Trump backers say president just following his campaign promises

Metro Detroiters who voted for Donald Trump say he's protecting country from terrorist attacks with order

Christina Hall
Detroit Free Press

Some metro Detroiters who voted for President Donald Trump said he is living up to his campaign promises with the signing of an executive order that suspends the entry of refugees and others from seven majority-Muslim nations, a move that triggered nationwide protests.

Todd and Jill Seeburger of Roseville, both age 49, owners of Seeburger's Cheeseburgers, voted for president-elect Donald Trump. Photo taken Nov. 11, 2016 at their Mt. Clemens restaurant.

"I think he's following exactly what his campaign said. He's one of the first to follow that in years," Todd Seeburger of Roseville, an owner of hamburger restaurants in Roseville and Mt. Clemens, said Monday.  "He just wants to figure out what's going on. And it's not all Muslims. I don't think it's a big deal."

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Seeburger said Trump's order is similar to others from past presidents, repeating a claim made by Trump this weekend that President Barack Obama issued a similar order. In reality, Obama ordered a delay in processing Iraqi refugees in 2011 after it was discovered that two Iraqi refugees living in Kentucky had been involved in roadside bombing attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq, prompting U.S. immigration, security and intelligence agencies to use federal databases to rescreen about 58,000 Iraqi refugees in the U.S. and more than 25,000 Iraqis who had been approved to enter the U.S., but had not yet been admitted,

Tom Maday, 76, of Sterling Heights, who had a huge Trump sign on his front yard during the election, said he likes what Trump is doing, including the executive order, and that he was watching Trump on his TV today at his home in Macomb County — where Trump handily won in November.

"I think they should stop everyone from coming in," Maday said, "I think you've got to give (Trump) a chance. One week isn't nothing. Give him a year."

John Forlini, 44, of Mt. Clemens, who voted for Trump, said there have been conflicting reports on what the executive order stayed. He that he believes the outcry would not have been to this extreme if the same order was implemented by a Democratic president or another Republican if they had won the White House.

"Everything he is doing is based on what he campaigned on," said Forlini, who owns a coffee shop in Clinton Township. "No matter what (Trump) does, people will always pick at it. I think it's too soon to second-guess."

Forlini said that he believed that the protest at Detroit Metropolitan Airport on Sunday against the immigration order was "irresponsible — a huge breach of security at the airport. It's OK to protest ... but that's putting us even more in jeopardy of safety."

Craig Knapp, 66, of Northville said he believes the executive order is good and that "to let the refugees or illegals to come into this country, they have to be vetted to a great extent."

Knapp, who said he is a retired Wayne County sheriff's deputy who worked at the airport for more than a year, equated it to homeowners not wanting people they don't know walking through the front door of their locked home. "Even if one so-called terrorist comes through, that'd be one too many."

Knapp said he's glad officials lifted the ban for people with green cards. He said that he doesn't believe people "like the way Trump handled it. I think they dislike Trump so much, they can't see past that."

Trump's order was to suspended for at least four months the resettlement of refugees from around the world — and those from Syria indefinitely; and to block for at least 90 days the entry of visa holders from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

Over the weekend, protests broke out in cities around the country, even as judges in New York City and elsewhere prohibited the Trump administration from returning to their countries of origin people who had already come into the U.S. The Department of Homeland Security also clarified that barring any significant information of a threat, legal permanent residents — green card holders — would be permitted to re-enter the U.S. after traveling abroad.

There were at least three protests in metro Detroit on Sunday, the largest at Metro Airport in Romulus where up to 2,500 people showed up.

Contact Christina Hall: Follow her on Twitter @challreporter. Free Press Washington Bureau reporter Todd Spangler and USA TODAY contributed to this report. 

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