Snyder: Trump's immigration order sparks 'welcome dialogue'

Paul Egan
Detroit Free Press

LANSING — President Donald Trump's executive order restricting refugees and immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries "is leading to a much-needed national dialogue on immigration policy," Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder said in a news release Tuesday.

Governor Rick Snyder in Flint in March 2016.

Snyder, who is in Israel leading a trade mission, neither endorsed nor criticized the controversial order, saying he is seeking more information about it.

“I plan to reach out to other governors and the presidential administration to completely understand the security processes and procedures in place and how the new executive orders might affect people trying to legally enter Michigan," Snyder said.

"The President’s 120-day reassessment period is leading to a much-needed national dialogue on immigration policy, and I plan to be part of that discussion."


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Snyder's statement said he supports "safe and secure borders," but "I also know first-hand the strong economic and entrepreneurial culture that has developed in our state because of the vast number of immigrants who have settled here for generations."

Snyder said "Michigan has been one of the most welcoming states for legal immigration and properly vetted refugees," and "is the best place to live the American Dream." He said he "will continue to encourage people to move here from other states and countries to fulfill their visions and find success."

Snyder has generally been pro-immigration and sees attraction of skilled immigrants as a key component of his goal of boosting Michigan's population to 10 million.

But in November 2015, Snyder called for a pause in settlement of Syrian refugees in Michigan until the U.S. Department of Homeland Security fully reviewed its procedures.

Snyder's statement contrasted with those made on Twitter Monday night by Attorney General Bill Schuette, who heartily endorsed Trump's actions.

Contact Paul Egan: 517-372-8660 or Follow him on Twitter @paulegan4.

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