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FAQ What is subscriber content? Subscriber content is exclusively available to subscribers and not accessible to non-subscribers or Quora+ users. There are no adaptive showing times. This content offers an in-depth exploration of the 9/11 topic, with many posts exceeding 100 pages and some surpassing…
In this video, I examine the credibility of the 9/11 witness testimony provided by Kevin Leary. Kevin, who worked as a production chef at the Greenhouse Cafe restaurant, was a key witness to the initial aftermath of American 11’s trajectory through the North Tower. Very few people who were so close to the scene observed as much as Kevin did, making his testimony a crucial addition to the 9/11 archi…
This time, I'm sharing a video I created, featuring an "exclusive" discovery by myself….never seen anywhere before. No spoilers .. watch to the end for the reveal. Please note the video contains graphic media, viewer discretion is advised. How to play the video The video has been restricted because it contains sensitive content. 1. You don’t need to create a Dailymotion account or be signed into your…
I cannot deny, there’s an image that forever resides rent-free in my mind, occupying a stronghold that’s impervious to departure. For me, It stands as a permanent fixture, casting long shadows over my thoughts, permeating the halls of my consciousness …. What I am referring to is beyond unusual, and not just for a single reason. It presents a reality so controversial that it will engage every neuro…
Added updated info to the pinned post on this channel “subscriber FAQ” I will be continually updating this channel in the background whilst currently writing new content . 👍🏼
Added new descriptive images to the following post: Observing 9/11’s Most Violent Deaths Part Two - “The Jumper Landings” so a post update, they can be found at the end of the post. Please note this message wi...
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In the time since my last post, I've discovered a number of disturbing observations, all compelling in their own right. Originally, my intent was to consolidate them all into a singular update. However, upon further contemplation, I've altered my stance. In my opinion, compiling a vast array of information spanning multiple topics is not a good idea. I don’t want to overwhelm you, or leave you devo…
Hello everyone, I hope you're all having a great day or morning/evening, wherever you may be. I've been wanting to share some thoughts with you, especially about recent developments and plans for this channel. First off, I can't thank you enough for your ongoing support and loyalty. It's your support that allows me to delve deeper into my research and bring you more comprehensive content. This chann…
*Warning contains graphic material. Chapter One In the wake of 9/11, the American media capitalized on stories portraying the nations resilience, strength and unity. However, the poignant stories of those who chose to jump were relegated to the sidelines, not aligning with the courage-centric narrative that America sought to project. These often overlooked truths stand in stark contrast to the tale…
9/11 exposed the fragility of life through a vivid depiction of contrasting fates…. “If death really was a living, breathing entity, then some of it’s selections were chillingly penned in blood.” Whilst the lucky escaped unscathed , some of the unfortunate bore witness to unimaginable brutality, many of whom suffered abysmal end of life experiences. Some of whom left no trace of their existence, no…
Today is a day of remembrance , and although it’s been 22 years ….know that no amount of time will fade the memory of you. Dedicated to all those lost, may your souls rest in peace for eternity. Please spare a thought whilst you navigate your day. Stay tuned for the next subscription post and if you fo…
Was it possible for victims in the trap zone to reach other floors without using the emergency stairwells? Perhaps we are missing a part of the 9/11 story. It is an interesting question….especially when we consider the quantity of victims who were trapped on the upper floors of the north tower. Total deaths = 1356 Estimated deaths caused by the plane impact = 356 Estimated survivors after the plane imp…
For the next few posts on this space we will continue to observe information around the two towers. The first of which concentrates on an event at the north towers demise. At approximately 10:28:09 the North Tower forced out its final jumper victim from floor 106 on the west face near column 455. Just thirteen seconds later the building collapsed at 10:28:22. Was it possible the two events were conn…
There is a general consensus of suffering known for all the trapped victims who died in the north tower. It is based on conditions observed through a camera lens. What it doesn’t show you is behind the tower glass windows … so my question is this: “is our understanding really complete or have we only scratched the surface of reality? “ Only the real truth dies with all the lost victims but the evide…
The following 9/11 event was nothing short of truly remarkable. It not only defied belief……..but it also ignored all reasonable logic. This in turn made you question the reality inside the towers………because surely no one of sound mind would attempt what you are about to witness. But……as we know these were no ordinary circumstances…. All of us as human beings have our limits… we like to think we know wh…
Before i start this post there are some things you need to know…. because the actual answer itself is not as clear cut as you think. There are some issues delivering an accurate answer…. Let me explain why. The North Tower was struck by American 11 at approximately 08:46:30 But…the problem is the North Tower was not being filmed on all 4 sides at point of impact. In addition to this… even the earlie…
Here we will be observing a male jumper victim from the North Tower east face from 09:01am. The victim is seen on the 92nd floor who will suddenly appear at one of the broken windows. As a reminder floor 92 was the base level of the North Tower trap zone…. where no one can escape…. and no one can survive from. And it should be noted even at 09:01 he was not the first person to jump from the easter…
Recently in the last year or so there has been a lot of buzz surrounding a particular 9/11 event that was allegedly witnessed online by certain individuals. It all starts way back in 2006 when a shock video was posted on You Tube depicting jumpers striking the ground at close range. The video no longer than 2 minutes allegedly showed the graphic extensive damage of bodies exploding on impact along…
At the end …for the people merely existing to survive minute by minute a glorious view beholds them. Perhaps it was used for contemplation whilst the horrors of reality race through their mind’s. Only god will know their final prayers, their final goodbyes. I have often wondered for the people who decided to jump was it a final feeling of relief as they leapt into the clean abundant air away from t…
it’s been a while guys… apologies but let’s kick this space off with more content. I start with a short one….. If you remember I have mentioned many many times about particular debris from the North Tower finding it’s way to particular streets below. This includes plane wreckage , human remains and tower debris. The streets in question are Washington street and Greenwich street. I mention it becaus…
On a beautiful September morning, eight people boarded Flight 77 bound for the adventure of a lifetime. Washington, D.C. sixth-graders Bernard Brown II, Asia Cottom, and Rodney Dickens; their teachers Hilda Taylor, Sarah Clark, and James Debeuneure respectively; and National Geographic employees Joe Ferguson and Ann Judge were headed to Santa Barbara, California, to participate in a National Geogra…
There were two types of powerful advertisements in question. One was an image , the other was a video. Both draws your immediate attention which was clearly the intention of the advertising agency responsible. But more than that, it comes under the name of an extremely well known respected charity. Honestly when I first saw the company logo attached to the theme I was shocked! Surprised the company i…
Probably the most famous 9/11 footage out there…. But are you really aware what’s happening in the background? Quote Naudet : "I remember that day because we were confronted by these horrible images of death. As I entered this building I hear a scream on my right and I just turned and seeing that horrible image of two people who are still alive and moving but who are in flames and dying in front of…
If by chance on 9/11 you were on the South Tower observation deck at 08:46am and were looking north you would witness American Eleven strike WTC1. And if you imaged it with your camera it would look something like this: An rendition by Christian Borje including a good level of detail … such as even th…
I expect you may have already seen the first image I will show you below of a jumper from the North Tower. it is a well published image across all the media. But the lengths people will go to to create attention astounds me sometimes. By that I mean what I will show you next. There is an image claiming it is the same person we see above but landed on the plaza floor. Closer It seems to be a man in beig…
No one has ever done this before so I wanted to make it myself. What would it be like to be in one of the hijacked planes cockpits in its final moments? We will take a look at United 175. The Boeing 767 was screaming to save itself through multiple audio warnings. They are purposely designed to shock the pilot into taking immediate remedial action and they are without a doubt a pretty scary affair. In…
The 9/11 museum is not the only place that preserves articles of interest, as dotted around the city are a number of shrines dedicated to 9/11 remembrance. Here we visit the Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York and it holds something quite rare indeed. I have never seen the actual marble stone from the lobby of the North Tower before and here we see two types . There is a sample of the white ston…
, Worked on numerous media documentaries

This Channel Is A Premium 9/11 Subscription Space.

Please be advised that this platform contains graphic content, including images, footage, and audio from 9/11, which may be distressing for some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

As a former professional researcher, I have extensively covered 9/11, shedding light on the stark and harsh realities of that day, far beyond the narratives typically presented by mainstream media. My goal is to present the unedited truth of 9/11 and archive it for future generations.

This subscription channel is designed for those who are deeply interested in detailed and in-depth analysis of 9/11. Each piece of content is completely unique, distinct, and original, offering fresh new insights and observations on the subject being presented. My content is exclusive; rest assured, it offers a refreshing escape from the redundant narratives pervasive on other platforms.

Dedicated to all those lost on that day.

I’ll tell the stories you weren’t able to…

I will not forget you.

Thank you for your support.

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