Families who have fled from Syria to Turkey often suffer great hardship and insecurity. Not only have they had to leave all their belongings behind in their home country, they also have to fear deportation back to the war zones. At the same time, many fathers try to build a new future for themselves and their families on the European continent on their own, leaving their wives and children behind in Turkey for the time being.
The Evangelical Alliance Week of Prayer is an old but golden tradition. Going back to the year after the launch of the Evangelical Alliance in 1846, it was one of the agreed initiatives that came out of that founding conference and has since been celebrated every year across Europe.
When theology has feet and hands, we are at the beginning of responding to human need by loving service. This is the third mark of mission – “TEND”. There is much tending that needs to happen on our Continent. We live in a time, not of less need, but more.
READ MOREDan Randall is married to Marina and they have a beautiful daughter called Grace. Together, Dan and Marina are the core team leaders for Nxt Move Europe and part of the global NxtMove community. As part of that role they serve the European Evangelical Alliance helping to facilitate the EEA’s Youth and Young Adults network – something Dan and Marina are really excited about.
READ MOREFamilies who have fled from Syria to Turkey often suffer great hardship and insecurity. Not only have they had to leave all their belongings behind in their home country, they also have to fear deportation back to the war zones. At the same time, many fathers try to build a new future for themselves and their families on the European continent on their own, leaving their wives and children behind in Turkey for the time being.
READ MOREOn May 10 and 11, the annual State of Europe Forum landed in Brussels. In lectures and workshops, participants reflected on the past, the present, and the future of the European Union. The Christian faith played an important role in the past, but what about the future?
READ MOREWe are looking for supporters across
Europe with a passion for giving
Christians a voice in European politics –
Would you contribute €100 to make our
EEA lobby work in Brussels possible?
Read more…
The EEA Prayer Network meets every Tuesday, on Zoom.
Let us know if you would like to be added to the distribution list and receive the Zoom link, by reaching out to our Prayer Network here.
Jesus doesn’t just want us to hear him but also to do what he says! He calls those people wise. As the EEA we want to not only listen well to Jesus, but together, we want to put what we hear into practice, and we’d like to do it together. As Christians we believe that we have been given the Truth. Jesus is the Truth in person. We believe that Truth is liberating, for us as churches and NEAs and also for the world. This will be our topic for the next 6-months: Liberating Truth!
Read moreThe Sermon on the Mount, from where we get our House on the Rock parable, is deeply concerned with virtue. We spoke to Marvin Oxenham about virtue education, about what it can mean today, and about how to become good trees.
Read moreWe spoke to Nina Jankucić about how she ended up working with the Roma Networks, about the exciting things happening with this community, and about how with them she learns “being” and relationships: “And if there is no being and relationships, there is never going to be doing.”
Read moreLent is the season of life. In the northern hemisphere where we live it is also the time of spring. After the long, dark and cold wintertime nature begins to revive: the grass starts to grow, the snowdrops disappear and make room for hyacinths and daffodils to bloom, the trees turn green again, birds build their nests, and the first ducklings are already swimming around in the ponds. Migratory birds are returning from warmer areas, the days are getting longer again, and temperatures are rising.
Read moreWe spoke to Manuel Rainho, General Secretary of the Portuguese IFES movement, about the sermon, one of our main mediums of listening to Jesus’ words, and a focal point in our churches, communities and individual lives.
Read moreWe spoke to Mike MacDonald at the Bible Project, about how to read “these words” – this mega book that is the Bible, how important context is and literary genre – we can’t read poetry the same way we read prophecy! And when Jesus says “hear these words of mine” he is not only talking about words on a page, but about a unified narrative that points to him.
Read moreWe spoke to Usha Reifsnider, a Missions specialist, about listening to others: how difficult this is in general, and even how as Christians we are pretty rubbish at listening because we are the ones who want to be speaking. But we become better listeners when we have been listened to.
Read moreOur theme for the first half of 2023 is “House on the Rock”, and we asked Georg Schuster, Managing Director of Uplink Academy, to comment on this in the context of media and communication.
In Jesus’ parable, we must both hear and put into practice, to be able to build on the Rock. Georg pointed out that listening was an elemental principle in good communication: we must hear what people are thinking and saying before rushing in to share the Gospel, answering questions people are not even asking. And words are not the only thing that counts: people want to see us live out our faith.
Another principle in communication is to face outside perceptions, and here we accept that outside opinions about Christians are not positive. The Church is no longer seen as something relevant to society. It has largely forgotten how to listen and talk to the world. This led Georg and Mirjam to establish Uplink Academy, a media centre created to help Christians communicate better, be a space of encounter, and train those who see themselves as media missionaries.
EEA’s overarching communications theme for the first six months of 2023 is extremely relevant in many ways. One of these areas, which ties directly to Jesus’ image of the “storms of life,” is the increasingly out-of-control phenomenon of global climate change. This is literally bringing us an increasing number of “storms” or as meteorologists would say: erratic weather events.
Read moreHow is the weather where you live? Not the physical weather, but the spiritual weather? Is it like a beautiful Spring Day, is there a storm building, or are you right in the middle of a storm? No matter what the weather, we know from experience that it will change. And no matter what the change or the challenge, we need a strong place to dwell, to stand and to be safe.
Our theme these next 6 months is: “A house on the rock,” from Matthew 7:24–27. In Jesus’ parable, there are a few things that Jesus presupposes but doesn’t mention. Four things that anyone who is planning to build a solid house needs to do. These four things are true if we build a physical house, and especially true when it’s our lives.
When theology has feet and hands, we are at the beginning of responding to human need by loving service. This is the third mark of mission – “TEND”. There is much tending that needs to happen on our Continent. We live in a time, not of less need, but more.
READ MOREThe Evangelical Alliance was originally created in London in 1846. A number of founding members were representing European countries. The European Evangelical Alliance (EEA) was founded in 1951. The EEA exists to foster unity and evangelical identity and provide a voice and platform to 23 million European evangelical Christians. The mission of the EEA is to CONNECT for com-mon purpose, EQUIP for integral mission and REPRESENT with a united voice. It is a grassroots movement from all Protestant traditions present in 36 European countries. The Brussels office of the EEA promotes active citizenship of its constituency and represents it to the European Institutions. The EEA is part of the World Evangelical Alliance (www.worldea.org)
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