SCP-8963 / Discussion
Started by: Wikidot
Date: 19 Jul 2024, 15:20
Number of posts: 10
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This is the discussion related to the wiki page SCP-8963.
Author Post
PabloAxolotl 19 Jul 2024, 15:23

This is my Wrathcon2024 entry, A New Dawn. For this unique contest, I wanted to take on Dr. Jack Bright. If I was insensitive in any way, I apologize. I really mean for this to be a way to break away from Bright and enter a new Dawn, as the title implies.

This is an article about a character that must be changed for the better and Dr. Alto Clef, a friend by their side. I hope you enjoy!

Last edited on 19 Jul 2024, 15:23 by PabloAxolotl Show more
Unfold Author Post by PabloAxolotl, 19 Jul 2024, 15:23
Re: Author Post
KO saurusREX 20 Jul 2024, 08:56

It just ain’t the same no more

Unfold Re: Author Post by KO saurusREX, 20 Jul 2024, 08:56
Staff Post - Deletion Confirmation
Kufat 19 Jul 2024, 19:35

Beginning deletion confirmation at -15.

If this article is over a year old, you are not the author, and you want to rewrite this article, PM a member of the Rewrite Team. Please request permission from the author and make sure you copy the page source to your sandbox. Do not reply to this post unless you are staff.

Re: Staff Post - Deletion Confirmation
NebulousStar 20 Jul 2024, 00:10


Re: Staff Post - Deletion Confirmation
Miss Lapis 20 Jul 2024, 01:41


AstersQuill 20 Jul 2024, 08:42

Bright, at least to me, isn't a character worthy of remix or rewrite. At the end of the day, the rotten core of the character is still present, regardless of the work done to separate it from the source. It's simply time to just let it die. -1

Unfold #19 by AstersQuill, 20 Jul 2024, 08:42
TroutMaskReplica 20 Jul 2024, 10:34


Author, you were told before to not write this. You were told by several people to not write this on a fundamental level.

And you went ahead and did it after saying you wouldn't. This is an SCP that is flawed to the core; you are actively humanizing a character that everyone on the site today wishes was buried. The person behind Bright hurt real people, they hurt and groomed people and trying to treat it as this is incredibly insensitive and disgusting.

I am saying this as nicely as I can; please do not include Bright in the future. Let this draft die, it's the best you can do for now.

Last edited on 20 Jul 2024, 10:48 by TroutMaskReplica Show more
Unfold by TroutMaskReplica, 20 Jul 2024, 10:34
OriTiefling 20 Jul 2024, 10:58

If this document is removed from the noosphere by the Department of Deletions, SCP-8963-2 and -3 will live on. This is considered an acceptable outcome.

One of my biggest concerns with this con was that someone was going to do some wink wink nudge nudge thing around the idea that articles were to be deleted if they didn't win. Not only am I disappointed to see that concern come to fruition, I'm disappointed to see that it was used in one of the most egregious ways possible. I need you to step back and realize what you've written here- this is effectively saying "if I lose, Bright lives on forever!" That's not a great look. I know that isn't necessarily your intent, and that you intended to just do a cute nod to contest rules, but you really need to think about the words that you say and how they can come across.

Bright does not need a remix. Bright does not need a revival. Bright does not need to be humanized. Bright needs to be left in the past where the character belongs. -1

EDIT: I was reminded that several months ago I explicitly told you not to write this, and you told me you wouldn't. Why on EARTH would you go back on that???

Last edited on 20 Jul 2024, 11:00 by OriTiefling Show more
Unfold by OriTiefling, 20 Jul 2024, 10:58
AwhRyan 20 Jul 2024, 11:42

I could sit here and point to all the flaws. The egregious use of author avatars for reasons that I can't really figure out, a story that feels half baked without any crit (although I see now why you wouldnt want to get crit on this), but none of that comes close to the absolutely awful idea it was to use Bright in this context. Even outside of my gripes with any article that uses Bright (I think that unless your article serves as a "look at this loser off with his head", it shouldn't use the character), using Bright in this context only amplifies a feeling that I have hated ever since I first joined the site.

Bright as an author is gone, Bright as a character has been wiped from modern writing, yet there are still those out there who INSIST on preserving him. Despite everything he's done, and despite everything he's used his character for, some people will just not let this creep go. Using Bright in this contest and in the way you have is essentially reminding EVERYONE that no matter how much we all hate Bright, he still finds a way to sink his slimy little claws into this community.

Unfold by AwhRyan, 20 Jul 2024, 11:42
NewFoundDanger 20 Jul 2024, 11:57

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Unfold by NewFoundDanger, 20 Jul 2024, 11:57
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