Abe Hifumi's girlfriend, a gravure idol, cheers him on at the venue; sends out a photo of herself at the Arc de Triomphe; watches the match live wearing a "Hifumi T-shirt"
Gravure idol Rina Hashimoto (30) updated her Instagram stories on the 29th, announcing that she was in Paris.
Hashimoto went to Paris to support his lover, Abe Hifumi (26), who competed in the men's 66 kg judo competition at the Paris Olympics. He was at the venue on the 28th and exploded with joy at Abe's second consecutive victory.
Hashimoto, whose charm point is her tanned skin, calls herself the "Black Diamond of Naniwa." At the venue, she wore a T-shirt with "ABE HIFUMI" design, which was also worn by Abe's family. With cross earrings and a necklace, she cheered as if praying.
When asked about her relationship with Abe at an event in March last year, she replied, "Well, I can't say anything," but on the 29th she posted a photo of the Arc de Triomphe with the Japanese flag and the word flames written on it, suggesting that he was attending the Paris Olympics.
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