Practical, everyday, applied philosophy, as Nietzsche suggested

Is this the recipe for home-made Nembutal you have all been looking for? If not, then here is MY own OPTIMAL alternative…please share :)


November 2016 update: Of all my pages, this is the one most visited.  I have been told that if you go on the dark web, using TOR, and onion browsers, you will quickly be able to find someone from Mexico or similar, who can supply you, very cheaply, with Nembutal they sourced from Veterinary sources. The same we would, in a free, world, as consenting adults, have access to. For under 100 dollars. It is cheap to manufacture. I am told they have a system on the dark web where people ‘rate’ suppliers of whatever product or service, so they are as reliable as any other retailer. The New World Order will cheerfully murder you, but it won’t let YOU decide you don’t want to be its slave.

This is the recipe for it, according to a reply I received to this post. I would appreciate any feedback. I myself am unable to comment as to whether this would work. So I urge caution.

Like Aristotle, I avoided being imprisoned for my ‘Holocaust’ work, by leaving Germany. I understand that in Australia, offering the following information is grounds for imprisonment. So it seems I am now doomed to live in exile. Maybe doomed, like Socrates, to die for Philosophy. For seeking truth and justice for all sentient beings. Well, in 100 years we will all be dead. And at least I will have lived and died for the highest possible purpose life could have, truth, justice, and liberty, for all sentient beings. So here goes. Remember I have no way of knowing if what follows is a hoax, is some malicious plot, or is actually an effective recipe.

Email me at  if you like

Please mirror / share / re-post this entire email, with warning, anywhere you can, remembering that in some nations to do so is a criminal offence.

At the end of this post you will see that I have simply copied and pasted it from the ‘replies’ section, to the main body of this post.


-stainless steel cup
-small cooking pot
-stainless steel stir rod


-26.7 g of clean metallic sodium
-400 g of anhydrous (dry) Ethanol
-32.7g of Urea, molecular biology grade, CH4N2O, FW=60 g/mol
-Solution of 100 g of 1-methyl butyl-ethyl malonic ester(Propanedioic acid)


1) A hotplate was rested on the base of a clampstand. A cooking pot containing 400 g of anhydrous (dry) ethanol is placed on the hotplate stirrer and 26.7g of clean metallic sodium is dissolved in it.

2) Into the stainless steel cup there is placed a Solution of 100 g of 1-methyl butyl-ethyl malonic ester(Propanedioic acid). The cup is then placed into the small cooking pot containing a mixture of the Ethanol and Sodium and secured with clamps to the clamp stand. The end of the thermometer is placed in the pot and positioned as close to the cup as possible.

3) It is warmed to a temperature of 170°C for 10 minutes to remove any residual moisture. Throughout the reaction the temperature of the mixture is kept at 170°C and stirring is done frequently.

4) 10.9 g of urea is added slowly, one scoop at a time and with good stirring. During this moisture (water) formed making the mixture damp. Over the course of 20 minutes the mixture gradually dries out and the amount of released gas lessens.

5) Another 10.9 g of urea is added and allowed to react for 35 minutes.

6) The last 10.9 g of urea is added and allowed to react for 30 minutes.

7) After adding the total amount of urea over 1h 25 min, the mixture is dry, contained yellow and off-yellow-to-white granules, and still damp with the water and alcohol. The product is then heated at a temperature of 280°C directly on the hotplate for 1h 20mins. During this process the mixture is stirred every 15 minutes and off-yellow-to-white granules became more prominent and as yellow ones lessened. The precipitated product is washed with cold water , filtered and heated again for about 40 minutes at a temperature of 127-130°C until all the water is removed and the white powder(Nembutal Sodium) is formed .

8) The Nembutal Sodium is allowed to cool and weighed. Yield is 23g. The product is 95-99% pure. You can also use a test kit to Check the purity


Veee for victory

Veganism, along with the elimination of all forms of violence including the exploitation and reproduction of holistic  social and genetic inequality, and Universal access to euthanasia, together form the foundations for my ´Eden Protocols´.

These protocols form the basis for a fair society, one in which every sentient life-form enjoys a life worth living. See my  TROONATNOOR series of books for details of my ´Eden Protocols´, or ask me to send you  .pdf files to download.

My books offer you unique insights into The Reality Of Our Natures And The Nature Of Our Realities that you are unlikely ever to come upon yourself, either in your readings, or your own reflections.


But consider the following:  If we press upon the carotid arteries which pass up through the neck to form the arterial circle of Willis, at the base of the brain, within the skull–of which I have already spoken, and which supplies the brain with blood–we quickly, as every one knows, produce insensibility. Thought is abolished, consciousness lost. And if we continue the pressure, all those automatic actions of the body, such as the beating of the heart, the breathing motions of the lungs, which maintain life and are controlled by the lower brain centers of ganglia, are quickly stopped and death ensues. It is possible to produce coma, insensibility, and death, simply by pressure of the thumbs on the carotid artery…

After much research I have concluded that the following offers the OPTIMAL means of escaping fates worse than death a.k.a suicide / euthanasia. Please download the following PDF. It contains many chapters from TROONATNOOR vol. I  relating to Euthanasia and suicide, including many cultural and historical details that you probably were not aware of.  This PDF begins with my Optimal suicide strategy and device, with photos. It will empower anyone, anywhere, to take control of their own end of life decisions with confidence. Please download it, share it, seed it as torrents, and read it.

NEW PDF to replace WordPress etc Optimal Euthenasia strategy and device



















2 thoughts on “Is this the recipe for home-made Nembutal you have all been looking for? If not, then here is MY own OPTIMAL alternative…please share :)”

  1. If someone had a severe mental disorder and they knew they would soon become a killer, then why not allow them access to the peaceful pill. This is not only their right, but also a chance of redemption.


  2. This is the recipe for it:


    -stainless steel cup
    -small cooking pot
    -stainless steel stir rod


    -26.7 g of clean metallic sodium
    -400 g of anhydrous (dry) Ethanol
    -32.7g of Urea, molecular biology grade, CH4N2O, FW=60 g/mol
    -Solution of 100 g of 1-methyl butyl-ethyl malonic ester(Propanedioic acid)


    1) A hotplate was rested on the base of a clampstand. A cooking pot containing 400 g of anhydrous (dry) ethanol is placed on the hotplate stirrer and 26.7g of clean metallic sodium is dissolved in it.

    2) Into the stainless steel cup there is placed a Solution of 100 g of 1-methyl butyl-ethyl malonic ester(Propanedioic acid). The cup is then placed into the small cooking pot containing a mixture of the Ethanol and Sodium and secured with clamps to the clamp stand. The end of the thermometer is placed in the pot and positioned as close to the cup as possible.

    3) It is warmed to a temperature of 170°C for 10 minutes to remove any residual moisture. Throughout the reaction the temperature of the mixture is kept at 170°C and stirring is done frequently.

    4) 10.9 g of urea is added slowly, one scoop at a time and with good stirring. During this moisture (water) formed making the mixture damp. Over the course of 20 minutes the mixture gradually dries out and the amount of released gas lessens.

    5) Another 10.9 g of urea is added and allowed to react for 35 minutes.

    6) The last 10.9 g of urea is added and allowed to react for 30 minutes.

    7) After adding the total amount of urea over 1h 25 min, the mixture is dry, contained yellow and off-yellow-to-white granules, and still damp with the water and alcohol. The product is then heated at a temperature of 280°C directly on the hotplate for 1h 20mins. During this process the mixture is stirred every 15 minutes and off-yellow-to-white granules became more prominent and as yellow ones lessened. The precipitated product is washed with cold water , filtered and heated again for about 40 minutes at a temperature of 127-130°C until all the water is removed and the white powder(Nembutal Sodium) is formed .

    8) The Nembutal Sodium is allowed to cool and weighed. Yield is 23g. The product is 95-99% pure. You can also use a test kit to Check the purity


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