Badges, Part 3: Effects and Stacking.

To conclude my discussion on TTYD’s badges, here’s a comprehensive list of the effects of all stackable badges, and some comments / research backing up my finding.  In general, much of my research was documented and discussed a while back in this forum thread.  To see a bunch of these badges stacked in bulk, check out MilesLuigi’s YouTube series, “Stacking Way Too Many”, here.  A handful of badges cannot be obtained infinitely or to their maximum (Power Bounce, Double Pain, Simplifier/Unsimplifier), but I will list their effects anyway.  (If you want some cheat codes to give yourself multiple of these, check out

Standard Ability Badges
Mario’s got a wealth of attacking options at his hands right here, but stacking multiple badges can become pricey pretty quickly.

  • Power Jump (1 BP) – Does a single-hit jump attack for 2 FP that does 2 more damage than the boots’ standard attack power (i.e. 4 for normal Boots, 6 for Super, 8 for Ultra).  Additional badges double the FP requirement, in exchange for another +2 attack power.
  • Power Smash (1 BP) – Same as Power Jump, but does a hammer attack.
  • Multibounce (1 BP) – Hits every non-ceiling enemy in sequence with standard, single-hit jump attacks for 2 FP.  Additional badges double the FP requirement and add 1 attack power.
  • Piercing Blow (1 BP) – Does a hammer attack that ignores enemy defense.  Despite the fact that it is attainable in multiple (Spiky Parabuzzies drop them), wearing more than one has no additional effects whatsoever.
  • Hammer Throw (1 BP) – Allows you to hit any single enemy with an indirect hammer attack that does base damage for 2 FP.  Additional badges double the FP cost and add 1 to the attack’s power.
  • Tornado Jump (2 BP) – For 3 FP, does a single-hit jump attack that does 2/4/6 damage based on the boots’ attack power, then a tornado that does 2 DEF-piercing damage to all midair enemies.  Additional badges each double the FP cost, and add 1 to the jump’s damage and 2 to the tornado’s.
  • Quake Hammer (2 BP) – For 3 FP, sends out a shockwave that does 2 DEF-piercing damage to all ground/hovering and ceiling enemies.  Additional badges each double the FP cost and add 2 to the attack’s power.
  • Power Bounce (3 BP) – Does a jump attack for 3 FP that hits as long as you hit the Action Commands correctly.  The initial hit does 1/2/3 damage base, and if it does damage, every successive hit does 1 fewer damage, minimum of 1.  Additional badges cannot normally be attained in-game, but double the FP cost and add +1 damage apiece.
  • Fire Drive (3 BP) – For 5 FP, shoots a fireball at all ground/hovering enemies that does 5 DEF-piercing damage to the front enemy, 4 to the next, etc, and inflicts the Burn status for 3 turns.  Additional badges double FP cost and add 2 attack power; the Burn status’s duration is unaffected.

Status-Inducing Ability Badges
All of these badges’ FP costs scale linearly with extra badges, rather than exponentially, allowing you to incapacitate enemies for practically infinite time given enough badges (the effects can last for 100+ turns with sufficient BP and badge count).

  • Soft Stomp (1 BP) – For 2 FP, does a jump attack that inflicts the Soft status (-3 DEF) on an enemy for 3 turns.  Additional badges add 2 FP to the cost and 2 turns to the effect.
  • Shrink Stomp (1 BP) – For 2 FP, does a jump attack that inflicts Shrink on an enemy for 3 turns.  Additional badges add 2 FP to the cost and 2 turns to the effect.
  • Sleepy Stomp (1 BP) – For 2 FP, does a jump attack that inflicts Sleep on an enemy for 5 turns.  Additional badges add 2 FP to the cost and 2 turns to the effect.
  • Head Rattle (1 BP) – For 2 FP, does a hammer attack that inflicts Confuse on an enemy for 3 turns.  Additional badges add 2 FP to the cost and 2 turns to the effect.
  • Ice Smash (1 BP) – For 3 FP, does a hammer attack that inflicts Freeze on an enemy for 2 turns.  Additional badges add 3 FP to the cost and 2 turns to the effect.

Special Ability Badges
Multiple Charges is pretty game-breaking (3 extra attack power for a measly 2 FP? I’m down.), but multiple Super Appeals can make for ridiculous abuse of Special Attacks.

  • Charge (P) (1 BP) – For 1 FP, increases the next attempted attack’s power by 2.  Additional badges double the FP cost and add 1 to the charge amount.  The charge per turn maxes at 9, and total charge power cannot exceed 99.
  • Double Dip (P) (3 BP) – For 4 FP, allows Mario or his partner to use two items in a single turn.  Wearing both available badges of the same type allows him to use Triple Dip, which costs 8 FP and allows him to use three items in one turn.
  • Super Appeal (P) (1 BP) – Increases the Star Power Mario or his partner gets from Appealing by 1/4 of a Star Power unit per equipped badge.

Standard Stat-Boosting Badges
Blah, blah.  You should know all this already.

  • HP Plus (3 BP) – Increases Mario’s maximum HP by 5 per equipped badge.
  • HP Plus P (6 BP) – Increases all of Mario’s partners’ maximum HP by 5 for every badge equipped.
  • FP Plus (3 BP) – Increases maximum FP by 5 per badge.
  • Power Plus (P) (6 BP) – Increases Mario or his partner’s attack power by 1 per badge.
  • Defend Plus (P) (5 BP) – Increases Mario or his partner’s defense power by 1 per badge. Note that this has no effect on attacks that pierce defense.

Stat-Boosting Variant Badges
These are where the real badge power lies; multiple of pretty much any of these badges make Mario downright unstoppable good and fast.  Unfortunately, the pure power upgrade badges are pretty much impossible to come by in bulk.

  • All or Nothing (4 BP) – Increases Mario’s attack power by 1 per badge equipped, but hits with unsuccessful Action Commands deal no damage.
  • Damage Dodge (P) (2 BP) – Increases Mario or his partner’s defense power by 1 per badge equipped upon a successful guard.  Again, has no effect on DEF-piercing moves.
  • Jumpman (2 BP) – Increases Mario’s attack power by 1 per badge equipped, but makes him unable to use Hammer moves.
  • Hammerman (2 BP) – Increases Mario’s attack power by 1 per badge equipped, but makes him unable to use Jump moves.
  • Power Rush (P) (1 BP) – When Mario or his partner is in Danger (5 HP or less), increases attack power by 2 per badge equipped.
  • Mega Rush (P) (1 BP) – When Mario or his partner is in Peril (1 HP remaining), increases attack power by 5 per badge equipped. The effects of Power Rush stack with Mega Rush, unlike in the original Paper Mario.
  • P-Up, D-Down (P) (2 BP) – Increases the damage Mario or his partner deals and takes by 1 per badge.  Since this is applied directly to damage taken, this badge, as well as P-Down, D-Up, does have an effect on the damage taken from DEF-piercing attacks and items.
  • P-Down, D-Up (P) (2 BP) – Decreases the damage Mario or his partner deals and takes by 1 per badge.  Since this affects DEF-piercing attacks and items, wearing enough of these effectively renders Mario or his partner invulnerable to all attacks!
  • Double Pain (0 BP) – Multiplies the amount of damage Mario takes by (1 + the number of badges equipped).  Although this is normally unattainable except for Charlieton’s one copy, it is stackable, and deadly.
  • Last Stand (P) (1 BP) – When Mario or his partner is in Danger, the damage taken is divided by (1 + the number of badges equipped), then rounded up to the nearest integer.  This calculation takes effect last when guarding, so unlike in the original Paper Mario, if a move would normally do at least 1 damage with a guard and/or a certain number of other defense badges, no number of Last Stand badges will force that down to 0.

Restoration & Conservation Badges
These badges are all about preserving Mario’s HP and FP, largely without affecting his damage output or special skills.  However, these are almost as effective in bulk as the power badges; Flower Saver and Pretty Lucky, in particular, can all but completely mitigate the need for power or defense, when worn in sufficient numbers.

  • HP Drain (P) (1 BP) – Reduces Mario or his partner’s attack power by 1 per badge, but restores 1 HP per badge after doing an attack that deals damage.  In addition, the HP gained will not exceed the total damage dealt.
  • FP Drain (1 BP) – Same as HP Drain, but restores FP.
  • Happy Heart (P) (2 BP) – Each badge worn has a 33% chance of restoring 1 HP to Mario or his active partner at the end of every turn.  All badges work independently of each other, but on average, wearing N badges restores 0.33 * N HP per turn.
  • Happy Flower (2 BP) – Same as Happy Heart, but restores FP.
  • Pity Flower (3 BP) – Every badge worn has a 30% chance of restoring 1 FP for every hit that deals damage to Mario.
  • Flower Saver (P) (4 BP) – Reduces the FP cost of Mario’s or his partner’s moves by 1 per badge equipped.  No amount of badges will make a move cost 0 FP, however, unless it did to begin with.
  • Pretty Lucky (P) (2 BP) – Makes enemies miss Mario or his partner 10% of the time.  Additional badges stack multiplicatively, e.g. 3 badges gives Mario a (0.9)^3 = 0.729 chance of being hit, or 27.1% evasion rate.
  • Lucky Day (7 BP) – Makes enemies miss Mario 25% of the time; again, additional badges stack multiplicatively.  Interestingly enough, three Pretty Luckys have a stronger effect (27.1% evasion as opposed to 25%), so Pretty Lucky is a far better badge in bulk.
  • Close Call (P) (1 BP) – If Mario or his partner is in Danger, then enemies miss 33% of the time; additional badges stack multiplicatively.

Miscellaneous Badges
These badges don’t fit under the preceding categories, but are definitely worth mentioning; the way they work might surprise you.  Simplifier and Unsimplifier are fairly confusing to explain without going into how Star Power works, so I’ll probably be doing a post on that in the near future.

  • Ice Power (1 BP) – Makes Mario’s Jump/Hammer attacks deal an additional 1 damage per badge worn to enemies weak to ice attacks, and reduces the damage he takes from fire attacks by 1 per badge.
  • Heart Finder (3 BP) – Makes more Hearts appear after battle (A random number from 1-3 with one badge, or 1 to N+3 with N (> 1) badges).
  • Flower Finder (3 BP) – See Heart Finder, but with Flowers.
  • Item Hog (3 BP) – Makes items (and badges) 33.3% more likely to drop after battle, and if no enemies were holding items, it also gives a chance of a random weak item drop after battles (Dried Shroom, Mushroom, Honey Syrup, Fire Flower, Fright Mask, Tasty Tonic, Volt Shroom or POW Block).  Additional badges further increase drop rates with diminishing returns, asymptotically approaching 2x the normal rate.  (The rate increase is slightly different for battles in the Pit, but the general idea is the same.)
  • Money Money (5 BP) – Makes enemies drop 2x the amount of coins after battles.  Additional badges increase the multiplier by 1x apiece.  In any case, the maximum number of coins attainable from a battle is 32.
  • Refund (1 BP) – When Mario or his partner uses an item in battle, this gives back 75% of the item’s base sell price (not buying price), rounded down.  Additional copies add 5% apiece; e.g. wearing 51 Refunds(!) and using a Life Shroom gets you 20 * (.75 + 50*.05) = 20*3.25 = 65(!!!) coins.
  • Simplifier (1 BP) – Makes the action command tier of all attacks drop by 1 (i.e. Good -> Nice, Wonderful -> Great), which makes it easier to perform, but reduces the Star Power earned.  Action command tiers cannot go lower than two steps under Nice, and 3 Simplifiers gives the maximum effect.  In addition, normal guards’ timing window expands from 8 frames (8/60 seconds) to 9 with 2 Simplifiers, or 10 with 3, and Superguards’ window expands from 3 frames to 4 with 2 Simplifiers, or 5 with 3.
  • Unsimplifier (1 BP) – Makes the action command tier of all attacks rise by 1 (i.e. Nice -> Good, Great -> Wonderful), which makes it harder to perform, but increases the Star Power earned.  Action command tiers cannot exceed Excellent, and 3 Unsimplifiers give the maximum effect.  In addition, normal guards’ timing window shortens from 8 frames (8/60 seconds) to 7 with 1 Unsimplifier, 6 with 2, and 5 with 3, and Superguards’ window shortens from 3 frames to 2(!) with 1 Unsimplifier, and 1 frame(!!!) with 2 or 3.

All other badges are both unable to be attained in multiple, and unstackable even with codes.  This concludes my series on PM: TTYD’s badges; however, I’ve still got plenty of info to share in the future, so keep posted for further posts on the subject!

If you have any questions or comments, just leave a reply to this post down below!

For more info:

Part 1 – Badge-Hunting Introduction
Part 2 – Badge-Gathering Strategies
Part 3 – Badge Effects and Stacking

5 thoughts on “Badges, Part 3: Effects and Stacking.

  1. Pingback: No Holds Barred | The Super Mario Files

  2. Pingback: The Trick Is To Not Get Hit – Evasion Badges in TTYD | The Super Mario Files

  3. Pingback: Paper Mario Talks — Is Superguard a bad mechanic in TTYD? | Just Sayin'

  4. Pingback: Badges, Part 2: Badge-Gathering Strategies. | The Super Mario Files

  5. Pingback: Badges, Part 1: An Introduction. | The Super Mario Files

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