

๐Ÿ”ฅHow I broke the internet today and what lessons can we learn from it? #Crowdstrike ๐ŸงSeveral things that make it a good fake that worked: ๐Ÿ‘‡1. No culprit named yet, I bring it on a platter, people like to have a culprit. 2- The culprit seems completely stupid, he is proud of his stupidity, he... takes his afternoon off on... the first day of work... 3- This falls right into a huge buzz in which people absolutely need to have new information, and a fake is by nature new, you won't read it anywhere else 4- In English = very easy to share internationally, with the vast majority of people who have no idea who I am. 5- Baby fingers are stupid, but they distract people from other things (like the fact that I have a horn on my head because of bad clipping) 6- Confirmation bias: People want to believe it, it's so funny. โ€œI like the information, so it is true.โ€ 7- The information is pushed ironically by people who know that it is a joke, and then it arrives in the litteral zone which amplifies it even stronger.