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Goomingtoll's avatar

Now Your Thinking With Warp Pipes!



I thought the warp pipe mechanics would make for a cute little tickle scene involving one of my favorite princess charactersB-) (Cool). Thing can make forr some... interesting scenarios when tweaked with. LOL!
This was based on an old sketch I did back in the day that I felt needed to be completed at some point, so I did just that.
Invent a story for it if you will, cause I personally can;t think of one at the moment(I might come back when I do have one for it though).
Other than that, stay peachy out there and I'll see yall later. ByeWink/Razz 

Character(s):Princess Peach
Art by: Me

*Note: This is a 2020 rework of the original image that was posted back on June 16, 2016. If you want the orignal image, just note me and I'll be sure to send it your way. As of September 6, 2020, this is the 'final' version of this image. Howver, I might still come back to it in the future(periodically) to improve it further or alter if needed.
Image size
3528x2634px 3.26 MB
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Fabriques's avatar

can you send me the old version, i remember seeing it years back