
Let us fall together, you and I, into the great dark chasm. May we one day find the other side.

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Item Description: A 19-year-old man whose face cannot be captured photographically. All attempts to do so result in a distorted image, and possible file corruption. A secondary anomaly garbles the subject's voice in all recordings. Subject was recovered at age 17, when his anomalous traits first manifested.
Date of Recovery: 15/09/2017
Location of Recovery: JFK International Airport, New York
Current Status: Held in humanoid containment at Site-17.


AO-9332 Photographic Effect Sample 1

Full Name
Tabitha Ingram
ID NO.dqa9cqgxz4w
Valid until 01/05/2021

Audio Transcript AO-9332/BX492

Date: 03/12/2019

Dr. Ingram: So… what about any hobbies?

AO-9332: [garbled]

Dr. Ingram: Yes, but you know about Dr. Sophia Day, the new AEED liaison, right? Just for starters, she’s organizing a D&D campaign in a couple of weeks.

AO-9332: [garbled]

Dr. Ingram: I know you miss them. I know it's not easy to have these two friends you strongly bonded with just… leave.

AO-9332: [garbled]

Dr. Ingram: I wish I could tell you. I really do.


Dr. Ryan Murphy

Section 2.1: Rollout

The rollout period is traditionally the most volatile part of a new amnestic's lifespan. There was great controversy when the Foundation transitioned from opiates and chloroform to Y-909, and there will be controversy again when the Foundation inevitably moves past ATZAK-derived amnestics1. Already, senior researchers have begun voicing opposition to the Rhizome Experimental Compound, basing their claims on unfounded hearsay. Therefore, in order to ensure that Project Rhizome has enough momentum to eventually become the basis of newer-generation amnestics, an altered and targeted rollout strategy must be utilized instead.

The first stage of this proposed rollout strategy is the implementation of Rhizome-based Class-A, -B, and -C amnestics on a per-project, per-SCP basis. Amnestics Department liaisons affiliated with Project Rhizome will attempt to persuade head researchers of the importance of using amnestics based on Rhizome compounds, and facilitate the development of new amnestic therapies dependent on Project Rhizome


Chapter Five: Thought Patterns

It is common for patients in containment to feel decreased motivation for tasks and routines, even in the absence of depression. While prior sections of this worksheet focused on behavioral interventions, it is equally important to restructure our cognitive responses to containment, as we find that our thought patterns often precede and negatively influence our behaviors.

Consider the following question:

"Why should I bother doing anything when I’m going to be in containment for the rest of my life?"

When we’re faced with negative thoughts like the example above, we often attempt to respond combatively, which can result in a negative spiral. Instead, consider these responses:

  • "I am not going to be in containment for the rest of my life." – This is an ever-probable outcome as the Foundation continues to develop new pathways to reintegrate humanoid anomalies into public life. In fact, preparing oneself to be fit for reintegration provides a concrete and achievable goal for many patients in containment.
  • "I can still accomplish a lot even in containment." – It is true that your life circumstances are far from ideal, but remember that Foundation staff are trained to help you even if your anomalous effects render you incompatible with outside society. Consider the case of SCP-5031, a formerly homicidal entity who spent entire days screaming and nothing else. After being aided by one of our doctors, SCP-5031 is now a skillful chef renowned throughout the Foundation. If an invisible levitating predator could achieve its full potential with our help, then so can you.

Eve Amber Patel

Hey tabby
I bumped into Andrew at the D&D game today
He was pretty shy for much of the time, but I think he was having fun
Toward the end of the session Mark's rogue rolled a 7 on his 1d6 sneak attack, and Dr. Day got a bit mad about the anomalous contraband and had rocks fall on Mark's character 😆
Andrew's paladin tried to save him but rolled a nat 1 and died as well 🥲
Afterwards, I had a private talk with him as everyone was leaving. I asked him about you
And well
He said that he didn’t like how you were "gaslighting" him into trying to feel better. I tried to tell him that you’re only trying to keep him well until he could be reintegrated, but I don't think he bought it
I know you tried to do something different, like Juan, but then he said you stopped for no reason
He said he misses Juan and Chloe very much. Really doesn't like the "we can't tell you anything" stance

I'm glad that Andrew got to socialize
I know that he sometimes feels that I'm trying to manipulate him, but its
Frankly, Hart and Cannon are breathing down my necks to get me to stick on program, but telling a prisoner to stay positive is never going to sound like anything but propaganda
I wish I could do something different
And I tried

Oh shit
There's a new update from reintegration
You should really talk to Andrew about it
When's your last day before break?


Then do it today

Audio Transcript AO-9332/AE590

Date: 23/12/2019

Dr. Ingram: Yes, I talked about it with Hasan. He confirmed everything.

AO-9332: [garbled]

Dr. Ingram: Hey, you don’t- breathe. Just breathe.

AO-9332: [garbled]

Dr. Ingram: : You’re fine. I got you. Just in… and out.



Site-17 Command is currently establishing full casualty counts for the recent containment breach of SCP-953. Listed below is the preliminary casualty list, based on information from MTF Delta-4.

Annalise PhamMajor InjuryLacerations
Olly CollinsMinor InjuryLacerations
Kieran DelacruzMinor InjurySelf-inflicted wounds
Izan RodriguezMinor InjurySelf-inflicted wounds
Andrew Zhou (AO-9332)Minor InjurySelf-inflicted wounds
Mark Perry (AO-8473)DeathFriendly fire from MTF Delta-4

All personnel present at the Site-17 Christmas Banquet should seek psychological examination as soon as possible.

ISSUED 25/12/2019

Site-17 Containment Control Terminal

Welcome, Junior Researcher Ellis Porter


> bal

You have 493,201,690 bagels!

> list shop

| Bagel Mine (B$5,000)
| Bagel Factory (B$15,000)
| Bagel Duplicator (B$50,000)
| Bagel Portal (B$200,000)

Alert: Containment Chamber GHD-03 (AO-9332) reports unusual activity!

| Bagel Spaceship (B$1,000,000)
| Bagel Compressor (B$1,000,000,000)
| Bagel Wizard (B$5,000,000,000)
| Bagel Prism (B$20,000,000,000)

> buy "Bagel Portal" 5

You bought 5 Bagel Portals!

> return output-rate

You are producing 495,224 bagels per second!


Ellis Porter

Tabitha get over here now
Andrew tried to hang himself
He’s in the infirmary now

Tell me he's not going to die

He's not seriously injured
He made a noose from rope
Smuggled I think
I couldn't see it with the security camera because of the anomaly

Why didn't you check the fucking windows????

I did
I would have done it earlier

Ethics Committee Memo

Date: 05/01/2020
To: Site-17 Director Thomas Graham
From: Ethics Committee Liaison Jeremiah Cimmerian
Subject: Notice regarding humanoid containment incidents


We’ve seen an alarming rise in the number of self-harm incidents and suicide attempts among the humanoid anomalies in Site-17. In fact, just two days ago, AO-9332 attempted suicide via asphyxiation. It is evident that current methods of preventative psychological aid are far less than adequate. Therefore, it is imperative that alternative methods of support and prevention are established in Site-17 as promptly as possible. The Ethics Committee is currently reviewing several experimental mental health treatments, and you are authorized to perform them with our approval and supervision.

Remember that you are ultimately responsible for the wellbeing of humanoid anomalies under your jurisdiction. Should you fail to stymie this current trend, you will answer to us regarding your dereliction of duty.

We will be monitoring your progress closely.

- Ethics Committee Liaison Jeremiah Cimmerian

Audio Transcript NCE179054

Date: 13/01/2020

Dr. Ingram: Ethics would never approve this.

Dr. Cannon: Tell her, Patel.

Liaison Patel: (pauses) The Subcommittee on Humanoid Entities gave the greenlight yesterday. Dr. Murphy of the Amnestics Department is to… is to treat trauma, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues with new Class-C amnestics based on Project Rhizome.

Researcher Bai: This is unprecedented. Amnestics are used for security, not for treating mental illness.

Dr. Ingram: I can't believe we're debating this.

Liaison Patel: I want it on record, I disagreed with the rest of the subcommittee, and-

Dr. Hart: Enough! We are doctors, and we will act as such. Dr. Murphy, please explain your proposal.

Dr. Murphy: Certainly. In the past, amnestics were largely useless for mental health treatment, because though they erased memories, they left memory associations largely intact. By "memory association" I refer to the unconscious collection of emotion, trauma, attitude, and even motor abilities that comes inherently burdened with memory itself. Our innovation is that Rhizome amnestics need only to erase a targeted memory, for example the death of a friend, to also erase all associated symptoms that spawned off from that memory. AO-9332 is a perfect demonstration of this new capability, hence why he was selected to undergo amnestic therapy first. His suicidality comes entirely from several traumatic recent events, including the the abduction of SCP-6113-3, the departure of Dr. Luna, the Reintegration Committee rejection, and the death of AO-8473. If AO-9332 ceases to recall these events, then his current symptoms will also cease. Of course, we'd most likely want to also erase all recollection of those aforementioned persons, not just the traumatic incidents.

Dr. Cannon: I can see why Director Graham went to you, Dr. Murphy. This is excellent.

Dr. Ingram: No- you can't just do that. Andrew's time with Mark, Chloe, Juan… those are the only positive memories he's had in containment. If you wipe out all of that, you'd leave him little more than a… than an empty amnesiac shell.

Dr. Murphy: Dr. Ingram, the Foundation routinely erases larger periods of memory, and I can assure you that the Rhizome compound reduces the chances of full personality removal to near-zero.

Dr. Hart: Dr. Murphy, how completely does the Rhizome compound erase the memories themselves? Are they merely locked up, or do you scramble the neurons to destroy them altogether?

Dr. Murphy: I… will admit that there is a slight chance of recall. Which is why our amnestic therapy also injects heightened suggestibility into the unconsciousness, allowing for a trained psychologist to easily make the patient doubt any memories that remain. In the case of AO-9332, we already have a perfect alibi in the form of SCP-953. It should be easy enough to convince him that all his memories of Dr. Luna and the others merely came from the anomaly, and his internalization of that fact will do the rest.

Liaison Patel: This amount of brainwashing… do you have any sense of morality?

Dr. Murphy: Liaison, if I may be candid, I see no reason why this treatment is immoral when the alternative is AO-9332's potential death.

Dr. Ingram: I'm not gaslighting Andrew into believing that his best friend was the invention of a fucking fox.

Dr. Hart: Tabitha, you will do so if I order it. I have my own reservations about this casual use of amnestics, but if it is genuinely effective, then we have an obligation to let Dr. Murphy do his work.

Dr. Cannon: Then Dr. Hart and I are in agreement. This is ultimately best for AO-9332, and for the safety of both personnel and anomalies. I am frankly surprised at the militant opposition this proposal is facing. We're talking about saving lives, at a far more cost-effective budget, mind you. Really, I see no reason why this meeting should continue.

Dr. Ingram: What about asking Andrew what he wants? He's still on suicide watch, but we've talked and I think he is clear-minded enough to at least tell us.

Dr. Murphy: (chuckles) Doctor, my work with amnestics might have left me a little forgetful, but since when did an anomalous object have a say in what we do?


Item Description: A 19-year-old man whose face cannot be captured photographically. All attempts to do so result in a distorted image, and possible file corruption. A secondary anomaly garbles the subject's voice in all recordings, however as neurological damage has rendered the subject mute, this property is considered effectively neutralized. Subject was recovered at age 17, when his anomalous traits first manifested.
Date of Recovery: 15/09/2017
Location of Recovery: JFK International Airport, New York
Current Status: Held in humanoid containment at Site-17.

Audio Transcript AO-9332/IF944

Date: 15/01/2020

Dr. Ingram: Yes, you may still feel waves of depression and anxiety. Understand that SCP-953 has very potent psychic effects. She's the one who… well, took away your voice and memories, after all.

AO-9332: (silence)

Dr. Ingram: But still, you're recovering so fast.

AO-9332: (silence)

Dr. Ingram: I think soon, it'll just be like the days when Dr. Lu… when Dr. Hart and I first met you.

(sound of rustling paper)

Dr. Ingram: Oh, you wrote something down…?

I did not forget.

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