Old University of South Carolina and Clemson yearbooks include controversial images

Portrait of Mollie R. Simon Mollie R. Simon
The Greenville News

Yearbooks from South Carolina colleges in the period just after the civil rights movement include images of students in blackface, consistent with a nationwide tendency, and they link Gov. Henry McMaster to imagery and activity not widely accepted today.

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, a number of college yearbooks published images of blatant racism on campus, the USA TODAY Network found in a review of 900 publications at 120 schools across the country. The network found pages splashed with students in Ku Klux Klan robes and blackface, nooses and mock lynchings, displays of racism not hidden but memorialized.

More:Blackface, KKK hoods and mock lynchings: Review of 900 yearbooks finds blatant racism

Reporters collected more than 200 examples of offensive or racist material at colleges in 25 states, from large public universities in the South to Ivy league schools in the Northeast.

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam has been embroiled in a firestorm in recent weeks over racist photos from his medical school yearbook in 1984.

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s page in his 1984 Eastern Virginia Medical School yearbook

Gov. Henry McMaster's fraternity activity shown in yearbook

In South Carolina, in the University of South Carolina's 1969 "Garnet and Black" yearbook, McMaster is listed as the No. 1 officer for the Kappa Alpha Order fraternity. On the fraternity’s yearbook spread, there is mention of an "Old South Ball."

“On off week-ends KA’s and dates gathered at the Beem-Gammage-Royal ‘Plantation’ for further manifestation of that 'old KA spirit,’” a passage in the yearbook states. On the opposing page, there is an image of a Confederate flag hanging behind fraternity members.

A spokesman for McMaster declined to comment about the yearbook, the imagery and the fraternity's activity.

Later University of South Carolina yearbooks show Kappa Alpha Order members and members of other Greek organizations in blackface.

Clemson image depicts blackface in George Rogers Gamecocks jersey

In a 1981 photo from Clemson University's "Taps" yearbook, a man is seen wearing blackface and a jersey representing African-American football player George Rogers, who won the Heisman Trophy at the University of South Carolina in 1980. The photo appears on a spread for the Clemson Kappa Alpha Order fraternity.

“This is not appropriate at any time, does not reflect who we are, and would not be tolerated," Jesse Lyons, Kappa Alpha Order's assistant executive director for advancement, said on behalf of the national organization. "KA is a moral compass for the modern gentleman and promotes gentlemanly conduct and respect for others.”

More:USA Today editor became part of story on racist images in college yearbooks

Other news:'The 800-pound Tiger': How growth in Clemson has strained a once-model university town

'Plantation Party' with blackface shown in USC's 1982 yearbook

In a photo from the University of South Carolina's 1982 yearbook, six students pose during a "Plantation Party," according to a caption under the photo. The students complete the "old plantation scene," according to the caption.

Two of the men appear to be in blackface wearing straw hats and overalls. The photo is from the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, according to the caption. Phi Kappa Psi is no longer an active fraternity at the university.

The name of John Steinberger, a former chairman of the Charleston County Republican Party, appears in the caption of the photo.

"I don't recognize my image in that picture," Steinberger told The Greenville News and Independent Mail.

He declined to comment further or discuss the fraternity culture at the time.

In a letter to the campus community on Tuesday, USC president Harris Pastides denounced blackface images in the yearbook archives, according to The State.

"These photos give us another opportunity, as a community, to address and learn from the demons of the past," Pastides said in the letter to the campus. "While we cannot change the pas, we will continue to work every day to create an environment in which each of us feels welcome and can thrive."

More recent controversy beyond college yearbook pages

Not documented in a yearbook, over the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend in 2007, Clemson students held a "Living the Dream" party where at least one person was photographed in blackface, according to news reports and photos shared to Facebook at the time.

In 2014, the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity on campus suspended all activities after a "Cripmas party" where white students dressed as gang members. After that incident, fraternities and sororities agreed not to hold "theme" parties that poke fun at particular groups.

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