The story of Hamtramck, Michigan's Ellis Island, as Trump takes power

Keith Matheny, Detroit Free Press
Students are seen during an ESL 1st year class for adult immigrants at the Hamtramck Public Library on Friday, Feb. 3, 2017, in Hamtramck.

In a meeting room off to the side of the Hamtramck Public Library, a small group of Yemeni immigrant men — and, at another table, two Yemeni women, in full burqas — are intently learning America 101. 

Mike Stenvig, who retired in 2015 after 20 years of teaching at Hamtramck High School, is teaching the group the nuances of the super-majority of 60 votes needed in the U.S. Senate to confirm President Donald Trump's U.S. Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch. The class, an adult education program sponsored by Hamtramck Public Schools, is specifically designed for the types of people the city of about 23,000 residents has welcomed for a century: newcomers from abroad.

Mike Stenvig of Royal Oak, who retired in 2015 after 20 years of teaching at Hamtramck High School, teaches grammar and expressions during a class for adult immigrants at the Hamtramck Public Library on Friday.

"It takes a few years, but during that time you learn the language, work experience, all of the things that go with citizenship," Stenvig said. "As well as what the United States is about: its rules, its customs, its opportunities and its challenges."

And you learn about Hamtramck.

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From the Polish immigrants who forged Hamtramck's history and character over most of the 20th Century, leading to the city's former motto of "A Touch of Europe in America," to those who followed — Albanians, those from the former Yugoslavia, Indians and now Yemenis and Bangladeshis — leading the city to change its motto to "A League of Nations," immigrants always have been a large part of the fabric of Hamtramck.

The city's affordability and reputation for acceptance of all nationalities and creeds has created Michigan's most diverse city, a unique place almost ironically American in its most fundamental sense — an incubator of the American Dream. In 2015, it became the first American city to elect a majority-Muslim city council.

But the city was shaken by Trump's Jan. 27 executive order temporarily banning immigration from seven predominantly Muslim countries with terrorism concerns — including Yemen — in order to "protect the nation from foreign terrorist entry into the United States." Nearly 1,000 people demonstrated against the ban outside Hamtramck's City Hall last Sunday. Many immigrants here are anxious about the order, what it may mean for them or their families, and for their community.

"We worry for everybody — Muslim or non-Muslim, Mexican, any kind," said Ahmed Hussein, 45, a Muslim from Bangladesh who owns Ahmanah Poultry and Grocery on Conant Street.

Ahmed Hussein, 45, owns Amanah Poultry and Grocery on Conant Street in Hamtramck. "Everybody help each other" in the city, he said.

"This community, it doesn't matter if he's coming from Australia, Israel, it doesn't matter who. We help each other. Me, every year I do kosher (meats) for the Jewish people for Yom Kippur days.

"Hamtramck is a very nice city to live in. Everybody watch (out) for each other."

The immigrant populations have grown as stories pass from family to family, friend to friend,  settled in other parts of the U.S. or in their native countries, of the positive experience they are having in Hamtramck.

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"(It's) all of the neighbors. You have a lot of mosques. I can use my religion here," said Fawzi Al-Barea, 32, who came to Hamtramck from Yemen five years ago. "Other states are more expensive — you can’t pay the rent, pay for food."

Fawzi Al-Barea, 32, left, a green card holder from Yemen works along side Maeen Obaid, 32, a U.S. citizen Monday Jan. 30, 201,7 at the Royal Kabob in Hamtramck.

The city's tight size — just 2.2 square miles — makes it a uniquely walkable community as well; important for immigrants who may not initially have a driver's license.

"A lot of people don't drive," Hussein said. "One person who has a van or a truck, they take and pick up — still they are doing this, right now. One person just drives the people to their work and takes them home.

"You have the help; (that's what's) most important. Any kind of help you need, another person help you — take you to the job, to the doctor — any help you need, whoever can, they help you." 

New immigrants feel comfortable in Hamtramck because many who live there were themselves once new immigrants, Hussein said.

"Each person understands, what does this person need?" he said. "I had the same kind of problem, so when somebody sees someone new come in, this neighbor, everybody feels like, 'Maybe he'll be having this problem.'"

Early settlers

The community of Hamtramck was founded by German and French settlers in 1798. Its Polish identity began around 1910, when the Dodge brothers built their automobile factory there — one that would be nicknamed the Poletown Plant. 

"They put out a call for workers, and that call was responded to, mainly, by Polish immigrants, who worked in the Dodge Main factory and 23 other factories here that opened at that time," said Greg Kowalski, 66, a director of the Hamtramck Historical Museum on the city's main thoroughfare, Jos. Campau Avenue, and chairman of the city's historical commission.

Greg Kowalski, 66, of Hamtramck is the one of the directors at the Hamtramck Historical Museum.

Many of the Polish immigrants were already in the U.S., working in jobs like the coal mines of Pennsylvania, like Kowalski's grandfather, he said. Others came directly from Poland for the autos and other industries that were booming around Detroit.

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What attracted Poles to Hamtramck then is what attracts Yemenis and Bengalis now — an affordable place to live, with similar people, customs and language; providing an added comfort level, Kowalski said.

Encompassing 67 acres, the Dodge Main plant at its peak employed 45,000 workers, one of the largest manufacturing facilities in the world. It transformed Hamtramck from a town of 3,500 residents in 1910 to a city of 48,000 only a decade later.

"It's one of the reasons all the houses here are right on top of one another — there was no time to plan," Kowalski said.

In the 1920s, the city gained a reputation as one of Detroit's wildest suburbs. The small city at one time had 200 bars, Kowalski said. The Michigan State Police took over law enforcement in the city in 1923 because of Hamtramck's open defiance of Prohibition and the local police force's refusal to enforce it, he said.

By 1970, Hamtramck's population was 90% Polish. Today, that number is around 13%. Chrysler's closure of Dodge Main in 1980 was "incredibly devastating," Kowalski said.

"Not only was it the soul of the community; it provided a quarter of our operating revenue, in taxes," he said. "When we lost that, there was nothing to replace it."

Hussein said many Bangladeshis came to Hamtramck to work in the other factories — many of which had supervisors of Bengali heritage. 

"They hired a lot of Bengali people," he said. "People knew if they came here, right away, they'd get a job. Communication was much better."

But those surrounding factories felt the ripple effect of the Dodge Main closure and folded as well.

"It was hard for people to adjust," Hussein said. "A lot of people went back to New York, to a lot of places. And some settled."

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It's made Hamtramck one of Michigan's poorest cities. But its ultra-affordability continues to attract immigrants, even through the economic hard times — especially those escaping even worse problems than a bad economy, like civil war.

An influx of immigrants from in and around war-torn Yugoslavia and the Balkan States it ultimately broke into, came to Hamtramck through the 1980s and 1990s. That led to some local conflicts in the early '90s, as animosities among Serbs, Croatians, Macedonians and ethnic Albanians spilled over among teens on the streets and in school hallways.

From Poles and other eastern Europeans, to Arabs, the pattern held: Come to Hamtramck, work your way up — some choosing to stay, but most dispersing to other Detroit suburbs. The immigration pressure ebbs and flows as well, Mayor Karen Majewski said.

"There's no existential crisis like there was before," she said. "There's no Bosnian war; there's no martial law in Poland. There's simply not the impetus to come to the U.S. as a place to start a new life and earn more money anymore."

But a place that remains war-torn is Yemen. The country's civil war, since 2011, pits those supportive of the elected government against those who back rebel forces — with al-Qaida and ISIS terror attacks and infiltration of the country thrown into the mix in one of the Middle East's poorest countries.

Today, Hamtramck is about 20% Yemeni, 20% Bangladeshi, 20% African American, 13% Polish, and the rest "is made up of everybody in the world," Kowalski said.

Those kinds of major population swings have not always been smooth.

Tensions over prayers

Tensions rose in Hamtramck around 2004 over the Adhan, the Muslim call to prayer; a melodic incantation broadcast from loudspeakers at several of the city's mosques, five times per day, from about 6 a.m. to about 7:30 p.m.

Noise complaints led to angry city council meetings, as well as a discussion of limiting the volume of mosque broadcasts — and church bells from the Catholic churches that have rung on the hour for years. It became a national news story.

"That was quite traumatic for the city in some ways," Majewski said. "We're a small community, packed tightly together. There's still occasional conflicts over the call to prayer."

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Ultimately, and perhaps ironically, the reworked city noise ordinance —- approved by voters in a referendum — actually served to enshrine the call to prayer as part of daily Hamtramck life, she said.

"In the end, people accepted it," she said.

A similar national media firestorm was created in November 2015 when Hamtramck voters elected the first Muslim-majority city council in the U.S. Reporters from the New York Times, Washington Post, and as far away as Japan came to report the story.

"After answering the same questions so many times, I finally said to one of them, 'You guys think that the world has stopped and is spinning in another direction,'" Kowalski said. "'Look at our vacant stores on our main street here, Jos. Campau. That's what we're really concerned about.'"

Trendy district

In addition to the many Yemeni and Bangladeshi restaurants in Hamtramck providing interesting variations on much of the Middle Eastern cuisine one might find in Dearborn, many of the same things that have attracted immigrants to the city over the years also have brought young people, spurring a surprisingly trendy district of restaurants, theaters, arts and entertainment.

"A lot of younger people are coming here because they are being priced out of Detroit," Kowalski said. "Midtown, downtown, Corktown, all of those areas, the rents are skyrocketing. They are coming here because the rent's affordable and it's extremely well-located."

Said Majewski: "People are looking for community, whether it's immigrants looking for folks like themselves, who speak the same language, or young people trying to find a community that shares their values — a walkable, livable community."

Chef Nikita Sanches — himself a Russian immigrant who came to the U.S. as a boy — opened Rock City Eatery in Hamtramck in 2013.

Chef Nikita Sanches, right, and Jessica Imbronone are owners of Rock City Eatery.

"I'd never been there," he said. "Driving through there, seeing some of the signage in Polish or Ukrainian, being able to read some of those storefronts, was pretty intriguing and awesome."

The restaurant took off in Hamtramck. But Sanches, 31, chose to move it to Midtown in late 2015, to a much larger space amid a burgeoning culinary district. Like many of the newcomers before him, Sanches moved in, moved up and moved on.

Hamtramck, he said, "was a great stepping stone; just to kind of experiment, show people what we are good at, what we're doing."

"All of these younger people — the American kids, the college kids who went there — loved it. But they're college kids; they don't necessarily have a lot of disposable income. And in a foreign, immigrant culture, you don't go out so much to eat. That's probably because you have a mother or grandmother at home who's an amazing cook, and you don't have a lot of extra money."

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"Our weekends would be mostly people from Royal Oak, Ferndale, Rochester Hills. That paid our bills. We sort of outgrew our space. We had 42 seats and hour-and-a-half waits."

But Sanches continues to appreciate Hamtramck's vibe and the opportunities it provided.

"People who are stuck in the old ways, who are kind of closed-minded; for them it's scary, because change is scary," he said. "Scary because of all the new people moving in. But for younger people, it doesn't really matter. We're a lot more open-minded when it comes to new people, or meeting people from other cultures."

Moving up

In another sign of the changing times, the large Polish Market store on Jos. Campau near Caniff suddenly closed last June. The market moved employees to its still-operating store on Maple Road at Dequindre in Troy. 

The economics of a dwindling Polish population was a factor, along with the migration of former Polish Hamtramck residents to communities such as Warren, Sterling Heights and Troy, employee Jerry Sproull said. It's not a matter of people desiring to move away from those coming in from other countries; rather, it's people gaining success and looking to move to more affluent suburbs, he said.

"It's everybody's dream to move up the ladder a few rungs if you can," Sproull said.

Just down Jos. Campau from the shuttered market, Srodek's Campau Quality Sausage Co. has noticed the population shift. The clientele now consists of Ukrainians and older Polish residents who stayed, said Rachel Srodek. Many longtime customers still come for kielbasa and other meats, but drive in from the suburbs, she said.

Rachel Srodek, 30, of Hamtramck, checks the weight after slicing meat for a customer at Srodek's Campau Quality Sausage on Thursday. Many longtime customers still come for kielbasa and other meats, but drive in from the suburbs, she said. She was born and raised in Hamtramck.

The situation breeds no resentment for Srodek, 30, a lifelong Hamtramck resident and daughter-in-law of the shop's owners.

"Nobody bothers anybody," she said of the influx of Yemeni and Bangladeshi residents. "It's just people coming to the city that's always welcomed immigrants."

Some worry that the paczki and polkas and Catholic festivals that became so ingrained in the community over a century may soon fade away.

"Most of the comments we get from people who are disturbed about the changing demographics are from people who don't live here," Kowalski said. "They are former residents who — we get this all the time — 'We wish Hamtramck was the way it was; the way it was when I grew up here; the way I remember it.' Well, you moved out, folks.

"We have new people moving into town, new residents. And the majority of people here, you'll find, are just fine with that."

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The museum director is looking forward. The Hamtramck Historical Museum on Jos. Campau is undergoing a major renovation. When finished, it will still have the relics from old Dodge Main; the photos from the wild days of the 1920s; the Polish festival memorabilia. But a large mural is being added, one that will represent all of the other immigrant populations who've since come to the city. Museum officials are interviewing members of the various ethnic groups  and enlisting their involvement in the project.

"We have an incredible assortment of people here," he said. "This is their city, and this is their museum."

The Hamtramck Historical Museum on Jos. Campau is undergoing a major renovation.

Back at the library: "We're learning basic English skills for both speaking and literacy," Stenvig said. Many in his classes are working toward gaining U.S. citizenship.

Through broken English, but with an eager smile, Akram Alkany, a 20-year-old Yemeni immigrant who arrived in Hamtramck almost 2 1/2  years ago, explained his presence in the class.

"I'm learning English; make good job, better job," he said. "I love United States. I've come for a new life."

Contact Keith Matheny: 313-222-5021 or Follow on Twitter @keithmatheny.

Akram Alkalay, 20, and Sultan Alwajh, 21, both of Hamtramck, listen during an ESL class for adult immigrants at the Hamtramck Public Library on Friday, Feb. 3, 2017, in Hamtramck.

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