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IT'S JOEVER (100.0%)

Fricking lol

Pizza is wrong? Must be a day ending in Y :#marseyclueless:

Up next is Kamala

Reported by:
  • Impassionata : he didn't resign due to covid you fricking moron
  • CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM : CONTENT WARNING: butthurt crybaby cute twinks throwing a little b-word fit in my thread
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Fricking called it
Reported by:
None!chuds !metashit !accelerationists :#marseyhappening:

:itsjoever:Dems confirm they will lose the election, BRANDON STEPPING DOWN!


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Weekly Anime Post 152

Alright, I watched a lot of anime this week. Really a ton.

First, I finished konosuba. Overall still a decent show, though season 3 felt waaay more generic isekai than the parody/comedy the previous seasons were. Sometimes you see it shine through, but generally it took itself a bit too seriously imo. Still very watchable though.

Then I watched 'I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince So I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability', which lived up to its generic isekai name and is a completely mid generic isekai, the only twist being that the protagonist is a little boy (like 10 years old or something) and the adult women fawn over him as opposed to the usual 40 year old protagonist fawns over 10 year old girls. It didnt save the anime from being utterly mid, if anything it made it worse. Watch only if you wanna watch some mind numbing power fantasy isekai shit with a shota fetish.

Then I watched 'Sentouin, Hakenshimasu!', which was fine. As I watched it I got konosuba vibes from time to time, and as I found out after watching its made by the same guy who also made konosuba or something. I would definitly watch a second season if it ever releases.

After that I started watching 'Unnamed Memory', have only watched three episodes so far but it seems fine. Will keep watching.

Now the big one of the week: last season, Date A Live Season V released, and I am a big date a live fan. I watched the first and second season probably eight times or more since they released, third season also at least three times. When season 4 came out I was pretty hyped, but I remember not liking it very much.

Now, in preparation of watching season 5, I rewatched everything, including OVAs and the movie (except Date A Bullet). Season 1 and 2 are still great, and while season 3 starts off a bit weak imo, the origami arc in the second half is probably my favorite part of the whole show. But, even though I watched it less than two years ago, I legit couldnt remember anything about season 4, and when rewatching it I was confirmed again in it being very meh.

First issue that one will notice immediately when watching is the different drawing/animation style. Of course you get used to it, but its still weird in the beginning. But more importantly, the show pretty much completely loses the humor it had in especially season 1 and 2, but also in 3. Season 4 seems way more like a generic harem anime than previous seasons, and the plot of the season (and the girls (especially nia)) are pretty boring.

Also, the fourth season changed kurumi a lot, and not really for the good. In the first season, she is introduced as this very psycho girl who will kill people no biggie and not give a shit, but in season 4 they try to humanize her too much imo. Idk if this is an issue with the source material (I suspect that the author just wanted to add a psycho b-word character in the first novels, and only really thought about her backstory later), but it seems a bit jarring to me.

And another issue is that, at this point, there are a lot of girls (10 lmao), so character development kinda gets thrown out the window. I guess this might also be because there is more focus on advancing the plot than in season 1 and 2, but it definitly feels more like '3 episodes to collect next girl, then youll never see her again', which was not the case in the previous seasons, though there is also the movie after season 2 where you get at least some extra time with the characters, so thats a bonus for season 1&2 girls of course.

Anyway, from this lengthy rambling you might get that I definitly thought that season 4 was a significant drop in quality, so I was pretty concerned about season 5 following that trend. But... I was positively surprised. I really liked season 5. It took its time to flesh out its plot, and it did so very well as far as Im concerned. I really liked the arc, and I think its a fitting end for the series. The story comes together decently well imo, there werent really any major plot holes bothering me in the end (except some stuff that always comes when time travel shenangians are involved, but no big deal), it had some drama, just overall a good season. Im pretty happy with it.

It is a weird feeling when a show that kinda 'accompanied' (in lack of a better word) you for 10 years ends, though.

I saw some rumors that another movie might come out, I would watch it of course, but I wouldnt mind if the ends this way either. Its a good ending.

Oh, also something to note about the show is that it has some great music.

Anyway, thats it for this week. Ill probably pick up Unnamed Memory again now that I finished Date A Live, not sure what Ill watch after that. I wad eyeing some stuff from last season that I might watch, but it didnt really have anything that seemed like a must watch to me.


@Aevann pin pls

Black lives matter

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[Betting] When/If does Biden drop out of the running or dies :marseybiden: :crazyeyes:

How long until Biden becomes too dramatic to control

I think you !chuds will like this one

Closing after a day or two. Gotta keep you on your toes



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the dejenerate podcast - state of emergency 8:36

Note: A few days ago he uploaded another video titled "the dejenerate podcast" but it was just the exact same video he uploaded several days prior.'s back to using Opera

  • emergency podcast, the right winger on vnnforum said the age of consent was jewish and christian

  • Jinxthinker reaffirms that he would be the leader of the right wing if he were a p-dophile

  • Wishes Trump got shot by antifa (but they don't have any balls because Biden protects the right wing) 1:00

  • Don't trust black people, most are racist against BIPOCs. Carpet bombs BIPOC words while thinking about Andrew Tate and Kanye West 3:00

  • 4:00

  • /r/EuropeanSocialists is also racist, /r/stupidpol is racist, /r/redscarepod is for incels

  • Jinxthinker will infiltrate right wing organizations and spread BBC propaganda 5:35

  • He would pay a p-dophile with AIDS to r*pe Baldwin's kids 7:00

!jinxthinkers who's that knocking on my door right now?


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

there is so much negativity on here that I don't even let myself scroll for too long because I don't want my head filled with all this toxicity. I'm absolutely in love with this game I cannot remember the last time I had this much fun playing a shooter so can't be bothered to even read other people's bullshit. I miss when people would get on the internet to talk about and interact with things they enjoy. these days it's just hate hate hate (12)

That's quite sad given that pretty much every other shooter is better than this garbage (-10)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

This is a public forum related to the game. Plenty of posts here give valid criticisms of the game. While you're right that it is only the beta, I'm not sure comparing it to Heck Divers 2 is an accurate comparison. Different type of game, and already had a small but dedicated fan base. Streamers and social media in general, made it huge, and it got a ton of exposure. This game is most likely destined to the same fate as other paid shooters. Eventually reduced in price, then free to play, with a very small but stable small player base. (-5)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

It was made for discussion of the game.The last of the modes it will ship with was released today, per the developers.Let people be. You're not going to stop anyone from posting by writing this...this post is just more noise. Get on the game and have some fun, if that's what you're after.Cheers. (-6)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

There are just as many fanboys here as trolls. Any critical post of the game, even if it's completely valid and makes sense, gets downvoted to oblivion. That's not healthy.It's also clear that there are a ton of people here who didn't play the beta, are here to troll, and want the game to fail.Either way, this subreddit sucks and will continue to suck until the game comes out and actual gameplay posts outnumber the troll/fanboy ones. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

By far. The Joel thing was so cringe I almost just quit playing on the spot. I've learned to support with my wallet since then. Let nature take its course. (-2)

I got his death spoiled for me before the game came out. For 4 years I didn't play the game past 10 mins when they gave me control of Abby. Threw that b-word of the cliff 8 times to see if I could get an alternate story like the far cry games. I should have left it at that. (0)

Angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

I have played beta and I liked it. I'm so full of F2P/P2W/FOMO games that many live service - games are these days and I like this pay-up-front what games used to be. Game is not perfect but with updates and patches I would give solid 7.5 - 8. But... It is taxing to be fan of this game. I'm not even sure should I buy this at launch or wait because all the hate and doa stuff surrounding this game. (5)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Far-Monitor-2288

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 5

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion

If Kamala Harris Is a D.E.I. Candidate, So Is JD Vance :blackwomanspeaking:

!chuds yts are now DEI candidates

NYT is now unacceptable

Ever since speculation began that Vice President Kamala Harris might replace President Biden at the top of the Democratic ticket, there has been a steady, ugly chorus on the right. The New York Post published a column that declared that Harris would be a "D.E.I. president," and quickly the phrase ricocheted across the conservative media ecosystem.

The invocation of diversity, equity and inclusion programs meant to bring people from underrepresented backgrounds into institutions of power and influence clearly implied that a Black woman got power because of racial preferences. Black achievement, in this narrative, is always unearned and conferred without regard to merit.

Listening to JD Vance's speech at the Republican convention on Wednesday night, as he laid out his remarkable biography --- a young man with roots in an economically devastated backwater who scaled the heights of the American elite --- I couldn't help thinking to myself: If Harris is a D.E.I. candidate, so is Vance. It just depends on what kind of diversity you mean. It depends, indeed, on how you understand the role of identity in shaping the opportunities that define anyone's life.

All politics is, at some level, identity politics --- the business of turning identity into power, be it the identity of a candidate or demographic group or political party or region of the country. For modern presidential and vice-presidential candidates, one of their most valuable assets is their life story. Some elements of that story are bequeathed at birth, but what makes politicians successful is their talent at narrating that story in a manner that allows voters to see some version of themselves and their own aspirations in the candidate. This kind of storytelling, embedded in American archetypes and ideals, has shaped our politics.

Vance's entire business and political career has flowed from his life story, which is embedded in identities he did not choose: Born a "hillbilly," of Scotch-Irish descent, he grew up in poverty, son of a single mother who was addicted to drugs. Overcoming this adversity, these disadvantages, lies at the core of his personal narrative. His ascent would hardly be so remarkable if he started from a life of middle-class comfort. But no one is portraying Vance's elevation to the Republican ticket as the outcome of some kind of illegitimate identity politics, nor is Vance perceived as having benefited from a political form of affirmative action.

And yet he almost certainly did. Race is not the only kind of diversity that gets noticed and embraced. Elite institutions love up-by-your-bootstraps Americans, and that archetype is all over Vance's life story. A promising white candidate from a county that sends few students to an elite college like Yale would get a strong look, even if that person's grades and test scores were less impressive than other applicants'. (To be clear, I have no idea what kind of grades or scores Vance had.) Regardless of race, applicants from working-class backgrounds, especially if they were the first in their family to attend college, are deemed to add class diversity.

Natasha Warikoo, a professor of sociology at Tufts University whose scholarship focuses on affirmative action and ideas about meritocracy, told me that race is a highly visible identity and the one that is most likely to be associated with unearned advantage. Yet race is not the only kind of identity that excites elite institutions looking for diversity. "We want a variety of perspectives and lived experiences," Warikoo said.

The labor historian Gabriel Winant, who crossed paths with Vance at Yale, wrote of him last year: "If you spend enough time at elite universities, you should be able to recognize this as a type: conservative white men from outside the WASP elite who have figured out how to present themselves as persecuted minorities and be rewarded for it. Although Vance no doubt did feel out of place at Yale, elite universities love promising young conservative men like him. Institutions often seek them out and do them favors; doing so makes faculty and administrators feel broad-minded."

Vance benefited from one of the most powerful forms of affirmative action that elite universities practice to attract low-income students: need-blind admissions. Like many elite schools, Yale pledges to help cover the cost of attending for poor students, and Vance wrote about receiving generous financial aid for law school, not "because of anything I'd done or earned --- it was because I was one of the poorest kids in school." I am familiar with this phenomenon --- my much less elite college had a similar policy. Our family was penniless, so I received aid that covered nearly the entire cost of my expensive education.

The sort of affirmative action that helped Vance gets easily overlooked --- it's less visible than race, making it easier to ascribe the achievements of white men to merit alone. The playing field is never tilted to help white men, the theory goes. If anything, it is tilted against them, in favor of women and minorities, we're told by the right. And if there are any advantages for white men, they exist only to help elites remain elites --- legacy admissions, preferences for athletes and players of expensive sports like sailing, old-boy networks.

In truth, it is pretty common for white men to get a leg up for some special part of their identity. Yet these men do not get labeled D.E.I. beneficiaries. No one worries that their surgeon or pilot or president was a "D.E.I. hire," even though he might have gotten his spot at an elite college because he was the son of a wealthy alumnus, or because he happened to come from a state that is historically underrepresented in elite higher education. Indeed, he may have impressed an admissions officer with an unusual story of overcoming obstacles --- a family rived by poverty and addiction in a forgotten corner of the country.

I wonder: Why do people look at Vance's life story and achievements and see a vice president, and they look at Vice President Harris's life story and achievements and see a "D.E.I. candidate"?

You have to look pretty far into history to find a vice-presidential nominee with a slimmer résumé than Vance. In fairness, he is only 39. Before he entered the Senate 18 months ago, his public service experience consisted of a stint in the Marine Corps, which is a solid early entry on a political résumé. This champion of forgotten America made his fortune by writing a best-selling book that portrayed the rural white community he came from as lazy and undisciplined, responsible for its poverty and misery. He got even richer working as a venture capitalist in Silicon Valley, hobnobbing with the billionaire fleece-vest crowd at invitation-only conferences among the uber elite. He is clearly a person of talent and drive. But it is hard to imagine that he could have gotten this far were it not for the value that elite institutions place on biographies like his.

Affirmative action of a kind is built into our political system. The drafters of the Constitution did not have the term "diversity, equity and inclusion" at hand, but how else do you describe a system that gives two senators and at least three Electoral College votes to a state that based on population qualifies for only one member of the House of Representatives? Our Constitution does not lecture Wyoming, Alaska, the Dakotas, Vermont and Delaware to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and do a better job of competing for residents with states like California and New York in order to earn their disproportionate representation.

Some of the earliest settlers of the United States were religious minorities fleeing persecution, and protection of the rights of certain minorities lies at the core of our founding documents. For better or worse, our Constitution finds value in tempering the power of the majority, though that has worked out in ways no one fathomed in the 18th century. It is telling that these kinds of preferences, the valuing of geographic and religious diversity, are so deeply embedded in our history and do not read to most people as unearned or unjust.

Personally, I think powerful institutions should value this kind of diversity. Over the course of my career I have hired and promoted many people, and diversity in the broadest sense has always been important to me. I have found that the best leaders I have worked with are eager to build teams from as wide a range of geographic, religious, class, ideological and, yes, racial and ethnic backgrounds as possible.

Kamala Harris and JD Vance, despite their political differences, have a few things in common. They were raised by tough, charismatic matriarchs. They both pursued legal careers. They both sought and won high elected office. They both come from backgrounds that are underrepresented in the halls of power. And now they are both engaged in the core work of politics --- translating their stories into power. We would do well to ask why only one of these two remarkable Americans stands accused of getting where she is based on D.E.I. The answer, I fear, is written on their faces.

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Canadian Woman Accused Of "Racism" After Witnessing Indians Defecating In "Poop Holes" On Ontario Beach :marseygigachadbrony: :kovid: :greendesigirl:

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Disney furry hacker 'Nullbulge' got exposed and is a complete idiot script kiddie


first he complains on that he got scammed

then he logs into the scammers telegram channel with his main profile

turns out he's some weird furry latex fetish artist

as of this moment he locked his account

is claiming that he was hacked

weirdly he likes to talk about nullbulge alot

also he's a reddit mod /u/ryakr here he admits hes Zack3D

he is a moderator for BeamNG Subreddit

admitted on his Steam profile here:

the malware got on to the disney employee's PC through a BeamNG mod


here he is talking about making a virus for BeamNG mods

TLDR; Nullbulge isn't a group, a single indivudual that goes by Zack3D, FurZacky, Shiny Goocat, and /u/ryakr on reddit

he was also throughly doxxed and is now being contacted and reported to the FBI

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I am the transgender witch you couldn't burn

I am the transgender witch you couldn't burn

I am the transgender witch you couldn't burn

I am the transgender witch you couldn't burn

I am the transgender witch you couldn't burn

I am the transgender witch you couldn't burn

I am the transgender witch you couldn't burn

I am the transgender witch you couldn't burn

I am the transgender witch you couldn't burn

!transphobes !bardfinn aaaaaaaaaa

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Hmmmm, I will see how /r/Politics is taking this news :marseyclueless:


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DDR responds :marseytrumpss:


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These Soviet and US grocery store stories are so fricking cringe 💀 : ShitLiberalsSay

Yes they are. Losers coping is always cringe.

That's right! It's time for a 911roofer megathread!

I'm only posting loser's coping. I could farm it out for days but I don't hate you or myself enough to do that.

Or it would be if most of the commie dubs weren't just head in the sand r-slurs. This is going to be a short megathread

I got one coper here


R-slurs are often unjustifiably smug

Some mildly choice cuts here

Nothing but copers

Some tards here

Oh how they love to cope

One commie pole copes


Everybody is angry at McLaren for screwing up pitstop order, and making Norris undercut Piastri for the position 1, which put Lando 3 seconds ahead of the race leader. Then they proceed to ask Lando to swap positions and let Piastri win the race.

reddit isn't happy

Thought mclaren were about to get a hostage negotiator on the line there in the last few laps.

Redditors are fighting

What an absolute farce. Never rooting for McLaren again. Oscar should be ashamed to win in this fashion.

After today, Norris will NEVER be a WDC.

Oscar was faster for the majority of the race. We don't even know if lando was faster in the final stint because Oscar was managing his pace like the team asked and Lando was ignoring them.

If lando won just because the team fricked up the pit order how is that any less shallow

/r/formuladank isn't happy ethire



These two together. 🥹

What a weekend we've had! 🧡

So, so ashamed of you: Mclaren! He is missing out on precious points for the driver who is second in the drivers' world championship and giving us a victory that would not change ANY of our position in the constructors' world championship...

Race highlights


Sick with Covid and abandoned by allies, President Biden has been fuming at his Delaware beach house, increasingly resentful about what he sees as an orchestrated campaign to drive him out of the race and bitter toward some of those he once considered close, including his onetime running mate Barack Obama.

Mr. Biden has been around politics long enough to assume that the leaks appearing in the media in recent days are being coordinated to raise the pressure on him to step aside, according to people close to him. He considers Representative Nancy Pelosi, the former House speaker, the main instigator, but is irritated at Mr. Obama as well, seeing him as a puppet master behind the scenes.

But several people close to Mr. Biden, who insisted on anonymity to discuss internal matters, described an under-the-weather president coughing and hacking more than a hundred miles from the corridors of power as his presidency meets its most perilous moment.

He has watched with rising exasperation as a succession of news stories appeared, one after the other, reporting that Mr. Schumer, Ms. Pelosi, Mr. Obama and Representative Hakeem Jeffries of New York, the House Democratic leader, all had warned of a devastating defeat for the party in November.

And he certainly noticed that Mr. Obama has not done anything to help him in recent days even as his own former aides publicly have led the way in calling on Mr. Biden to withdraw in what was interpreted, rightly or wrongly, as a message from the former president's camp. The unseen but clearly felt presence of Mr. Obama in particular has brought a Shakespearean quality to the drama now playing out, given their eight-year partnership.


Let's hope Biden does the greatest comeback in Anime

Comes out and says:

Went through friends, some of them I put on, but they just left

They said they was ridin' to the death, but where the frick are they now?

Now that I need them, I don't see none of them

All I see is Trump, frick all you fair-weather friends, all I need is him

Frickin' backstabbers, when the chips were down you just laughed at us

Now you 'bout to feel the frickin' wrath of Aftermath, cute twinks

You gon' see us in our lab jackets and ask us where the frick we been?

Pathetic moids posting Ls
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:marppy: Drama Report: 2024-07-21 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘Two photos of our marriage, one from 2021, the other from a few day.../r/pics (31M)53%6089
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘17 Year Old Earns A Doctorate Degree/r/BeAmazed (9M)69%2743
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘I'm gonna come out and say it. I liked all of this. And I hate bein.../r/StarWars (4M)65%2373
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Why are men so hated on the internet?/r/questions (173K)50%542
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Is Social Security Really a Scam?/r/FluentInFinance (348K)62%709
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Trudeau and family head to British Columbia for vacation in unnamed.../r/canada (3M)62%660
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Average Conversation with Women/r/TeenagersButBetter (64K)65%577
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘"Don't worry the developers are college football sickos"/r/NCAAFBseries (126K)60%481
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘If President Joe Biden steps down, is America ready for President K.../r/politics (9M)47%335
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Husband has fear of being poor syndrome./r/Rich (41K)51%333

Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘It's a shame that this Subreddit is filled with Trolls and Haters o.../r/ConcordGame (3K)54%75
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Question for members voting Republican/r/UnitedAssociation (7K)47%186
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Is it just me or does the star on the new state flag look more like.../r/altmpls (7K)49%189
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Rare images/possible screenshot of lol superman/r/lolsuperman (4K)49%46
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘what do you think about my top 9 albums?/r/Topster (33K)50%280
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Husband has fear of being poor syndrome./r/Rich (41K)51%333
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Average Conversation with Women/r/TeenagersButBetter (64K)65%577
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Why does everyone hate Rings of Power?/r/RingsofPower (52K)60%405
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Northies generate fictional auto driver stories to diss on Kannadigas/r/Bengaluru (10K)55%42
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Doctors warn of significant increase in people hospitalised with ps.../r/australian (73K)51%253

:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents. Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion

From Fox News yesterday: Biden calls Obama:marseyobama: 'puppet master':marseymischevious::spank: as the White House slips into chaos:marseyitsjoever:

It seems like Barack Hussein Obama II has won again, as the Democratic Party's pressure on Biden to step down, in the elections, since the debate, has succeeded.

Reported by:
  • _sus : the fact that I believed it's real says a lot about society
  • usernaw :
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Reminder: Donald Trump is still losing the election.

People have already made up their minds on Trump.


I was a Republican most of my life. I was leaning liberal when Trump ran against Hillary. I voted for him at the last minute because I couldn't stand the thought of Hillary in office. After four years of him, I voted for Biden. I'll never vote for a Republican again. They want to run Hillary? I'll vote for Hillary. They want to run Hillary's cat? I'll vote for the cat. Anything but that hate-mongering racist fascist dictator wanna be. In y defense, when I voted for him the first time 'round, I was about a week out of a mental hospital. I guess you really have to be crazy to vote for Trump.

Fat depressed frick that post mostly about food suggest he is now in better health than when he voted for Trump

In the comments they also found a replacement for Harris after her 2 presidency " Whitmer " another foid, because only foid can lead US to greatness.

EVO WATCH PARTY :marseygamer: -

/h/kappa will be hosting bets for all the final day top 6s at EVO, come watch in main chat

The 4 games are Granblue Strive Tekken 8 and SF6, each game will have it's own thread

- BETS in comments for GRANBLUE -
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Leo of Damascus never miss
Inflation affects all of us. Marsey had to get a side job


Trump himself decries Project Reddit Boogieman 2025 as fake news

New Candidate to vote blue no matter who

New boogieman needed

New sneed session later tonight

Dem bros, I don't feel so good

Americans defend their property from the drone menace :marseydrone: :marseyshooting:

get FRICKED Walton family

orange sight hand wringing:

Soyboy posts a :soyjakwow: Vox :soysnoo4: article and starts a schism :marseynouautism: in r/neoliberal :marseysoylentgrin: over prohibition :marseymobster2:

!neolibs, !grillers, someone ping the boozers. For people who claim to be liberal (being for individual freedoms), they sure share a lot with the religious right in that they want individual freedoms curtailed to fit their Progressive eedeeology that's """evidence based"""".

Also there's this guy who whips it out and pisses in the Soylent lmao.

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