Trump's immigration, refugee orders defy American values

By Sean De Four

There are times in our lives when we are called to take a stand against injustice, when the very values we believe in are tried before a court of our peers. Now is one of those times.

While the world faces its greatest humanitarian crisis in history, with more than 65 million displaced persons yearning for a safe haven to call home, our nation is facing a great crisis, too, a crisis of faith. Faith in our democracy and its promised freedoms, faith in the equality we profess all people possess, faith in the tenets upon which this great nation was built.

With the late-day signing of an executive order on Friday, which was ironically International Holocaust Remembrance Day, President Donald Trump banned all refugees from our shores for 120 days and thereafter, severely limited the number of refugees to be welcomed here this year. This order bars people from majority Muslim nations (Iran, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Iraq and Sudan), all Syrians and reduces the freedoms of devoted Americans who happened to be born abroad.

I was born here, but my parents and brother were not; this new order puts their cherished freedoms at risk.

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This is one of those rare times in life when we must look in the mirror and ask ourselves the pointed question: On which side of history will I fall?

On the side of good, fairness and right?

Or on the side of silent cowardice because what’s happening does not affect me?

As a person of faith working for one of Michigan’s largest faith-based nonprofits, I commend people of faith who are advocating for, speaking out against, marching and protesting these un-American acts. All people of faith must join the crusade to stamp out injustice and restore us to the American foundation of liberty and justice for all.

Faith transcends political lines. People of faith are Democrats and Republicans, they support Trump and they don’t support him. Every faith community on this planet shares a belief in welcoming the stranger and taking care of the oppressed. We are united in our shared priority of lifting up those who cannot lift themselves.

Now is the time for Americans in the “majority” – namely, white Christians – to speak up and speak out. It’s time to use privilege to the benefit of all people.

Now is the time for people once targeted – Jews, Asian Americans, African Americans and others – to recognize their common history of persecution as alive and well in the language signed into law on Friday, and insist that we will not allow tyranny to reign.

Inspired by the timing of this order, we must chant the words "Never Again" and mean them, insisting that our nation will not let fear and elitism lead us into an isolationist echo chamber.

Most American students read "Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl" as part of their studies. They relate to the yearning girl hiding from the Nazis. They want to help, and they want to ensure that such hate-propelled crimes won’t be repeated. Today’s Anne Frank is Syrian, and according to this order, she is not welcome here.

Almost every American was at some point a refugee or an immigrant. We forget how Italians were treated as a large immigrant group arriving in waves. We forget how the Irish were treated, how Catholics were questioned when they ran for political office. Most of us belong to an identity that at some point was targeted or banned.

Nations are judged by how they treat the most vulnerable: the widow, the orphan, the refugee. Will we justify the continued oppression of others because of how they look, sound or pray? This is the land of the free and the home of the brave – and now is the time for us to exhibit that bravery and show what freedom truly means.

Friday’s action was signed on a platform of ensuring the safety of Americans. But no one can be safe when anyone is persecuted because of the color of their skin or the place of their birth. Making our nation an impenetrable fortress will not make us safer; it will increase our paranoia and weaken our understanding of, and collaboration with, the people of the world.

We live in a connected economy where relationships are their own form of currency. How will we survive if we shut everyone out?

Every single day we have a new chance to do the right thing. To help someone in need. To be an example of the love we want to see fill our world. Barring our doors to people running for their lives does not make us stronger.

The only way to guarantee our safety is to protect our democratic ideals and model the values our Constitution lays out: being a beacon of light to the dark corners of our world. Even if they reside in our own highest offices.

Sean De Four is vice president of child & family for Samaritas, Michigan’s largest refugee resettling agency.

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