The Only Living Dead Girl in New York

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The Only Living Dead Girl in New York
Why do they come to me to die?
Medieval England, IowaJoined June 2018

The Only Living Dead Girl in New Yorkโ€™s posts

My husband told me when he starts thinking about stuff thatโ€™s too heavy and depressing he goes โ€œscarecrow modeโ€ and I was like whatโ€™s that and he was like โ€œI think about a scarecrow for a while and then I laughโ€
USA: BETO: โ€œif you see someone fall in the pit you pick them up. You pick them up! We are all in this together okay I donโ€™t wanna see any violence in the pit guys because I want this to be a safe space and because Iโ€™m not giving you single payer so this could get expensive โ€œ
INT. CAFETERIA -DAY POPULAR GIRL: that table in the back corner is for the nose pickers, then youve got you metal heads, your jocks, your burnouts, and over there are the guzmen NEW GIRL: sorry the what? POPULAR GIRL: Guzmen? Fans of veteran character actor Luis Guzmรกn?
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People see stuff like this and act like Europeans do not care where their ancestors are from which is bunk, more to the point is itโ€™s not like special to be polish in Poland where everyone is polish, โ€œI am polishโ€ โ€œok me too and so is he and sheโ€™s polish and him too and him and
My husband was talking about how he makes other parents on the playground laugh and I was like oh Iโ€™m sorry people laugh at you and he said โ€œI only let one person laugh at meโ€ and my son, without looking up from his Zelda comic said โ€œwho, the penis inspector?โ€
I am fascinated at the mind that believes they wouldnโ€™t just not show the movie in the first place, like someone who believes in the conspiracy but only on like a middle management level
Erin Elizabeth Health Nut News ๐Ÿ™Œ
Feedback on sound of freedom. Seriously the film exposes crimes against humanity.
Iโ€™ve learned a lot from twitter like if a 30 year old dates a 23 year old that 30 year old is a disgusting sex pervert but if a different 30 year old wants to treat his girlfriend like a toddler and have her call him daddy THAT 30 year old is simply exploring his sexuality
I had lovely friends who moved to NYC from TX & they told their slumlord that they had mice & he told them to shake a coffee can with nails to scare them & when that didnโ€™t work he said in his insanely thick Eastern European accent โ€œoh is not mouse. Is baby rat. No solution .โ€