Gold settles at all-time highs; Citi sees potential for continued gains to $3,000

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Precious metals miners scored big gains in Tuesday's trading, as gold futures settled at an all-time high following comments from Federal Reserve officials that ramped up expectations of a U.S. interest rate cut in September.

Front-month Comex gold (XAUUSD:CUR

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17 Jul. 2024, 11:31 AM
big part of your lifelong pursuit of happiness is accumulating a year’s salary of precious metals
436349 profile picture
17 Jul. 2024, 10:09 AM
A Barron’s headline today reads: “Gold, bonds can thrive while Nvidia, mag seven falter in tech exodus.” The story says the “‘Great Rotation,’ as it’s becoming known, won’t be confined to just stocks.
17 Jul. 2024, 6:33 AM
Feeling really good about BTG. Missed out on the rally most other gold miners experienced because the market was punishing them for investing in a new and low cost mine. Gold at $1.8k to $3k has this company making margins ranging from decent to frigging amazing.

Sitting on 51 calls, 41 for 2026 and the rest for 2025, all at $2. Looking forward to buying this company for $2 at expiration :)
Default Smeller
17 Jul. 2024, 5:53 AM
Damn - now that the fools at Citi make lofty projections it is time to become cautious about Gold. Way too early, but it is what it is unfortunately ...
Value Digger profile picture
Additionally, Geodrill's CEO and largest shareholder David Harper recently increased his stake in GEODF, as shown below:
Value Digger profile picture
When it comes to the gold sector, underfollowed Geodrill (GEO on the Toronto board, GEODF in the US) recently announced excellent Q1 2024 results, while also being very cheap.

Specifically, GEODF announced strong sequential Revenue and EBITDA growth coupled with bright outlook including more rigs compared to prior year period, as shown below:

So Revenue and EBITDA in 2024 are expected to exceed $140 million and $30 million, respectively (in USD).

Meanwhile, its Enterprise Value currently is only about $75 million (in USD).

After all, its current Enterpise Value is only 0.5 times its revenue and 2.5 times its EBITDA.
17 Jul. 2024, 3:04 AM
I wonder if that is an opinion of citi bank or on the contrary is not really a comment of the bank? And it's another company.
Gold from like 800 to 2500 in 16 years….Bitcoin from zero to 65,000. Digital gold it is.
17 Jul. 2024, 12:31 AM

Could be.
Default Smeller
17 Jul. 2024, 5:59 AM
@GreyhoundAM lol. It never will be. Ask the people in Charkiv who are stuck without energy, WiFi and mobile network for 12 hours a day if they prefer a gold coin in hand or 1/10 bitcoin to pay a guy who could save their lifes at any given time - accessibility could make the difference between life and death. Digital assets will never offer that kind of protection - they will never be able to compete with gold. No matter how far they will still be hyped up.
16 Jul. 2024, 11:13 PM
miners underperformed for the initial rise in gold because of covid related mining costs inflation. but these are now likely all baked in so full miner leverage will return💪
marill123 profile picture
16 Jul. 2024, 10:39 PM
Within 2 yrs, gold will hit $5K and total US debt = $100T.
Kernal Ron
16 Jul. 2024, 10:46 PM
@marill123 how about silver?
marill123 profile picture
16 Jul. 2024, 11:43 PM
@Kernal Ron silver goes to $80.
18 Jul. 2024, 3:28 AM
@marill123 Hah. I'll take that bet. The Nasdaq beats gold. Apparently gold investors think nothing changes -- politically, economically, or otherwise. One party plans to do the right thing right now, the other has nearly destroyed American society. Their president's name begin with a 'B'.
Lake OZ Boater profile picture
Lake OZ Boater
16 Jul. 2024, 10:15 PM
Current Dow / Gold ratio: 16.6

Long-term average: 10

Compared to financial assets like the DJIA, even at a new all time high, gold is still reasonably priced.
SquareBear profile picture
18 Jul. 2024, 8:00 PM
@Lake OZ Boater Dow could also come down, though 🤔
Lake OZ Boater profile picture
@SquareBear Agree. Good point!
SquareBear profile picture
18 Jul. 2024, 8:53 PM
@Lake OZ Boater IMHO, it is probably some of both. And we’ll place our bets accordingly 😁

I’m long miners and the S&P, along with a few firm-specific big bets in tech and natural resources. Considering adding physical, but that’s a tough/inefficient asset class for investing.
And a dabble of BTC for swing trades.
Agbug profile picture
16 Jul. 2024, 10:03 PM
Congrats to all the long-term holders of miners. An oftentimes frustrating sector. Topped off my position in $GDXY today, which has initiated a distribution pace of 50% with its first payout this month. It's hard to see gold faltering with the anxiety levels being what they are currently.
@Agbug Long NEM, AGI, GOLD, BTG & RGLD. I am a late-comer to the party, just started my positions in May after all the noise surrounding Newmont's decision to cut the dividend. The mass exodus resulted in interesting analysis on Seeking Alpha, so I started reading about the gold miners. Really, gold's time is now, and also in the future. On the plus side, there's a lot of money to be made, on the minus side, gold's high because of macroeconomic problems that will probably bite us all in the end.
Illuminati Investments profile picture
But don't worry, inflation is down, LOL.
Investor since ‘73 profile picture
Investor since ‘73
16 Jul. 2024, 9:53 PM
Chaos is poison for the economy and the agents of chaos are definitely threatening to seize control. This is the time to get smart and own PMs.

I am happy to be holding WPM, had a long standing limit sell order in at 60 to trim my position by 20% but I cancelled it last week because I believe these perilous times are exactly when PMs should be a cornerstone of a sound portfolio, especially for retirees.
17 Jul. 2024, 6:09 AM
@Investor since ‘73 the agents of chaos already seized control. Why do you think gold is already rising. We went from a democracy to cartel style assassinations and hyperinflation within 4 years. All the while our debt goes sky high because the govt decided to give trillions to non Americans

But at least the rich got richer. And in the end isn’t that what these past 4 years were all about
@Investor since ‘73 Since June, I'm holding RGLD, an American streamer, and believe it to be a long-term hold. I expect gold goes higher in the coming years, just as it has for a long time already. I don't see any major politicians really serious about cutting the debt or even the deficit. Now if one came along and somehow managed to persuade a majority of voters...that would be bearish for gold. That will never happen...
Investor since ‘73 profile picture
Investor since ‘73
17 Jul. 2024, 11:22 AM
@JeffSizemore Unlike the previous administration, instead of massive tax cuts for the already wealthy and simply dumping trillions of borrowed dollars without any real oversight, much of which was grifted straight into the ruling class’s pockets, this administration has made moves that actually benefit the vast majority. Reducing the cost of insulin to $35/month, reducing student loan debt for as many as possible, beginning the process of rebuilding our long neglected infrastructure, creating 15 million new jobs with hourly wages finally keeping pace with inflation for the first time in decades, it’s inexplicable that you have so squarely missed the mark about who is who in this discussion. You may be consuming nonsense as news. Best of luck.
dlevine007 profile picture
16 Jul. 2024, 7:51 PM
Turning on the money printer for the election
16 Jul. 2024, 8:23 PM
As I see things.

Likely outcome if Trump wins (very likely…..).

Both Houses of Congress go Republican.

The money spigot opens… prescious and good luck!
16 Jul. 2024, 8:45 PM
@dlevine007 easy to warm it up in the summer
16 Jul. 2024, 9:58 PM
@gregory44300 Doesn't matter who wins.Too late.The Titanic is listing badly and no one can save the ship.