Dr. F / Discussion
Started by: Wikidot
Date: 23 Jul 2024, 03:05
Number of posts: 19
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This is the discussion related to the wiki page Dr. F.
fairydoctor 23 Jul 2024, 03:05

i was pretty fucking pissed with how this contest was first executed, like y'all first tried starting it during pride? really???

anyway, i've since cooled down but decided to keep my burn letter and coldpost it

also, personally im still processing my rage and fear, from being called faggot at a dennys last october and almost getting my ass laid out but you know making the mock character Dr. Faggot is a start

Last edited on 23 Jul 2024, 05:13 by fairydoctor Show more
Unfold by fairydoctor, 23 Jul 2024, 03:05
AstersQuill 23 Jul 2024, 03:15


Unfold #32 by AstersQuill, 23 Jul 2024, 03:15
Re: #32
Harmacy 23 Jul 2024, 03:18


Unfold Re: #32 by Harmacy, 23 Jul 2024, 03:18
TroutMaskReplica 23 Jul 2024, 03:35

I don't get it

Unfold by TroutMaskReplica, 23 Jul 2024, 03:35
Aegnus 23 Jul 2024, 03:40

Faggot, often shortened to fag in American usage, is a term, usually considered a slur, used to refer to gay men.

Make Human Great Again!!!

Unfold by Aegnus, 23 Jul 2024, 03:40
TroutMaskReplica 23 Jul 2024, 03:41

I mean yeah I know what that means, I'm a trans women i get called that a lot but like

Is the punchline "it says faggot"? Is that it?

Unfold by TroutMaskReplica, 23 Jul 2024, 03:41
Aegnus 23 Jul 2024, 03:50

I guess the punchline is that this doctor's name is Faggot, so RAISA will give a homophobic slurs warning wherever he appears.

Make Human Great Again!!!

Unfold by Aegnus, 23 Jul 2024, 03:50
bunnyomega 23 Jul 2024, 04:37

honestly I was on the fence about this one, but your username sold it for me.

Unfold by bunnyomega, 23 Jul 2024, 04:37
fairydoctor 23 Jul 2024, 05:10

you! you got it!

Unfold by fairydoctor, 23 Jul 2024, 05:10
Unfold by Uncle Nicolini, 23 Jul 2024, 05:11
fairydoctor 23 Jul 2024, 05:14


Unfold by fairydoctor, 23 Jul 2024, 05:14
torcsandantlers 23 Jul 2024, 06:14

You can't make funny jokes like this any more because of woke

Unfold by torcsandantlers, 23 Jul 2024, 06:14
fairydoctor 23 Jul 2024, 09:50

this article drafted by the ALAN WOKE MOB

Unfold by fairydoctor, 23 Jul 2024, 09:50
J Dune 23 Jul 2024, 08:39

This is the hardest I've laughed at something on the SCP wiki in forever

Unfold by J Dune, 23 Jul 2024, 08:39
fairydoctor 23 Jul 2024, 09:50


Unfold <3 by fairydoctor, 23 Jul 2024, 09:50
OriTiefling 23 Jul 2024, 08:53

I get why this is downvoted. It objectively has no reason to exist as a page, there's no real in-universe justification for it.

It's also one of the single funniest pages in site history I think. I cackled. +1

Unfold by OriTiefling, 23 Jul 2024, 08:53
fairydoctor 23 Jul 2024, 09:50

thank you ;u; <3

Unfold by fairydoctor, 23 Jul 2024, 09:50
Djoric 23 Jul 2024, 09:41

tired sigh

It's not funny, nor does it make any effective point.

Last edited on 23 Jul 2024, 09:43 by Djoric Show more
Unfold by Djoric, 23 Jul 2024, 09:41
fairydoctor 23 Jul 2024, 09:52

"Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like your opinion, man." - The Dude

Unfold ^_^ by fairydoctor, 23 Jul 2024, 09:52
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