaction"Table 1. Correlation of anger and hostility scores1. BPRS-hostility2. MAACL-anger3. Hostility-verbal4. Hostility-behavior5. Humor-coping_.08.16.06-.21-.01-.19-.02-.65*-.07-.16*p<.001.Humor 8-3 (1995), 273-284. 0933-1719/95/0008-0273© Walter de Gruyter
Published Online: 2009-07-17
Published in Print: 1995
Walter de Gruyter
Cite this article
GELKOPF, MARC and SIGAL, MIRCEA. "It is not enough to have them laugh: Hostility, anger, and humor-coping in schizophrenic patients" HUMOR, vol. 8, no. 3, 1995, pp. 273-284.
GELKOPF, M. & SIGAL, M. (1995). It is not enough to have them laugh: Hostility, anger, and humor-coping in schizophrenic patients. HUMOR, 8(3), 273-284.
GELKOPF, M. and SIGAL, M. (1995) It is not enough to have them laugh: Hostility, anger, and humor-coping in schizophrenic patients. HUMOR, Vol. 8 (Issue 3), pp. 273-284.
GELKOPF, MARC and SIGAL, MIRCEA. "It is not enough to have them laugh: Hostility, anger, and humor-coping in schizophrenic patients" HUMOR 8, no. 3 (1995): 273-284.
GELKOPF M, SIGAL M. It is not enough to have them laugh: Hostility, anger, and humor-coping in schizophrenic patients. HUMOR. 1995;8(3): 273-284.
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