Press Releases

Japan-Mozambique Foreign Ministers' Meeting and Working Dinner

November 27, 2023
Two Ministers who shake hands facing straight at a camera
Two Ministers who have a talk after having a seat at a table

On November 27, commencing at 7:00 p.m., Ms. KAMIKAWA Yoko, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, held a meeting and working dinner with H.E. Ms. Verónica Nataniel MACAMO Dlhovo, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Republic of Mozambique, who is visiting Japan as a guest of Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The overview of the meeting (about 40 minutes) and working dinner (about 75 minutes) is as follows.

  1. Introduction

    1. Minister Kamikawa welcomed Minister Macamo's visit to Japan and expressed her desire to deepen cooperation with Mozambique, an important partner in promoting the Free and Open Indo-Pacific Partnership (FOIP) and the non-permanent member of the UN Security Council this year together with Japan, to maintain and strengthen a free and open international order based on the rule of law as well as to promote bilateral cooperation.
    2. In response, Minister Macamo expressed her gratitude for the invitation by Japan to visit the country and stated that she would like to further strengthen bilateral relations, including economic partnership, through this visit.
  2. Bilateral Relations

    1. Minister Kamikawa stated that the Nacala Port, whose completion ceremony was held last month, embodies the vision of the FOIP in terms of enhancing regional connectivity, and that Japanese companies are showing increasing interest in Mozambique, including the dispatch of the Public and Private Sector Joint Missions for promoting trade and investment in Africa in May of this year. In response, Minister Macamo expressed her appreciation for Japan's support and her expectations for continued human resource development and further Japanese investment for the regional economic development.
      Two ministers agreed that the youth development is important for the future of the countries.
    2. Referring to the importance of the liquefied natural gas development project in the Cabo Delgado Province, which has been suspended due to the terrorism, Minister Kamikawa requested further efforts by Mozambique to improve and maintain security in the region. The two ministers also affirmed the importance of working together on multifaceted development that will lead to the stabilization of Cabo Delgado Province and the growth of the northern region as a whole, including through the Co-Creation for Common Agenda Initiative that has been presented in the New Development Cooperation Charter, and agreed to cooperate to realize this plan.
    3. Minister Macamo announced that Mozambique would participate in the Osaka Expo, and Minister Kamikawa welcomed Mozambique's participation. The Ministers confirmed that they would continue to deepen cooperation in various fields, including cooperation through the TICAD process.
  3. Cooperation in the International Arena

    1. The two Ministers discussed the situation surrounging Israel and Palestine, and Minister Kamikawa unequivocally condemned the terror attacks by Hamas and others and stated that it is extremely important to call for: the immediate release of the hostages, the securing safety of civilians, all the parties to act in accordance with international law and calming down the situation as soon as possible.
    2. The Ministers exchanged views on regional and international affairs such as the response to Russia's aggression against Ukraine and the situation in East Asia including dealing with North Korea on the nuclear and missile issues as well as the abductions issue, on the importance of transparent and fair development finance, on measures toward a world without nuclear weapons, and on climate changes and agreed that both countries would cooperate closely. Minister Kamikawa also stated that Japan would like to obtain Mozambique's understanding and cooperation regarding the discharge of ALPS treated water into the sea.
    3. The Ministers also confirmed that they would work closely together as non-permanent members of the Security Council and that they would work together to strengthen the functions of the UN, including Security Council reform, and to promote "Women, Peace, and Security (WPS)" in international community. Two ministers agreed to work closely together as female foreign ministers to resolve various issues.
    At the working dinner, "SAKE YASUKE" (named after "Yasuke," who is believed to have come from Mozambique and served ODA Nobunaga), a sake made from uruchi rice produced in Cabo Delgado Province, Northern Mozambique, was served.

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