Suddenly, SMT manga. I basically know nothing about SMT manga other than Kahn is kinda bad (worse than Deathtament, so my SMT manga tier list is 1. Deathtament, 2. SMT Kahn). I’ve seen the covers of Tokyo Revelation before but Gaiten is new to me.


Oh no wait, the second volume has Cu Chulainn on the cover. Yeah, I’ve seen this too, just had no idea what it was. Cu Chulainn is all over the story. Seems like it’s intended for middle school kids.

I have no idea about scans but I think the SMT community’s translators will always be willing to work on untranslated material so it’s only a matter of time. That is, much of the higher priority stuff has been translated so focus will inevitably move on to the lower priorities like these obscure old manga. With the cards being translated, there are a few final frontiers of SMT publications waiting to be translated:

  • Official guides and sourcebooks. Translating strategy guides would be rather pointless but there are books like the Nocturne-era Chaos Grimoire that profiles lots of general concepts from the series. Looking at my MT bookshelf, yeah I’m specifically thinking of Chaos Grimoire here.  It seems interesting but on the other hand might not offer anything previously unknown.
  • The DDS-NET newsletters. Official correspondence from Atlus back in the day. I guess it counted as their fan club. The trouble here is just tracking the newsletters down. I’ve never seen one other than photos on Japanese twitter and Y!JA, so I’d love to get my hands on these somehow.
  • The SMT tabletop RPG. There’s also a Megami Tensei II TRPG. Unless someone really takes the initiative on these (maybe the CCG translators after they finish that?) these books might be the lowest priority.
  • In the comments sebec also mentioned the NOVELS, which I forgot about. Yeah, there’s still a number of those not even counting the later ones Nishitani wrote. Full translations of those are definitely a tall order but I think most people would be satisfied with synopses.