
Nola, Province of Napoli, Campania

Nola is located in the third northern belt of the metropolitan city of Naples in the plain, north-east of Vesuvius and west of the Apennines, in an almost central and strategic position in relation to all the main cities of the Campania region. At 16 miles of Naples, Nola is served by the local railway Naples-Baiano.
Given its historical, cultural and commercial importance, it is the main center of the "Nolan Area" (including Nola, Camposano, Carbonara di Nola, Casamarciano, Cicciano, Cimitile, Comiziano, Liveri, Mariglianella, Marigliano, Palma Campania, Roccarainola, San Paolo Bel Sito, San Vitaliano, Saviano, Scisciano, Tufino, Visciano). It is known as the "Città Bruniana" for having given birth to philosopher Giordano Bruno, and also as "city of lilies" for the millennial "Gigli Festival" held annually in June.


  • Altitude: 34 m a.s.l
  • Population: about 34,400 inhabitants in 2018
  • Zip/postal code: 80035
  • Dialing Area Code: +39 081
  • Demonym: nolani
  • Patron Saint: St. Felice celebrated on 15 November, St. Paolino of Nola celebrated on 22 June
  • Frazioni & Localities: Piazzolla, Polvica.


Of the ancient city, which occupied the same site as the modern town, hardly anything is now visible. In the days of its independence it issued an important series of coins. Nola was one of the most ancient cities of Campania, variously said to have been founded by the Ausones, the Chalcidians and the Etruscans. Its territory was very fertile, and this was the principal source of its wealth. A large number of vases of Greek style were found in the neighbourhood. The Etruscans were certainly in Nola about 560 BC when it sent assistance to Neapolis against the Roman invasion (328 BC). The Romans conquered Nola in 343 BC, and it was thenceforth faithful to Rome.

Nola was a municipium with its own institutions and the use of the Oscan language. It became a Roman colony under Augustus, who died at Nola. Sacked by Genseric in 455, and again by the Saracens in 806 and 904, was captured by Manfred of Sicily in the 13th century, and damaged by earthquakes in the 15th and 16th. Because of these events, Nola lost much of its importance.

What to see

  • The Gothic cathedral, restored in 1866, and again in 1870 after the interior was destroyed by fire, with a fine high tower.
  • The Seminary which preserves the famous Oscan inscription known as the "Cippus Abellanus" (from Abella, the modern Avella) and other Latin inscriptions.
  • The former convent of the Capuchins at a little distance from the city
  • The Monument to philosopher Giordano Bruno, who was born at Nola in 1548 and executed by the Inquisition.
  • The remains of a church erected by St. Paulinus in honour of St Felix in the 4th century.

Events and Festivities

  • Two fairs are held in Nola, on June 14 and November 12
  • July 26, a great festival in honour of St Paulinus, one of the early bishops of the city, who invented the church bell ("campana", taking its name from Campania).

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