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Israelis Must Recognize the Massacre in Gaza Before the World Forgets October 7

Almost every person in Israel sees the use of the word 'massacre' in relation to Gaza as a manifestation of antisemitism. They think Jews never perpetrate a massacre, but are only its victims

Gideon Levy
Gideon Levy
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Gideon Levy
Gideon Levy

When Israelis talk about a massacre, they are talking about October 7, only about October 7.

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The Gaza war is only a so-called massacre, because the Palestinian terrorists use all civilians there as human shields. It is an extreme war crime of Hamas which needs this auto-genocide for propaganda.
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Ariel Evan

Even if they do, which they definitely do not most of the time, what Israel is doing is a serious violation of international law. Killing 80 or so, wounding hundreds, to kill one terrorist, will not be justified in any international tribunal.


I was born 40 years after the Holocaust. I know about it from what I've read in books and seen on newsreels. I now consider the Gaza Holocaust worse than the Jewish Holocaust, not in numbers, but in the cruelty of the perpetrators. I don't think there have been more barbaric and sadistic organizations in history than the IDF and the Israeli government. Therefore, I consider it a great mitzvah to work for Jewish Voice for Peace to stop this Holocaust.
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Alexander Gendler

You are also an idiot.


@Noam -
"Worse" the Holocaust?
Words cannot describe your ignorance.


As usual Levy makes the humanistic case that Israelis need to acknowledge the massacre occurring in Gaza without diminishing recognition of the massacre that occurred on October 7. One wonders how an entire nation cannot be appalled by the what is happening in both Gaza and the West Bank. Many non-Jewish citizens in many other countries cannot understand this indifference. It is leading to outright disdain with/for the IDF, the Israeli government, and the Israelis population writ large. How can an entire country be oblivious to the massacre that is taking place. Can an entire nation be accused of antisocial personality disorder where citizens collectively have no regard for right and wrong.
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The creation of Apartheid Israel is the greatest mistake in history.

Michael K.

Indeed, it is horrible what is happening in Gaza. There was sufficient time to let reason, dignity and quest for peace prevail. National and international indifference is responsible for what happened on Oct 7. Occupation, oppression, siege can never remain an eternal status. This is not to excuse what happened on Oct 7, but with reason and concern for human dignity unnecessary death and devastatin could have been avoided.


That the majority of Israeli people have let their government perpetrate this massacre in Gaza speaks volumes of their mindset. Every day we are told on the news that dozens of innocent civilians are being targeted and killed, always with the excuse that a Hamas operative was the real target.
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Almost every day an Israeli woman posts on Facebook pictures of Palestinian children who she says were and no longer are. She has posted pictures of entire families who once were and no longer are. It will be impossible for me to forget the picture of one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen. She was probably all of three months old and was in her mother's homes when an IDF missile struck their home killing her and her mother. Her twin sister is buried somewhere under the rubble as are so many more.
There are some Israelis with a conscience. I wish that there were more.


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