Service Health

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Incident affecting Google Compute Engine

Windows VM are crashing and going into unexpected reboot

Incident began at 2024-07-18 23:48 (all times are US/Pacific).

Currently affected location(s)

Johannesburg (africa-south1)Taiwan (asia-east1)Hong Kong (asia-east2)Tokyo (asia-northeast1)Osaka (asia-northeast2)Seoul (asia-northeast3)Mumbai (asia-south1)Delhi (asia-south2)Singapore (asia-southeast1)Jakarta (asia-southeast2)Sydney (australia-southeast1)Melbourne (australia-southeast2)Warsaw (europe-central2)Finland (europe-north1)Madrid (europe-southwest1)Belgium (europe-west1)Berlin (europe-west10)Turin (europe-west12)London (europe-west2)Frankfurt (europe-west3)Netherlands (europe-west4)Zurich (europe-west6)Milan (europe-west8)Paris (europe-west9)Doha (me-central1)Dammam (me-central2)Tel Aviv (me-west1)Montréal (northamerica-northeast1)Toronto (northamerica-northeast2)São Paulo (southamerica-east1)Santiago (southamerica-west1)Iowa (us-central1)South Carolina (us-east1)Northern Virginia (us-east4)Columbus (us-east5)Dallas (us-south1)Oregon (us-west1)Los Angeles (us-west2)Salt Lake City (us-west3)Las Vegas (us-west4)

19 Jul 202400:15 PDT

Summary: Windows VM are crashing and going into unexpected reboot

Description: We are experiencing an issue with Google Compute Engine.

Our engineering team continues to investigate the issue.

We will provide an update by Friday, 2024-07-19 01:00 US/Pacific with current details.

We apologize to all who are affected by the disruption.

Diagnosis: Windows VM are crashing and going into unexpected reboot.

Impacted users may observe Serial port 1 showing the call trace,
SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED Csagent.sys (part of the Crowdstrike Application package) 0xFFFFFFFFC0000005 0xFFFFF80E88CF033D 0xFFFF858A870FAC58 0xFFFF858A870FA4A0 Dumping stack trace: 0xFFFFF809E35317BF (pvpanic.sys+0x17BF) 0xFFFFF809E35316CB (pvpanic.sys+0x16CB) 0xFFFFF80335941B27 (ntoskrnl.exe+0x292B27) 0xFFFFF80335940AD9 (ntoskrnl.exe+0x291AD9) 0xFFFFF80335868CE7 (ntoskrnl.exe+0x1B9CE7) 0xFFFFF8033588447C (ntoskrnl.exe+0x1D547C) 0xFFFFF803358416BF (ntoskrnl.exe+0x1926BF) 0xFFFFF8033587335F (ntoskrnl.exe+0x1C435F) 0xFFFFF803356D77D0 (ntoskrnl.exe+0x0287D0) 0xFFFFF8033579D214 (ntoskrnl.exe+0x0EE214) 0xFFFFF8033587CF42 (ntoskrnl.exe+0x1CDF42) 0xFFFFF8033587893D (ntoskrnl.exe+0x1C993D) 0xFFFFF809E314033D (csagent.sys+0x0E033D) 0xFFFFF809E3115EEE (csagent.sys+0x0B5EEE) 0xFFFFF809E3117185 (csagent.sys+0x0B7185) 0xFFFFF809E334A037 (csagent.sys+0x2EA037) 0xFFFFF809E3346BB4 (csagent.sys+0x2E6BB4) 0xFFFFF809E30C68C1 (csagent.sys+0x0668C1) 0xFFFFF809E30C597E (csagent.sys+0x06597E) 0xFFFFF809E30C56EB (csagent.sys+0x0656EB) 0xFFFFF809E316883A (csagent.sys+0x10883A) 0xFFFFF809E30BDD3B (csagent.sys+0x05DD3B) 0xFFFFF809E30BDB57 (csagent.sys+0x05DB57) 0xFFFFF809E315D4D1 (csagent.sys+0x0FD4D1) 0xFFFFF803357B4A85 (ntoskrnl.exe+0x105A85) 0xFFFFF803358719FC (ntoskrnl.exe+0x1C29FC)

Workaround: We recommend the affected users to work with the application package provider.

18 Jul 202423:48 PDT

Summary: Windows VM are crashing and going into unexpected reboot

Description: We are experiencing an issue with Google Compute Engine.

Our engineering team continues to investigate the issue.

We will provide an update by Friday, 2024-07-19 00:15 US/Pacific with current details.

We apologize to all who are affected by the disruption.

Diagnosis: Windows VM are crashing and going into unexpected reboot

Workaround: None at this time.