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Enemy Item/Badge Drop FAQ (GC) by jdaster64

Version: 1.11 | Updated: 09/28/2021
Highest Rated Guide

| Item/Badge Drops & Badge Hunting Guide v1.11 |
| (c)2011-2021 Jonathan Aldrich, aka jdaster64 |
|             All rights reserved.             |

* [1.] CONTENTS *

Section 1 - Table of Contents           [1.]
Section 2 - Introduction                [2.]
Section 3 - Enemy List                  [3.]
Section 4 - Item/Badge Drop Tables      [4.]
        4a- Calculating Drop Chances    [4a]
        4b- Normal Enemies              [4b]
        4c- Glitzville Enemies          [4c]
Section 5 - Extras                      [5.]
        5a- Badge-Hunting Guide         [5a]
Section 6 - Frequently Asked Questions  [6.]
Section 7 - Version History             [7.]
Section 8 - Credits/Thanks              [8.]

For easier navigation of the guide, use Ctrl+F and search the codes to the
right of the section names (including the brackets).


I love the first two Paper Mario games, chiefly because of their unique battle
system. Awhile back, I was watching YouTube videos of The Thousand-Year Door,
and ended up stumbling upon a series called "Stacking Way Too Many" by
MilesLuigi, in which he showcases the effects of having about ten of a badge
of which only one to three normally appear in the game. After watching more of
his videos, I eventually ended up at a GameFAQs thread, "Badge Hunting FAQ
v3.1", started by Chaosmaster00, that was devoted to finding these extra 
badges. These videos and that thread inspired me to do a little work in the
field myself, culminating (for now) in this guide. Hopefully this will be as
good a resource for future and current badge-hunters as that thread was for me!

(Edit, version 1.1): Thanks to Malleo, SolidifiedGaming and Really_Tall finding
Palace Skip which requires an item drop, I finally got around to figuring out
exactly how to calculate the chances of item drops based on the drop tables,
and explain in section 4a. I also removed the incorrect statement regarding
Heart Finder / Flower Finder / Item Hog not having additional effects, as their
effects do demonstrably stack (and indeed, I don't know how it wasn't obvious
that the former two do).

* [3.] ENEMY LIST *

To find the item/badge drops for a specific enemy, search the code to the 
right of the desired enemy in brackets, e.g. [75]. The enemies are ordered
in roughly the same order they appear in the Tattle Log; if an enemy does not
appear on this list, it is because it either appears only in Glitzville (see
section 4c for more details), or has no item drops.

Goomba             01
Spiky Goomba       02
Paragoomba         03
Hyper Goomba       04
Hyper Spiky Goomba 05
Hyper Paragoomba   06
Gloomba            07
Spiky Gloomba      08
Paragloomba        09
Koopa Troopa       10
Paratroopa         11
Shady Koopa        12
Dark Koopa         13
Dark Paratroopa    14
Koopatrol          15
Dark Koopatrol     16
Dull Bones         17
Dry Bones          18
Hammer Bro         19
Lakitu             20
Dark Lakitu        21
Buzzy Beetle       22
Spike Top          23
Parabuzzy          24
Spiky Parabuzzy    25
Magikoopa          26
Dark Craw          27
Bandit             28
Badge Bandit       29
Spinia             30
Spania             31
Spunia             32
Fuzzy              33
Green Fuzzy        34
Flower Fuzzy       35
Pokey              36
Poison Pokey       37
Pale Piranha       38
Putrid Piranha     39
Frost Piranha      40
Piranha Plant      41
Crazee Dayzee      42
Amazy Dayzee       43
Pider              44
Arantula           45
Swooper            46
Swoopula           47
Swampire           48
Dark Puff          49
Ruff Puff          50
Ice Puff           51
Poison Puff        52
Boo                53
Dark Boo           54
Lava Bubble        55
Ember              56
Phantom Ember      57
Cleft              58
Hyper Cleft        59
Moon Cleft         60
Dark Bristle       61
Bob-omb            62
Bulky Bob-omb      63
Bob-ulk            64
Chain Chomp        65
Red Chomp          66
Bill Blaster       67
B. Bill Blaster    68
Wizzerd            69
Dark Wizzerd       70
Elite Wizzerd      71
X-Naut             72
X-Naut PhD         73
Elite X-Naut       74


These tables contain all of the item/badge drops of every eligible enemy in
the game, along with two numbers. The first is the item/badge's "hold rate",
which determines the likelihood of seeing that item/badge in battle, as well
as stealing it with Ms. Mowz (see section 5a). The second is its "drop rate",
which tells how likely you are to receive that item/badge as a random drop
after a battle containing that enemy.

Note that unlike in Paper Mario (64), all enemies in a battle have a chance of
dropping a held item/badge, not just the one encountered on the field.
However, no more than one item/badge will drop per battle, and it is still the 
case that only the front enemy can drop a non-held item/badge.


Brand new as of version 1.1 of the guide, I'm finally able to explain exactly 
how to convert the drop weights in the tables below into absolute drop rates.

We'll look at this drop data to demonstrate for no particular reason:

Crazee Dayzee      [..]
Super Shroom    - 10 10
Maple Syrup     -  0 10
Thunder Bolt    - 10 10
Point Swap      -  0 15
Fright Mask     -  0 10
Happy Flower    -  0  2
Flower Saver    -  0  1
Flower Saver P  -  0  1

First of all, to determine what items the enemies should hold in battle,
the chances of getting an item is its hold weight divided by (200 + the sum of
all hold weights). For instance, the chance of a Crazee Dayzee holding a
Super Shroom in battle is 10 / (200 + 10 + 10) = 10 / 220 = 1 / 22.
This same probability is used to determine what item you get from Kiss Thief.

Now at the end of the battle, the first thing that's determined is whether you
will get a random drop, a held item drop, or nothing. These events are weighted
with probability 1, 1, and 2 respectively (1, 1 and 3 in the Pit of 100 Trials),

and every Item Hog badge worn increases the former two cases' weight by 1. So
with no Item Hog badges on, the chance of the random / held item drop cases
being chosen are 25%, and with one, the chance is 33.3%.

If the "random drop" case is chosen, then the game looks at the front enemy's
drop table. The chances of getting an item in that table is its drop weight
divided by (300 + the sum of all drop weights). For instance, Super Shroom's
probability is 10 / (300 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 15 + 10 + 2 + 1 + 1) = 10 / 359, or
about 1 / 36. Flower Saver's probability is a paltry 1 / 359, and including the
25% (33.3% w/ Item Hog) chance of "random drop" being chosen in the first place,
that probability plummets to an abysmal 1 / 1,436 (1 / 1,067)! :(

If the "held drop" case is chosen, things look a lot less bleak; the game gives
you one of the items the enemies were holding at the start at battle at random.
Note that you can still get an item that an enemy used in battle, but using
Kiss Thief to steal it will remove it permanently, as well as the chance of
getting it as a held drop.

If you don't get a drop from either of the above methods, and if you have at
least one Item Hog badge on, you have a 40% chance of getting a drop from a
separate table of items specific to the Item Hog badge; this has a 30% chance of
getting a Dried Shroom, and a 10% chance each of being a Mushroom, Honey Syrup,
Fire Flower, Fright Mask, POW Block, Volt Shroom or Tasty Tonic.

Finally, and curiously, using a Fright Mask has no effect on the item drop
calculations, so you can feel free to scare enemies into dropping items just as
easily as you can get items from defeating them normally!


These are the drop tables that enemies use outside of Glitzville. For enemies 
in Glitzville, see section 4c.

Note: To clarify the difference between the item and badge "HP Drain", the
badge and its partner version will both be marked with an asterisk.

Goomba             [01]
Dried Shroom    - 10 10
Tasty Tonic     -  0  5
Fire Flower     - 10 10
Sleepy Sheep    -  5  5
Mini Mr. Mini   -  5  5
Close Call      -  2  1
Close Call P    -  2  1
Power Jump      -  0  1
Spiky Goomba       [02]
Mushroom        -  5  5
Honey Syrup     -  0  5
Fire Flower     - 10 10
Sleepy Sheep    -  5  5
Power Punch     -  5  5
Close Call      -  2  1
Close Call P    -  2  1
Soft Stomp      -  0  1
Paragoomba         [03]
Mushroom        -  5  5
Honey Syrup     -  0  5
Fire Flower     - 10 10
Sleepy Sheep    -  5  5
Dizzy Dial      -  5  5
Close Call      -  2  1
Close Call P    -  2  1
Multibounce     -  0  1
Hyper Goomba       [04]
Life Shroom     -  5  5
Tasty Tonic     -  0  5
Ice Storm       -  5  5
Boo’s Sheet     - 20 20
Repel Cape      - 10 10
Last Stand      -  2  1
Last Stand P    -  2  1
Charge          -  0  2
Hyper Spiky Goomba [05]
Life Shroom     -  5  5
Tasty Tonic     -  0  5
Ice Storm       -  5  5
Boo’s Sheet     - 20 20
Power Punch     - 10 10
Last Stand      -  2  1
Last Stand P    -  2  1
Charge P        -  0  2
Hyper Paragoomba   [06]
Life Shroom     -  5  5
Tasty Tonic     -  0  5
Ice Storm       -  5  5
Boo’s Sheet     - 20 20
Ruin Powder     - 10 10
Last Stand      -  2  1
Last Stand P    -  2  1
Charge          -  0  2
Gloomba            [07]
Super Shroom    - 10 10
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Fire Flower     - 20 20
Spite Pouch     -  5  5
Volt Shroom     - 10 10
HP Plus         -  2  2
HP Plus P       -  2  2
Power Jump      -  0  2
Spiky Gloomba      [08]
Super Shroom    - 10 10
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Fire Flower     - 20 20
Spite Pouch     -  5  5
HP Drain        - 10 10
HP Plus         -  2  2
HP Plus P       -  2  2
Soft Stomp      -  0  2
Paragloomba        [09]
Super Shroom    - 10 10
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Fire Flower     - 20 20
Spite Pouch     -  5  5
Dizzy Dial      - 10 10
HP Plus         -  2  2
HP Plus P       -  2  2
Multibounce     -  0  2
Koopa Troopa       [10]
Mushroom        -  5  5
Honey Syrup     -  0  5
POW Block       - 20 20
Courage Shell   - 10 10
Sleepy Sheep    -  5  5
Happy Heart     -  2  1
Power Rush P    -  2  1
Happy Flower    -  0  1
Paratroopa         [11]
Mushroom        -  5  5
Honey Syrup     -  0  5
POW Block       - 20 20
Courage Shell   - 10 10
Dizzy Dial      -  5  5
Power Rush      -  2  1
Happy Heart P   -  2  1
Happy Flower    -  0  1
Shady Koopa        [12]
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Earth Quake     - 20 20
Courage Shell   -  5  5
Volt Shroom     - 10 10
Happy Heart     -  2  1
Power Rush      -  2  1
Heart Finder    -  0  2
Dark Koopa         [13]
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Ice Storm       - 10 10
Courage Shell   - 10 10
Mr. Softener    - 20 20
Happy Heart     -  2  1
Mega Rush P     -  2  1
Heart Finder    -  0  2
Dark Paratroopa    [14]
Super Shroom    - 10 10
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Fire Flower     - 20 20
Spite Pouch     -  5  5
Dizzy Dial      - 10 10
HP Plus         -  2  2
HP Plus P       -  2  2
Multibounce     -  0  2
Koopatrol          [15]
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Thunder Rage    - 20 20
Courage Shell   -  5  5
Repel Cape      - 10 10
Close Call      -  2  2
Close Call P    -  2  2
Fire Drive      -  0  1
Dark Koopatrol     [16]
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Shooting Star   - 20 20
Courage Shell   -  5  5
Boo’s Sheet     - 10 10
P-Up, D-Down    -  2  2
P-Up, D-Down P  -  2  2
Item Hog        -  0  2
Dull Bones         [17]
Mushroom        -  5  5
Honey Syrup     -  0  5
Fire Flower     -  5  5
Spite Pouch     - 10 10
Point Swap      -  0 10
HP Plus         -  0  2
Item Hog        -  0  1
Dry Bones          [18]
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Ice Storm       -  5  5
Spite Pouch     - 20 20
Point Swap      -  0 10
HP Plus         -  0  2
Item Hog        -  0  1
Hammer Bro         [19]
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Thunder Rage    - 15 10
Mini Mr. Mini   - 20 20
Power Punch     -  5  5
Mega Rush       -  2  2
Mega Rush P     -  2  2
Hammer Throw    -  0  2
Lakitu             [20]
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Thunder Rage    - 10 10
Spite Pouch     -  5  5
Volt Shroom     - 10 10
Super Appeal    -  0  2
Super Appeal P  -  0  2
Tornado Jump    -  0  2
Dark Lakitu        [21]
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Thunder Rage    - 20 20
Spite Pouch     -  5  5
Volt Shroom     - 10 10
Super Appeal    -  0  2
Super Appeal P  -  0  2
Tornado Jump    -  0  2
Buzzy Beetle       [22]
Slow Shroom     - 10 10
Gradual Syrup   -  0 10
Earth Quake     -  5  5
Power Punch     -  5  5
Mini Mr. Mini   -  5  5
Power Jump      -  0  2
Power Smash     -  0  2
Shrink Stomp    -  0  2
Spike Top          [23]
Slow Shroom     - 10 10
Gradual Syrup   -  0 10
Earth Quake     -  5  5
Power Punch     -  5  5
Repel Cape      -  5  5
Power Jump      -  0  2
Power Smash     -  0  2
Shrink Stomp    -  0  2
Parabuzzy          [24]
Slow Shroom     - 10 10
Gradual Syrup   -  0 10
Earth Quake     -  5  5
Power Punch     -  5  5
Dizzy Dial      -  5  5
Multibounce     -  0  2
Quake Hammer    -  0  2
Ice Smash       -  0  2
Spiky Parabuzzy    [25]
Slow Shroom     - 10 10
Gradual Syrup   -  0 10
Earth Quake     -  5  5
Power Punch     -  5  5
Mr. Softener    -  5  5
Multibounce     -  0  2
Quake Hammer    -  0  2
Piercing Blow   -  0  2
Magikoopa          [26]
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Shooting Star   - 10 10
Stopwatch       - 20 20
Mystery?        -  0 10
HP Plus P       -  2  2
Super Appeal    -  0  2
Super Appeal P  -  0  2
Dark Craw          [27]
Life Shroom     - 10 10
Tasty Tonic     -  0 10
Shooting Star   -  5  5
Ruin Powder     -  5  5
Spite Pouch     -  5  5
P-Down, D-Up    -  2  2
P-Down, D-Up P  -  2  2
All or Nothing  -  0  1
Bandit             [28]
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Ice Storm       -  5  5
Sleepy Sheep    - 10 10
Fright Mask     -  0 15
Pretty Lucky    -  2  1
Pretty Lucky P  -  2  1
Refund          -  0  2
Badge Bandit       [29]
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Ice Storm       -  5  5
Sleepy Sheep    - 10 10
Mystery?        -  0 15
Pretty Lucky    -  2  2
Pretty Lucky P  -  2  2
Refund          -  0  2
Spinia             [30]
Mushroom        -  5  5
Honey Syrup     -  0  5
Thunder Bolt    -  5  5
Sleepy Sheep    -  5  5
Fright Mask     -  0 10
Pretty Lucky    -  2  1
Pretty Lucky P  -  2  1
Power Smash     -  0  1
Spania             [31]
Mushroom        -  5  5
Honey Syrup     -  0  5
Thunder Bolt    -  5  5
Sleepy Sheep    -  5  5
Mystery?        -  0 10
Pretty Lucky    -  2  1
Pretty Lucky P  -  2  1
Power Smash     -  0  1
Spunia             [32]
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Thunder Rage    - 10 10
Sleepy Sheep    -  5  5
Spite Pouch     - 10 10
Pretty Lucky    -  2  2
Pretty Lucky P  -  2  2
Power Smash     -  0  2
Fuzzy              [33]
Mushroom        -  5  5
Honey Syrup     -  0  5
Fire Flower     -  5  5
Sleepy Sheep    -  5  5
HP Drain        - 10 10
Sleepy Stomp    -  0  1
Head Rattle     -  0  2
Green Fuzzy        [34]
Slow Shroom     -  5  5
Gradual Syrup   -  0  5
Ice Storm       -  5  5
Sleepy Sheep    - 15 15
Ruin Powder     -  5  5
Last Stand      -  2  1
HP Drain*       -  0  1
Flower Fuzzy       [35]
Slow Shroom     -  5  5
Gradual Syrup   -  0  5
Ice Storm       -  5  5
Sleepy Sheep    - 15 15
Spite Pouch     -  5  5
Last Stand P    -  2  1
FP Drain        -  0  1
Pokey              [36]
Life Shroom     -  5  5
Tasty Tonic     -  0 15
Earth Quake     -  5  5
HP Drain        -  5  5
Mr. Softener    -  5  5
Poison Pokey       [37]
Life Shroom     -  5  5
Tasty Tonic     -  0 15
Earth Quake     -  5  5
HP Drain        -  5  5
Mr. Softener    -  5  5
FP Plus         -  0  2
Pale Piranha       [38]
Mushroom        -  0  5
Honey Syrup     -  0 10
FP Plus         -  0  1
Putrid Piranha     [39]
Super Shroom    -  0  5
Maple Syrup     -  0 10
FP Plus         -  0  1
Frost Piranha      [40]
Super Shroom    -  0  5
Maple Syrup     -  0 10
Ice Smash       -  0  1
Piranha Plant      [41]
Super Shroom    -  0  5
Maple Syrup     -  0 10
Flower Saver    -  0  1
Flower Saver P  -  0  1
Pity Flower     -  0  1
Crazee Dayzee      [42]
Super Shroom    - 10 10
Maple Syrup     -  0 10
Thunder Bolt    - 10 10
Point Swap      -  0 15
Fright Mask     -  0 10
Happy Flower    -  0  2
Flower Saver    -  0  1
Flower Saver P  -  0  1
Amazy Dayzee       [43]
Ultra Shroom    - 10 10
Jammin’ Jelly   -  0 10
Shooting Star   - 10 10
Point Swap      -  0 15
Mystery?        -  0 10
Happy Flower    -  0  2
Flower Saver    -  0  2
Flower Saver P  -  0  2
Pider              [44]
Slow Shroom     -  0 10
Gradual Syrup   -  0  5
Arantula           [45]
Slow Shroom     -  0 10
Gradual Syrup   -  0  5
Pity Flower     -  0  2
All or Nothing  -  0  2
Swooper            [46]
Mushroom        -  5  5
Honey Syrup     -  0  5
Fire Flower     -  5  5
Boo’s Sheet     -  5  5
HP Drain        - 15 15
Hammer Throw    -  0  1
HP Drain*       -  0  2
HP Drain* P     -  0  2
Swoopula           [47]
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Ice Storm       -  5  5
Boo’s Sheet     -  5  5
Dizzy Dial      - 15 15
Multibounce     -  0  2
Hammer Throw    -  0  2
HP Drain* P     -  0  2
Swampire           [48]
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Ice Storm       -  5  5
Boo’s Sheet     -  5  5
Ruin Powder     - 15 15
Multibounce     -  0  2
Hammer Throw    -  0  2
Lucky Day       -  0  1
Dark Puff          [49]
Mushroom        -  5  5
Honey Syrup     -  0  5
Thunder Bolt    - 10 10
Dizzy Dial      -  5  5
Mini Mr. Mini   -  5  5
Sleepy Stomp    -  0  2
FP Drain        -  0  1
Ruff Puff          [50]
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Thunder Rage    - 15 10
Dizzy Dial      -  5  5
Mr. Softener    -  5  5
Head Rattle     -  0  2
Tornado Jump    -  0  2
Ice Puff           [51]
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Ice Storm       - 15 10
Dizzy Dial      -  5  5
Ruin Powder     -  5  5
Soft Stomp      -  0  2
Ice Smash       -  0  2
Poison Puff        [52]
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Thunder Rage    - 15 10
Dizzy Dial      -  5  5
Power Punch     -  5  5
Ice Smash       -  0  2
Jumpman         -  0  2
Boo                [53]
Slow Shroom     - 10 10
Gradual Syrup   -  0 10
Fire Flower     - 10 10
Dizzy Dial      - 10 10
Mini Mr. Mini   - 10 10
Super Appeal    -  0  1
Super Appeal P  -  0  1
Sleepy Stomp    -  0  2
Dark Boo           [54]
Slow Shroom     - 10 10
Gradual Syrup   -  0 10
Thunder Rage    - 10 10
Dizzy Dial      - 10 10
Power Punch     - 10 10
Super Appeal    -  0  2
Super Appeal P  -  0  2
Money Money     -  0  2
Lava Bubble        [55]
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Fire Flower     -  0 15
Power Punch     -  5  5
HP Drain        - 10 10
Fire Drive      -  0  2
Ember              [56]
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Fire Flower     -  0 15
Power Punch     -  5  5
Spite Pouch     - 10 10
Fire Drive      -  0  2
Phantom Ember      [57]
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Fire Flower     -  0 15
Power Punch     -  5  5
Ruin Powder     -  5  5
Fire Drive      -  0  2
Cleft              [58]
Mushroom        -  5  5
Honey Syrup     -  0  5
Earth Quake     - 10 10
Mini Mr. Mini   -  5  5
Power Punch     -  5  5
Quake Hammer    -  0  2
Hyper Cleft        [59]
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Earth Quake     - 15 10
Mini Mr. Mini   -  5  5
Repel Cape      -  5  5
Charge          -  0  2
Charge P        -  0  2
Moon Cleft         [60]
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Earth Quake     - 10 15
Mini Mr. Mini   -  5  5
Stopwatch       -  5  5
Quake Hammer    -  0  2
Dark Bristle       [61]
Super Shroom    -  0 10
Maple Syrup     -  0 10
Hammerman       -  0  2
Bob-omb            [62]
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Ice Storm       -  5  5
Stopwatch       -  5  5
Repel Cape      -  5  5
Head Rattle     -  0  2
Damage Dodge P  -  0  1
Damage Dodge    -  0  1
Bulky Bob-omb      [63]
Super Shroom    -  0  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Fire Flower     -  0  5
Stopwatch       -  0  5
Dizzy Dial      -  0  5
Damage Dodge    -  0  2
Damage Dodge P  -  0  2
Bob-ulk            [64]
Super Shroom    -  0  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Fire Flower     -  0  5
Stopwatch       -  0  5
Dizzy Dial      -  0  5
Defend Plus     -  2  2
Defend Plus P   -  2  2
Chain Chomp        [65]
Super Shroom    -  0 10
Maple Syrup     -  0 10
Power Punch     - 10 10
Defend Plus     -  2  1
Defend Plus P   -  2  1
Red Chomp          [66]
Super Shroom    -  0 10
Maple Syrup     -  0 10
Power Punch     - 10 10
Damage Dodge    -  2  1
Damage Dodge P  -  2  1
Bill Blaster       [67]
Mushroom        -  0  5
Honey Syrup     -  0  5
Money Money     -  0  2
B. Bill Blaster    [68]
Super Shroom    -  0  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Money Money     -  0  2
Wizzerd            [69]
Super Shroom    - 10 10
Maple Syrup     -  0 10
Thunder Rage    - 10 10
Stopwatch       - 10 10
Boo’s Sheet     -  5  5
Jumpman         -  0  1
Hammerman       -  0  1
Dark Wizzerd       [70]
Life Shroom     - 10 10
Maple Syrup     -  0 10
Thunder Rage    - 10 10
Stopwatch       - 10 10
Boo’s Sheet     -  5  5
Power Plus      -  1  1
Power Plus P    -  1  1
Elite Wizzerd      [71]
Ultra Shroom    - 10 10
Jammin’ Jelly   -  0 10
Shooting Star   - 10 10
Stopwatch       - 10 10
Boo’s Sheet     -  5  5
Power Plus      -  2  2
Power Plus P    -  2  2
X-Naut             [72]
Super Shroom    - 10 10
Maple Syrup     -  0 10
Fire Flower     - 20 20
Stopwatch       - 10 10
Dizzy Dial      - 10 10
HP Plus         -  2  2
FP Plus         -  0  2
Shrink Stomp    -  0  2
X-Naut PhD         [73]
Super Shroom    - 10 10
Maple Syrup     -  0 10
Shooting Star   - 20 20
Stopwatch       - 10 10
Ruin Powder     - 10 10
P-Down, D-Up    -  2  1
P-Down, D-Up P  -  2  1
Flower Finder   -  0  2
Elite X-Naut       [74]
Super Shroom    - 10 10
Maple Syrup     -  0 10
Thunder Rage    - 20 20
Stopwatch       - 10 10
Boo’s Sheet     - 10 10
P-Up, D-Down    -  2  1
P-Up, D-Down P  -  2  1
Heart Finder    -  0  2


As noted before on several forums, Glitzville enemies occasionally have
different item/badge drops than in enemies in other places, so they have been
given a separate section. If an enemy does not appear in this list, it means 
that it (or its Glitzville version) does not have any item data, i.e. it 
cannot hold any items.

      Dull Bones
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Ice Storm       -  5  5
Stopwatch       -  5  5
Repel Cape      -  5  5
Head Rattle     -  0  2
Damage Dodge P  -  0  1
Damage Dodge    -  0  1
Life Shroom     -  5  5
Tasty Tonic     -  0 15
Earth Quake     -  5  5
HP Drain        -  5  5
Mr. Softener    -  5  5
Mushroom        -  5  5
Honey Syrup     -  0  5
Fire Flower     -  5  5
Boo’s Sheet     -  5  5
HP Drain        - 15 15
Hammer Throw    -  0  1
HP Drain*       -  0  2
HP Drain* P     -  0  2
   Hyper Bald Cleft
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Earth Quake     - 10 10
Mini Mr. Mini   -  5  5
Repel Cape      -  5  5
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Ice Storm       - 15 10
Dizzy Dial      -  5  5
Ruin Powder     -  5  5
Soft Stomp      -  0  2
Ice Smash       -  0  2
       Spiny #1
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Thunder Rage    - 15 10
Dizzy Dial      -  5  5
Mr. Softener    -  5  5
Head Rattle     -  0  2
Tornado Jump    -  0  2
       Spiny #2
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Thunder Rage    - 15 10
Dizzy Dial      -  5  5
Power Punch     -  5  5
Ice Smash       -  0  2
Jumpman         -  0  2
   Chapter 2 Enemies
Mushroom        -  5  5
Honey Syrup     -  0  5
Earth Quake     - 10 10
Ruin Powder     -  5  5
Mini Mr. Mini   -  5  5
Shrink Stomp    -  0  2
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Ice Storm       -  5  5
Stopwatch       -  5  5
Repel Cape      -  5  5
Head Rattle     -  0  2
Damage Dodge P  -  0  1
Damage Dodge    -  0  1
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Ice Storm       -  5  5
Sleepy Sheep    - 10 10
Fright Mask     -  0 15
Pretty Lucky    -  2  1
Pretty Lucky P  -  2  1
Refund          -  0  2
      All Fuzzies
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Shooting Star   - 10 10
Stopwatch       - 20 20
Mystery?        -  0 10
HP Plus P       -  2  2
Super Appeal    -  0  2
Super Appeal P  -  0  2
    Red Spiky Buzzy
Slow Shroom     - 10 10
Gradual Syrup   -  0 10
Earth Quake     -  5  5
Power Punch     -  5  5
Repel Cape      -  5  5
      Shady Koopa
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Earth Quake     - 20 20
Courage Shell   -  5  5
Volt Shroom     - 10 10
Happy Heart     -  2  1
Power Rush      -  2  1
Heart Finder    -  0  2
   Shady Paratroopa
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Earth Quake     - 20 20
Courage Shell   -  5  5
Dizzy Dial      - 10 10
Happy Heart P   -  2  1
Power Rush P    -  2  1
Flower Finder   -  0  2
    All Hammer Bros.
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Thunder Rage    - 15 10
Mini Mr. Mini   - 20 20
Power Punch     -  5  5
Mega Rush       -  2  2
Mega Rush P     -  2  2
Hammer Throw    -  0  2
     Red Magikoopa
Super Shroom    -  5  5
Maple Syrup     -  0  5
Thunder Rage    - 15 10
Mini Mr. Mini   - 20 20
Power Punch     -  5  5
Mega Rush       -  2  2
Mega Rush P     -  2  2
Hammer Throw    -  0  2
       Red Chomp
Super Shroom    -  0 10
Maple Syrup     -  0 10
Power Punch     - 10 10
Damage Dodge    -  2  1
Damage Dodge P  -  2  1

Some notes about the differences between these and normal tables:
- Shady Paratroopa, Hyper Bald Clefts, Red Spiky Buzzies, and the Chapter 2 
  enemies use item sets that are not used anywhere outside of Glitzville.
- The Dull Bones have Bob-ombs' normal drop table.  There are some beta PM2 
  sprites/tattles describing a "Hyper" and "Ultra" Bob-omb; perhaps a group 
  of those was meant to be fought originally.
- The Fuzzies have (blue) Magikoopas' normal drop table.  This was probably an 
  oversight, as the Glitzville Magikoopas have different data.
- The Red Magikoopa has Hammer Bros.' normal drop table, and the White and 
  Green have no item data.  This was probably meant to be attributed to the 
  Hammer/Fire/Boomerang Bro set.  Incidentally, all three of that set have 
  Hammer Bros.' normal drop table as well.
- The two Spinies and Lakitu all have different drop tables, shared with Ruff, 
  Poison, and Ice Puffs, respectively, suggesting that there might have 
  originally been a group of various Puffs fought in Glitzville, possibly in 
  place of the chapter-2 enemy set. 
- Obviously, you cannot receive item/badge drops in Glitzville, but they were 
  included for completeness's sake.

* [5.] EXTRAS *


"Badge Hunting" is the common name given to the practice of collecting extra
badges of types, usually those that have limited supply, by fighting enemies.

There are three main ways to do this:

1.If an enemy can hold a certain badge in-battle, then it can be stolen with
  Ms. Mowz's "Kiss Thief" special move for a mere 2 FP. Even if an enemy is
  NOT holding a badge in battle, you can still use this move and have a chance
  of stealing any item or badge on its hold list (however, you can NOT steal 
  items/badges it can't normally hold). You can even steal multiple badges
  this way in one battle!

2.If an enemy can hold a certain badge in-battle, another way to get these
  badges is as follows: Find a battle that has a lot of an enemy type that 
  drops the badge you want. If no enemy has that badge, run away from battle.
  When you leave that screen and come back, the enemies' held items reset. 
  Rinse and repeat until you find the badge you want. Note that this method
  will result in you losing a lot of coins, but it tends to be MUCH faster.

3.Badges will occasionally drop randomly after a battle. If an enemy can drop,
  but not hold, a certain badge, then you can fight that type of enemy 
  repeatedly to eventually get that badge. For a good number of badges, most
  of which are FP-related or move badges, this is the only way to get them.
  If forced to resort to this method, you should pile on as many power badges
  as you can, and defeat the enemies as quickly as possible.

Held Badges:
(Note: All badges that can be held can be dropped.)

Close Call     | All Goombas, Koopatrol
Close Call P   | All Goombas, Koopatrol
Damage Dodge   | Red Chomp, Red Chomp*
Damage Dodge P | Red Chomp, Red Chomp*
Defend Plus    | Bob-ulk, Chain Chomp
Defend Plus P  | Bob-ulk, Chain Chomp
Happy Heart    | Koopa Troopa, Shady Koopa, Dark Koopa
Happy Heart P  | Paratroopa, Shady Paratroopa*
HP Plus        | All Gloombas, D. Paratroopa, X-Naut
HP Plus P      | All Gloombas, D. Paratroopa, Magikoopa, All Fuzzies*
Last Stand     | All Hyper Goombas, Green Fuzzy
Last Stand P   | All Hyper Goombas, Flower Fuzzy
Mega Rush      | Hammer Bro, All Hammer Bros.*, Red Magikoopa*
Mega Rush P    | Dark Koopa, Hammer Bro, All Hammer Bros.*, Red Magikoopa*
P-Down, D-Up   | Dark Craw, X-Naut PhD
P-Down, D-Up P | Dark Craw, X-Naut PhD
Power Plus     | Dark Wizzerd, Elite Wizzerd
Power Plus P   | Dark Wizzerd, Elite Wizzerd
Power Rush     | Paratroopa, Shady Koopa
Power Rush P   | Koopa Troopa, Shady Paratroopa*
Pretty Lucky   | All Bandits, All Spinias, Bandit*
Pretty Lucky P | All Bandits, All Spinias, Bandit*
P-Up, D-Down   | D. Koopatrol, Elite X-Naut
P-Up, D-Down P | D. Koopatrol, Elite X-Naut

* Held by Glitzville version of enemy.

Drop-only Badges:

All or Nothing | Dark Craw, Arantula
Charge         | Hyper Goomba, Hyper Paragoomba, Hyper Cleft
Charge P       | Hyper S. Goomba, Hyper Cleft
Damage Dodge   | Bob-omb, Bulky Bob-omb
Damage Dodge P | Bob-omb, Bulky Bob-omb 
Fire Drive     | Koopatrol, All Embers/Bubbles
Flower Finder  | X-Naut PhD
Flower Saver   | Piranha Plant, All Dayzees
Flower Saver P | Piranha Plant, All Dayzees
FP Drain       | Flower Fuzzy, Dark Puff
FP Plus        | Poison Pokey, Pale Piranha, Putrid Piranha, X-Naut
Hammerman      | Dark Bristle, Wizzerd
Hammer Throw   | Hammer Bro, All Swoopers
Happy Flower   | Koopa Troopa, Paratroopa, All Dayzees
Head Rattle    | Fuzzy, Ruff Puff, Bob-omb
Heart Finder   | Shady Koopa, Elite X-Naut
HP Drain       | Green Fuzzy, Swooper
HP Drain P     | Swooper, Swoopula
HP Plus        | Dull Bones, Dry Bones
Ice Smash      | Parabuzzy, Frost Piranha, Ice Puff, Poison Puff
Item Hog       | D. Koopatrol, Dull Bones, Dry Bones
Jumpman        | Poison Puff, Wizzerd
Lucky Day      | Swampire
Money Money    | Dark Boo, All Blasters
Multibounce    | Paragoomba, Paragloomba, D. Paratroopa, Parabuzzy,
               | S. Parabuzzy, Swoopula, Swampire
Piercing Blow* | S. Parabuzzy
Pity Flower    | Piranha Plant, Arantula
Power Jump     | Goomba, Gloomba, Buzzy Beetle, Spike Top
Power Smash    | Buzzy Beetle, Spike Top, All Spinias
Quake Hammer   | Parabuzzy, S. Parabuzzy, Cleft, Moon Cleft
Refund         | All Bandits
Shrink Stomp   | Buzzy Beetle, Spike Top, X-Naut
Sleepy Stomp   | Fuzzy, Dark Puff, Boo
Soft Stomp     | S. Goomba, S. Gloomba, Ice Puff
Super Appeal   | All Lakitus, Magikoopa, All Boos
Super Appeal P | All Lakitus, Magikoopa, All Boos
Tornado Jump   | All Lakitus, Ruff Puff

* Oddly enough, although this badge can be dropped, it has no additional effect
  when stacked, so don't waste your time trying to get it.

* [6.] FAQ'S *

Nothing here yet! Send in any questions/comments to smasfan AT hotmail DOT com.


Version 1.00 (2011-12-03) - First, complete version of the guide.
Version 1.05 (2011-12-07) - Fixed some basic errors, largely thanks to avengah.
Version 1.10 (2016-04-07) - Added correct information on calculating drop rates.
Version 1.11 (2021-09-28) - Minor fixes to drop calculation & hunting guide.


|Contributor(s)| Contributed                                                  |
|Nintendo, IS  | The game, natch.                                             |
|MilesLuigi,   | For getting me interested in PM:TTYD again, especially       |
|WayoshiM      | MilesLuigi's walkthrough and "Stacking Way Too Many" videos. |
|Chaosmaster100| For his wonderful Badge Hunting guide that got me initially  |
|              | interested in item/badge drops.                              |
|avengah       | For correcting several basic errors with version 1.00,       |
|              | such as calling all Sleepy Sheep "Sleepy Stomp".             |
|Malleo, SG,   | For finding Palace Skip and finally giving me an excuse to   |
|Really_Tall   | actually find out how drop rates are calculated.             |
|You           | Thank you so much-a for reading my guide!                    |
|              |                                                              |

Please do not redistribute/reuse the contents of this guide anywhere without
my consent and due credit.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their 
respective trademark and copyright holders.

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