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Was it possible for victims in the trap zone to reach other floors without using the emergency stairwells?

Perhaps we are missing a part of the 9/11 story.

It is an interesting question….especially when we consider the quantity of victims who were trapped on the upper floors of the north tower.

Total deaths = 1356

Estimated deaths caused by the plane impact = 356

Estimated survivors after the plane impact = 1000

For victims situated at floor 92 and above, every single distress call and message says the same thing……“we are stuck” … “ we cannot use the stairs “ and to back that up not one single survivor exits the tower from 92 and up…. Not even for the entire duration of 102 minutes.

To put that in perspective, it would surely mean the situation yielded thousands of attempts to escape because :

* If each surviving individual made one attempt to escape the north tower, it would equate to 1000 overall unsuccessful attempts.
* If each surviving individual made two attempts to escape the north tower, it would equate to 2000 overall unsuccessful attempts.

We can go on and on…..but you get the idea.

What I am trying to say is… the statistics speak volumes…. There was no way out. Or else through the thousands of attempts to run from 92 and above we should expect to see at least one success.

We do not….

And this was mainly because the plane hit the tower directly through the central core… where all the means of escape existed.

However, since the dawn of time itself the very essence of survival was etched into human nature, meaning it was highly likely people tried alternative routes.

But how was that even possible?

One of the largest tenants in the north tower was Marsh & McLennan who operated through a total of 8 separate floors between 93 and 100. This was one of the largest spaces occupied. So to make life a little better the company installed its own internal stairwells for easier mobility to all its operations. Not only were these stairwells completely independent of the emergency routes out of the building but some of them were actually located outside of the core.

As a reminder we must remember that the plane impact floors were located in the same area between 93–99….but it doesn’t necessarily mean all was lost…. lets take a closer look…

Floor 93

Below is the first floor plan occupied by Marsh & McLennan and I will be making observation notes as we move forward.

North is North on the plan. The plane impacts the north side hitting dead center through the core.


* Here we see the start of the internal stairwell indicated in yellow. The core is shown in green, red are the emergency stairwells A,B and C and the X in a box is an elevator.

A little closer:


* If we look at the internal Marsh & McLennan stairwell we see a broken off symbol as part of the stair section. That means this is the start of the stairwell and it further shows the letters “up” meaning it only goes up from here. So it is leading only to floor 94 and does not traverse down to 92.
* The internal stairwell is located outside of the core towards the south west.
* The fuselage entry points are floor 96 and floor 97 where the highest concentration of damage is expected.
* It is therefore possible this stairwell survives meaning any victims situated here may have been able to climb to floor 94 using this stairwell.
* The emergency stairwells located in the core cannot be traversed ….all of them are impassable from 92 and up.

Floor 94


* There are now two internal stairwells on floor 94.

A little closer:


* Stairwells will always indicate their direction on a floor plan. “UP” means it can only be traversed upwards and “DN” means the opposite.. only downwards.
* We see the stairwell from floor 93 located outside of the core. This stairwell does not continue any further. In essence this stair only serves direction to and from 93 and 94.
* We see a new stairwell located inside the south west edge of the core. This stairwell leads up to floor 95.
* Victims may have reached here from floor 93 but now a larger doubt sets in whether the staircase located inside the core travelling up-to floor 95 is passable or not.

Floor 95


* The stairwells shift again. Another new stair is now situated on the north west side inside the core.

A little closer:


* We see the broken stairwell symbol… indicating this new stair is a start position from floor 95 only. This stair only leads up-to floor 96 and 97.
* The new stairwell is located inside the core.
* This stairwell is located in a danger zone and not just because it’s situated inside the core. You will notice it is located on the north side where the plane enters the building. Added to this the planes entry actually tips slightly downwards at entry from floor 96. Thus its motion is slightly driving downwards towards floor 95. The probability of this stairwell surviving is likely to be very small.
* This is further backed up by the jumper stream witnessed close by on floor 95 west. 13 jumpers will all exit the west face in a short space of time. Both internal stairwells are also situated on the west but it leads me to believe both were out of operation… they likely must have tried but jumping remained their only option when the fires crawled closer later at around 10am.
* It was unlikely any victims successfully traversed here because it was located inside the core where the fires, heat and smoke were abundant. Added to this it was highly likely that the doorways were sealed shut near the core. This was because of the building movement caused by the plane impact. The force of the blast moved the buildings internal structure emitted through the core like a tuning fork struck. What it does is move all the partition walls slightly out of place thus jamming doors into their frames. This was more apparent from the center of the building (the core) than the outer perimeter of the floor space.
* The same tragedy is recorded by the victim Melissa Doi albeit in the south tower. She was trying to open one of doors near the core… but it wouldn’t open.

* The other stairwell on 95 above is also located in the core but on the south west side.
* It would have a slightly higher chance of survival than the north west internal stairwell.
* Surviving victims on floor 95 likely headed here to get away from the fires , smoke and heat. However again it may have been hard to access due to the possible sealed shut doors from the impact.
* The stairwell only leads to floor 94.

Floor 96


* Floor 96 was the planes lower fuselage entry point
* The stairwell from floor 95 leads here within the north west edge of the core.
* There were no other internal stairwells located on this floor

A little closer:

* The stairwell leads down to floor 95 and up to floor 97
* There is a zero percent chance this stairwell survived because it was directly within the planes pathway of destruction.
* I also believe no one survived on this floor whatsoever … if they did it would be nothing short of a divine intervening miracle.
* it’s likely the stairwell was severed by the jet thus blocking access to above and below with blocks of heavy concrete. No one can travel down and no one can travel up. Victims from floor 95 would not be able to reach this floor.

Floor 97


* Floor 97 was the upper fuselage entry point from the north face.
* Like floor 96… it is described as a complete wipe out floor.

a little closer:


* The original stairwell from floor 96 leads here and ends here.
* This stairwell has a zero percent chance of survival placed directly within the planes pathway on the north west edge of the core.


* A new stairwell is located here near the western side of the core.
* The stairwell leads up to floor 98–100
* This stairwell also has a zero percent chance of survival and is likely severed like the other 3 emergency stairwells.
* There will be no survivors on floor 97…. Unless god himself shrouded them from death. But to be honest you wouldn’t want to survive here because there is no way out on this floor. The heat experienced at this location would be simply unthinkable.

Floor 98


* The same stairwell can be seen here as on floor 97 on the western side of the core.
* There were no other internal stairwells situated on this floor


* As already stated it is highly likely the internal stairwell is severed by the jet. This means although the original stairwell travels down to floor 97… it is highly doubtful that route is still in place.
* The same stairwell also leads up to 99 and 100
* There is a chance the stairwell is still in place at floor 98. The stairwell will be severed below on 97 but the upper half may still exist. The chance access survives at this level is lower than above though.
* Surviving victims on 98 may have travelled up away from the heat and the fires providing they could access the core through a door that will open.
* The stairwell has a higher chance of survival then the core emergency stairwells where the jet fuel blast traverses.

Floor 99


* The same internal stairway from 98 leads up to 99 located on the western side of the core. It also goes up to floor 100.


* The higher we go away from the impact zone leaves a better chance of stairwell survival. At floor 99 the internal stairwell is more likely to still be in place.
* Surviving victims located here can travel upwards to 100 or attempt to go down to 98. This is providing they can access openable doorways at the core entrance points.

Below: one victim is seen on the northern face of floor 99. However this person does not stay at this location and is never seen again.

Floor 100


* This is the final level of the internal stairway. From this floor it only goes down to 99 - 97


* Surviving victims located here can attempt to travel down as far as possibly 98. But no further as already explained.
* It is likely the stairwell has survived at...

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