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Pics and videos must be of girls who have at least one of the following or they will be deleted: As of now, an active social media presence, a celebrity or social media influencer. https://pastebin.com/7FgTLHuF

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Waifuist Thread #2507 QG!LaneyabuJ6 07/16/2024 (Tue) 11:17:17 No. 480634
The temperature is high So let's keep the autism low
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>>480966 New Butters Wew!
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>>480969 she's so darn cute She hasn't joined the dark side yet, she's all about peace and love
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>>480968 Hopefully, she will not turn her soul over to the forces of darkness.
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not shocked but... freaky family
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she's my density
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>>480974 lol, the real devil lurks in the slutness
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>>480979 must be in the genes
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I hope Ustina does not turn to the forces of darkness.
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Time to hit the streets. Later Bros
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>>480989 Well Ustina let da devil be her manager. Lilly gave up a long time ago
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what a shame, bicwit deleted all her ig pics and now only does garbage lives and grec wont rec her even though I added my ig acc (that follows her private ig), into their app
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>>480991 Do you ever stop to "enjoy" the fruits of your labors? Just asking cause you seem a little pent-up
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>>480993 Since you asked: I only squeeze my prunes to TRUEKINO like >>480006
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>>480995 Not sure what the rest of that means but I like ali too
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>>480996 all yellows look the same to me and speaking of ice cream, am I the only one here who eats his own cream? as fatbastard once said, "everyone likes their own brand"
>>480996 also: oimo643 orgtfo
>>480998 well that or some kansaienkou
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>>480997 He also said "get in my belly", doesn't mean you should listen
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>>481000 I'm gonna eatcha
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>>481000 CJ: Are you a swallower? Shrooms: I am, only if they are well hydrated because if not, it tastes too salty to me. (laughs) CJ: Can you tell the taste before he nuts? So you know not to swallow? Shrooms: I secretly check mouths for lots of reasons, main one being dryness. That tells a lot about a person’s cream! sidenote: when upping stuff on w, I either try to up private IGs, or at least ig 24hr stories of public IGs, so I try not to be a complete "reposter" "One makes your job expendable, the other one makes you priceless. I like having value to my work"-jonathan Hickman in a pre xmen interview where he disses his fellow comic writers for just copying the movies
(24.63 MB 1080x1920 ali eats candy.mp4)
>>481001 meant this
>>481002 Does Shrooms have video of those girls eating that ice cream? If not stfu
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>>481002 point is we shouldnt just try to copy every post/reel from a public IG profile and paste it into here it should at least be something not public or something that will disappear if not saved like a ig 24hrstory
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>>481005 Ok but why though? Concerned for my safety or just looking for rare stuff? Thought we were just here for casual browsing but I'll disappear if my identity is at stake
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>>481006 Meant to click this, I'm out
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>>481008 Thought we were just looking at pics, my bad
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>>481009 I was just trying to make sense of some of what I was reading but carry on
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>>481010 Was told there wouldn't be any reading
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>>481006 >Identity is at stake Idk how important u feel about ure opsec, but pretty sure lamey has been hoarding yrs worth of iplogs on us all, which doesn't matter since everyone on this honeypot uses a VPN anyways endchan/waifuist is it true we even used to have a onion?!
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>>481013 Lol I like to read. The main thing is the general threads was one thing, a hang out. Call it hugbox, echo chamber, what have you. But there's no rules about how people post (outside of the rules we have). I encourage dialogue. I mostly do avoid politics and certain talks because I've been here long enough to know what direction it takes the place. So just chill, post cutes, talk about stuff etc. Or don't idk. Most importantly, listen to me and not the crybaby autismoanon that was /is talking to you.
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>>481015 Noted
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>>481015 >I like to read Here's some reading material, a study about us "chosen ones", but from the perspective of the opposite gender: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8888496 Sounds like marriage material to me tbh
>>480943 Married within her people. Commendable.
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timesfreepress/news/2016/jul/27/walker-county-republic party-awards-good-citiz words cannot express how big a fan I am of hers

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