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Feb 24

Combination of various tools from Nautilus plugin.

It is a bit similar to the Heat Method

I didn’t compare with Tweener but it seems similar except it is in 3d.

Arm brace

In order to explain that, here a little script. A mesh is created here with 2 holes. The components in the middles allows to put some weights on each vertex of the mesh. 0 is on the border of the mesh and 1 everywhere else.

The component Smooth Weights on Mesh smooth these values but keep them constant on naked edges. The results depends on the number of iterations.

Using theses weights on each vertex it is possible to make some Mesh Iso Splitting (500 itterations)

3000 itterations

it is also possible to change these values to vectors using Vector On Mesh Vertices from Scalar Weights

If angle is 0° or 180°, it is the classical Gradient Flow

Then these vectors could be used to make field lines with Flow on Mesh along Vectors

And if you want less cluterd graph use Clean Overlapping Curves, choose wisely D as it could be very very long !!!

Funny to see the result with values fixed at boundary

And not fixed

TweenCurveOnMesh.gh (23.0 KB)

11 days later
2 months later

Hi @laurent_delrieu

I’m trying to make a tween curve between two curves, well actually it is a big list of groups of two curves but the principle is the same. I have tried to do it with several methods on this forum. I am currently trying to do it with Nautilus but I downloaded the latest version and when I open your scripts in this post there are components that are gone or have been renamed and I can’t find them. Is it possible to do the same with the new version of Nautilus?

Thanks in advance.

I am not sure of which component you speak. I generally keep the component and hide them. you can find them using in the search panel using #
They will appear with old on the icon

My apologies Laurent, I happen to work with two computers and I was pretty sure I had the latest version of Nautilus on the desktop but I actually downloaded it on the laptop, sorry for the inconvenience really.

p.d: had 1.3 installed …