

Changing of the Guard

China’s Communist Elders Take Backroom Intrigue Beachside

An elderly relative of Zhou Enlai, a prime minister under Mao, got some help navigating Beidaihe, a resort town where dignitaries gather in the summer and maneuver for power for their allies.Credit...Sim Chi Yin for The New York Times

Edward Wong and

BEIDAIHE, China — Clutching a wooden cane and aided by an entourage of young people, the old man in a black silk shirt and matching shorts hobbled up the stairs to Kiessling, a decades-old Austrian restaurant not far from the teeming beaches of this seaside resort. He sat on the balcony and ordered ice cream. It was the best in town, he told his companions. At least it had been in his youth.

“This man is a relative of Zhou Enlai,” the restaurant manager said in a low voice to some foreign diners at a nearby table, referring to the revered prime minister of China in the Mao era. “He’s come here before. He stays in the neighborhood where the leaders live.”

In any other city, even Beijing, it would be unusual to casually run into a relative of Mr. Zhou. But it is midsummer in Beidaihe, which means one thing: Communist Party elders and their families are congregating here, about 180 miles east of Beijing, to swim and dine and gossip — and to shape the future of the world’s most populous nation.

It is palace intrigue by the sea. In their guarded villas, current and past leaders will negotiate to try to place allies in the 25-member Politburo and its elite Standing Committee, at the top of the party hierarchy. The selections will be announced at the 18th Party Congress this fall in Beijing, heralding what is expected to be only the second orderly leadership transition in more than 60 years of Communist rule.

“This is where the factional struggles are settled and the decisions are made,” said one resident, surnamed Li, who, like others interviewed for this article, spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the delicate nature of Chinese politics. “At the meetings in the fall, everyone just raises their hands.”

Beidaihe is a Chinese combination of the Jersey Shore and Martha’s Vineyard, with a pinch of red fervor: the hilly streets and public beaches are packed with shirtless Russians and Chinese families, while the party elites remain hidden in their villas and on their private patches of sand. A clock tower near Kiessling chimes “The East is Red,” a classic Mao anthem.

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Patrick Zuo and Clare Pennington contributed research from Beijing.

A version of this article appears in print on July 22, 2012, Section A, Page 6 of the New York edition with the headline: China’s Communist Elders Take Backroom Intrigue to the Beach. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe
See more on: Xi Jinping, Hu Jintao

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