Joe Biden

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Joe Biden
Husband to, proud father and grandfather. Ready to finish the job for all Americans. Official account is.
Washington, DCjoebiden.comJoined March 2007

Joe Biden’s posts

Unlike Trump, I don’t work for Big Oil, Big Pharma, or the National Rifle Association. I work for you—the American people.
In my second term, we are going to pass the PRO Act—and end union busting once and for all.
Project 2025 is run and paid for by Trump people. It was a project built for Trump, and it’s the biggest attack on our freedoms in history.
Trump has said that if he wins, he’ll be a dictator on day one. And folks, he means it. Just look at this right-wing Project 2025—the blueprint for the second Trump term. I will not let that happen.
I’m proud to say I’m the first and only president in American history to walk a picket line. I came here to Michigan to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the—the greatest auto workers in the world.
0:05 / 1:45
Donald Trump is a convicted criminal and a business fraud. He inherited millions of dollars only to squander it. He even went bankrupt running a casino. I didn’t even know you could do that—doesn’t the house always win in a casino?
No more free passes for Donald Trump. We’re going to say who he is, and what he intends to do. He’s a convicted criminal.
When that butcher Putin invaded Ukraine, Trump called it “genius” and “wonderful.” But people would rather talk about how I mix up names.
The vast majority of economists agree that our economy is moving in the right direction. Jobs are up. Wages are up. The economy continues to grow.
Since I became president, we’ve created nearly 16 million new jobs nationwide—including 390,000 jobs in Michigan.
Let me tell you something that Donald Trump and his rich friends don’t understand. Wall Street didn’t build this country. Working people and the middle class did. And unions built the middle class.
We’re going to stand up for the women of America. We’re going to protect contraception and IVF. And we are going to restore Roe v. Wade as the law of the land.
I am the only Democrat or Republican who has ever beaten Donald Trump. And I’m going to beat him again. I know him—Donald Trump is a loser.