Delhi High CourtJustice Rajiv Shakdher, whose transfer to the Madras High Court had sparked strong protests by senior lawyers, Friday gave an emotionally charged speech at a farewell event organised at the Delhi High Court. Justice Suresh Kait, who has been transferred to the High Court of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, also made his farewell remarks at the event.
The full court meeting, including speeches by the Chief Justice, two outgoing judges, additional solicitor general, the Delhi government’s standing counsel and senior lawyers, was held Friday afternoon.
Thanking the lawyers for their support, Justice Shakdher said leaving the Delhi High Court was “not an event” he was “prepared for.”“Life holds many surprises and sometimes surprises hurt,” he said.
Last year, Shakdher had faced criticism for his judgments that had led to the defreezing of the accounts of NGO Greenpeace, and allowed its activist Priya Pillai to travel outside the country. Speaking on the need for integrity on the bench, Shakdher said in today’s world, “what is right and what is wrong is often lost in the din of the non-believer”. He said society today seemed to be “suffering from Gandhari’s curse,” and it was “difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff.”
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