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SCP-8115 in 1925, two years prior to the commencement of Project CATERPILLAR.

Item #: SCP-8115

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-8115 is currently contained in the medical ward of Site-56. It is to be examined on a daily basis to ensure that it still lives. Additional procedures are available to Project CATERPILLAR personnel.

Description: SCP-8115 is Robert Eliot, an American male who served as a member of Foundation research staff from 1909 until the establishment of Project CATERPILLAR in 1927. As part of Project CATERPILLAR, Eliot has been relieved of all outstanding duties to the Foundation, given an artificially long lifespan through anomalous means, and made to serve as a conduit for all sin incurred by the Foundation and its personnel. Eliot was 55 years old at the time of the project's commencement.

Addendum: Relevant Documentation

Project CATERPILLAR Proposal

Research Team: Alpha-3

Date: 1/8/1927

Principal Objective:

To create an anomalous entity that can absorb the sins of our Foundation for an indefinite period of time, ensuring that our Foundation will remain favored by divinity.

Research Team Lead: Dr. Samuel Fitzgerald, Ph.D.

Requested Resources:

  • Materials necessary for the performance of Item-███ ("Sin Eater Ritual")
  • Access to Item-███ ("Immortality Machine")
  • One willing human participant (already in possession)


Since 1908, the rate at which our Foundation discovers and must contain new anomalies has increased significantly. We have added at least 100 new anomalies to our records every year for the past 19 years, more than a fourfold increase from the highest figure ever recorded prior. Furthermore, new anomalies often prove more deadly and challenging to contain than those already on record. These developments have led to an ever-increasing amount of strain being placed on our facilities and personnel, necessitating the implementation of more severe containment measures to continue our Foundation's mission. These measures have led to our Foundation incurring a great deal of sin.

As Arnold and Huxley have recently documented, our Foundation has known exceedingly good fortune with regards to the discovery and containment of the anomalies currently on record: All recorded anomalies to this point were secured before they could be observed by significant layperson populations, and casualties have been minimal. It is our belief that this good fortune is the result of our Foundation being favored by divinity. Owing to recent discoveries by Keter et al. in the nascent field of tactical theology, we now understand "sin" to be a quantifiable property of individuals and institutions; and recent literature supports the observation that those with relatively little sin tend to experience more favorable fortune than those with greater sin. It follows naturally that remaining favored by divinity is critical to continuing our Foundation's mission. If our Foundation ceases to be favored as a result of the sin that we are now accumulating, the consequences for us and the world at large could be dire.

We currently know of no way to purge an individual or institution of sin without destroying it; however, we know of a ritual that allows one individual or institution to absorb the sins of another, which is currently in our records as Item-███. By making use of this ritual in tandem with Item-███ for indefinite extension of human life, we believe it possible to transfer all of our Foundation's sins to a single individual for an indefinite period of time. This would allow our Foundation to do what is necessary for the preservation of normalcy and the world as we know it without fear of losing divine favor.

Project Status:


Project CATERPILLAR Progress Report 01

Research Team: Alpha-3

Date: 5/9/1927

Subject arrived on-site today. After being shown Item-███, it agreed to proceed with the ritual. We only await the arrival of the final materials.

Project CATERPILLAR Progress Report 02

Research Team: Alpha-3

Date: 11/9/1927

The last of the materials arrived today; the ritual was performed to completion without notable incident. Subject did not report feeling any different, but Keter Machine readings indicate an enormous increase in sin. Furthermore, initial readings from the machine at Site-01 indicate a near-complete absence of sin from our Foundation as an institution. The ritual appears to be a success.

Following the ritual's completion, subject inquired about the extension of its life. It was informed that Item-███ will be used when the need arises. Subject also inquired about returning to its research work for our Foundation. It was informed that it will have to remain at Site-56 indefinitely for regular performances of Item-███, and that its ongoing research projects have been transferred to other personnel.

Project CATERPILLAR Progress Report 16

Research Team: Alpha-3

Date: 20/4/1938

While returning to its living quarters after breakfast, subject suffered cardiac arrest and collapsed. It was rushed to the medical ward, where it was connected to Item-███ to prevent death. It eventually regained consciousness, whereupon it was informed that it could never be disconnected from Item-███ due to the possibility that disconnection could result in instant death. The materials for Item-███ were transferred to the subject's new location in the medical ward, where we expect that the ritual can continue to be regularly performed without further incident.

Project CATERPILLAR Progress Report 25

Research Team: Alpha-3

Date: 23/11/1942

Subject has begun showing signs of significant dementia, confirming that Item-███ only prevents the cessation of physical functions: It cannot stop the natural decline in faculties that comes with aging. This development should not present a significant problem for the project, as the subject need not be aware of what is occurring for Item-███ to be performed successfully.

Project CATERPILLAR Progress Report 42

Research Team: Alpha-3

Date: 2/7/1950

Subject's cognitive decline has progressed to the point that it is indistinguishable from total death of consciousness. This is beneficial, as the subject will no longer have to be restrained to prevent it from attempting to disconnect from Item-███.

Project FORTRESS Proposal

Research Team: Charlie-2

Date: 23/2/2022

Principal Objective:

To create a shell institution that can act as a conduit for the sins of the Foundation, maintaining the Foundation's divine favor while eliminating the need for a human individual.

Research Team Lead: Dr. Sophia Eliot, Ph.D.

Requested Resources:

  • Materials necessary for the performance of SCP-███ ("Sin Eater Ritual")
  • Resources for the establishment of a shell institution to be managed by Charlie-2 personnel on behalf of the Foundation


As detailed by Fitzgerald et al. in the original proposal for Project CATERPILLAR, the Foundation's continued ability to minimize civilian observation of and exposure to anomalous phenomena depends in part on it continuing to remain relatively free of sin in the eyes of divinity. To this end, an individual designated as SCP-8115 has served as a conduit for sin incurred by the Foundation since the 1920s. While this was an adequate solution to the problem at the time, it is now far from ideal. SCP-8115's advanced age necessitates the use of anomalous technology to keep it alive for use as a conduit, which consumes significant Foundation resources. Furthermore, prolonging SCP-8115's life for so long has led to him suffering physical and cognitive decline far beyond the norm for a human individual, resulting in a significant ethical cost for the Foundation.

In addition to transferring sin to an individual, SCP-███ can also be used to transfer sin to an institution. Given adequate resources, we believe it possible to form a shell institution, regarded as distinct from the Foundation by divinity, to which sin could be transferred in lieu of a human individual. This would eliminate the need for SCP-8115, and it would be able to die, which would eliminate significant material and ethical costs for the Foundation. The shell institution need not consume significant Foundation resources beyond the necessary materials for repeated performance of SCP-███. The Charlie-2 personnel who officially manage it would still be able to fulfill their duties to the Foundation.

Project Status:


Project TRANSPLANT Proposal

Research Team: Charlie-2

Date: 20/7/2023

Principal Objective:

To establish a system for transferring the role of conduit for the sins of the Foundation to a new individual on a regular basis, eliminating the need to artificially extend an individual's lifespan through anomalous means.

Research Team Lead: Dr. Sophia Eliot, Ph.D.

Requested Resources:

  • Materials necessary for the performance of SCP-███ ("Sin Eater Ritual")
  • One human volunteer per year of project's continuation



Furthermore, prolonging SCP-8115's life for so long has led to him suffering immense bodily atrophy and highly advanced dementia, resulting in a significant ethical cost for the Foundation.

Recent experiments by Battle et al. show that SCP-███ can be used to transfer the same sins to different individuals an indefinite number of times. With this knowledge, a system of regularly selecting a new individual to receive the Foundation's sins via SCP-███ can be established, eliminating the need to use anomalous technology to continuously extend the life of a single individual. In addition, such a system would eliminate the need to relieve valuable personnel of their duties to the Foundation for longer than their designated time as conduit. We believe that the optimal amount of time for one individual to spend as conduit is one year, which balances the material cost of repeatedly performing SCP-███ with the increasing likelihood that the designated conduit will suffer a major health issue or death as the time spent as conduit increases. However, this time frame could be increased to account for shortages in willing personnel or the necessary materials for SCP-███.

Project Status:


Project REDEMPTION Proposal

Research Team: Charlie-2

Date: 30/7/2024

Principal Objective:

To devise ritual means of purging the Foundation of sin without deferring any sin to other individuals or institutions, eliminating the need for a conduit.

Research Team Lead: Dr. Sophia Eliot, Ph.D.

Requested Resources:

  • Materials for the attempted performance of various rituals documented by Pierce et al.



Furthermore, prolonging SCP-8115's life for so long has led to him suffering immense muscular atrophy, skin necrosis, and dementia induced by Alzheimer's disease, resulting in a significant ethical cost for the Foundation.

Pierce et al. recently documented the existence of sin-related rituals heretofore unknown to the Foundation among various fringe religious groups. Many of these rituals involve a symbolic purging of sin from one or more participating individuals, and Keter Machine readings of such individuals indicate that some of these rituals do, in fact, result in an expulsion of sin from the individual similar to the function of SCP-███. We hypothesize that these rituals could be used to purge institutions of sin in a similar manner, including the Foundation. If true, this would eliminate the need for the Foundation to transfer its sins to an individual or institutional conduit, conserving significant resources and eliminating significant ethical costs.

Project Status:


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