Milo Yiannopoulos
Milo Yiannopoulos
169K posts
Milo Yiannopoulos’s posts
Saddle up, homos. If the media and politicians won't protect us, it's time to protect ourselves.
Good to see Melissa McCarthy doing well but I have to wonder if she was truly the best applicant
It has been obvious since 2016 that Trump carries an anointing of some kind. My American friends, are you so blind to reason, and deaf to Heaven? Can he do all this, and cannot get a crown? This man is your King. Coronate him, and watch every devil shriek, and every demon howl.
It's worth pointing out that the Orlando shooter was a registered Democrat. Why? Just imagine the coverage if he'd owned a Trump hat.
The press, the polls -- even betting odds. They were all wrong, or dishonest. Stick to your guns, America. You can have the POTUS you want.
The media and politicians need to listen and learn, finally: CALLING PEOPLE "RACIST" AND "BIGOTED" DOESN'T FUCKING WORK.
Liberals! If you're not horrified about gay men being thrown to their deaths for Islam, pretend they're throwing gorillas.
The press seized on this photo as an own, but it has always been my favorite picture of Trump. Just this one time, we get a sense of his burden. No other picture like it exists, because Trump works to conceal the toll his political life has taken on him.
Black Lives Matter now gunning down police officers. Time to classify it as a terrorist organization. We need President.
More calm and reasoned critique from UCLA's feminist contingent. See you soon, babe! xoxo
Liberals: the problem with putting Muslims at the top of your victimhood hierarchy is that THEY WANT TO KILL EVERYONE ELSE ON THE LIST
If she’d deleted her OnlyFans live on stage and appealed passionately and persuasively to women everywhere to do the same, the effect would have been seismic. That’s real. That’s saving souls. But she didn’t do that. She did a half-off sale.
“We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism.” - Donald Trump
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The more they do to him The more I’m convinced he was right all along about Sandy Hook I don’t care what anyone says
I'm more convinced than ever thatwill be America's next President. The #Brexit result is a huge shot in the arm for him.
Don't delete your emails.
Hillary Clinton
Delete your account.
I don't know if the West can be saved. Europe seems lost. America is our last hope, but it too will fall if Hillary wins.
Candace Owens is what happens when a black person gets overconfident from finally managing to pronounce ‘ask’ correctly
Appalling thatsecurity, which I paid for, refused to remove a man from stage who threatened to hit me.
I’ve known Alex for nearly ten years. In that time, he has shown me nothing but kindness and generosity. This is very hard to watch. But you have to. We all have to.
ISIS Twitter accounts have been hijacked with gay porn
Old people didn't ruin it for you, Britain. If anything, they saved you from yourselves.