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Lovely Leah



Disclaimer: I take no credit for this drawing, as it was done as a gift by my special best friend TheSparklyMisfit

Hey, everyone. Since I'm writing a collab Stardew Valley fanfic with my best friend, I figured I'd post a picture of one of the main characters that's going to a huge part of the story. What all role Leah will play in it, I won't say for now due to spoilers, but she and my character Johnny Greene will be getting very cozy with each other to put it lightly. ;)

Expect to see more of her in our story once the next chapter is posted.

But yea, on another note, I just LOVE this gal in the game. She's seriously very underrated as one of the characters you can marry in it. Sure, she's not the most interesting or exciting female character, but you know what? I don't really care about that. What I love about her is she's very down to Earth and just a really nice and mature individual who enjoys the simple life.

Sometimes, the simple life is the better as far as I'm concerned.

But anyway, enjoy this pic from my best friend. Talk to you all later. :wave:

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Chesmire's avatar

The proportions she has makes her even more cute.