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Quinlan: Fox blocked me on /everything/ so I applied to help out at the rotunda for a while. See you Taungsday, pookie <3
Obi-Wan: …this is why you and me didn’t work out as a couple. I’m passive aggressive and you’re just straight up /messy/.
Quinlan: Thanks. It’s fun to cause chaos on purpose.
Obi-Wan: I can’t disagree with that :/ I told Cody last week if he didn’t hold my hand I was gonna start a fight. I’ve never seen him panic before then.
Anakin: You two are both sooo toxic.
Ahsoka: I’m taking notes.

I don't know I just always enjoy when people try to dunk on a piece of media they haven't watched & their dunks end up just being the thesis of the thing. Like everyone going "The Purge doesn't make sense, wouldn't it hurt poor people the most, most people wouldn't want to do murders" without knowing that's...the plot of The Purge

Marinette: *Laying face down on the floor*
Alya: So Adrien said he liked you?
Marinette, *muffled*: Yeah
Alya: ... And you asked him to marry you?
Marinette: Yeah
Alya: Oh shoot. How did he react?
Marinette: Dunno, I ran away
Adrien, *kicking his door open*: Plagg!! I'm gonna get married!