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>>682495902 (OP)
uhm ACKchually steinberg and jewstein sez that nips love yaaaaaskay and that we really wuz samuriez n sheit
My thoughts are that I don't buy ubislop.
I think someone should kill Yasuke
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>>682495902 (OP)
Ubishit is slop, made by subhumans, for subhuman NPCs. I'd rather play 100 early access open world survival games with crafting elements than 1 ubishit "game".
>>682495902 (OP)
""""" nips""""""
>I'd rather play 100 early access open world survival games with crafting elements than 1 ubishit "game".
Where's the difference?
just look at the comment section it's full of nips, in fact I had to scroll pretty far to find english comments in the pinned post.
Hell, finding MTL'd posts out ain't that hard anyway what with the stilted conjugations and the unnecessary pronoun usage
The guy doing the video may be a wapanese, he knows way too many terminology.
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wow it is literally like i'm on /v/
Game companies only care about the American audience
Its some jap game news channel why do you doubt the power of eceleb fans?
or he could just be a japanese dude: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoO1bk0Q3u0 [Embed]

I don't get why leftists are going NoTrueJapanese over this
Why are people on 4chan so obsessed with "what Japan thinks", like they aren't a nation of over 100 million people with widely varying political views just like everywhere else on Earth
Anyone who still buys anything Ubishit makes deserves to be crucified in the midday summer sun.
>be american
>go to japanese assassin creed video
>press dislike button
>write comment
>>682495902 (OP)
Why is france so cucked?
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>>682495902 (OP)
Nips have hated the game the whole time, their objections have just been ignored. They are also being smeared as "racist White male scum" by Ubishit white knights and redditors, which would be hilarious, if it weren't so sad.
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>>682495902 (OP)
the nip in question
>>682495902 (OP)
Nobody here in Japan gives a shit about asscreed.
Are you retarded?
>>682495902 (OP)
my thoughts? I've never liked ass creed even when the first game came out. it's for bottom of the barrel retards. this new dog shit game is no different.
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>>682495902 (OP)
>Apparently nips are starting to go against AC Shadows and the Yasuke samurai shit
he sounds retarded, but isn't wrong
>>682495902 (OP)
>those usernames
yep, totally organic discussion
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unironically the best vid on the matter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnYyYDpC00Y [Embed]
goes through contemporary sources and focus on wikipedia's circular sourcing and Lockley's unethical practices as a historian (and outright lies) instead of the politics, unlike most other grifters
I can't believe Anthony kiedis is a top supporter
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That is clearly a White man. Japanese love this game and they worship Yasuke, because he is black.

Yasuke was a samurai. He married the emperor's daughter and is therefore the father and founder of all Japan. He also discovered rice, invented onions sauce and gave Sushi its name. Anybody who disagrees is a racist chud.
No, I just find it weird how the brainrot reached him. As soon as I leave the terminally online community people have no idea what the hell is "DEI"
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I also never unserstos this and it gets absolutely unbearable when posting on /int/ or /pol/. As soon as the little Japanese flag appears next to my post it is guaranteed that some turbosperg will start posting billions of screencapped articles about negative shit in japan, or simply accuse me of using a proxy despite my flag having nothing to do with the conversation. What is it about Japan that makes autists flip their shit?
>be lil satan
>why are people mad at me?
google converted everyone's username into a handle a year or two ago. If your username didn't contain latin characters it was just turned into a bunch of gibberish
here comes the damage control
They've been against it since day 1 kek
sour grapes
The 100 early access games don't shove niggers in my face
Grorious Nippon is the promised land and one of the last White countries on the planet.
>hello my overseas brothers
>Japs are so dumb that they think AC games are historically accurate or even try to be
Because youre on an a japanese image board maybe?
>>682495902 (OP)
I feel like there's "controversy" with every Ubisoft game and I wouldn't be surprised to hear they purposely manufactured it for attention
there's actually quite a lot of buzz about it recently, and videos too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TchyBpHZ9MQ [Embed]

regressives just pretend it doesn't exist of course, since it doesn't fit the narrative.
It also doesn't reach the west being wholly in japanese and all
>That is clearly a White man.
Nice one 'merica.
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>>682495902 (OP)
Where were they when they had Yasuke as a samurai in Nioh 2?
Ofc nowhere to be seen because it was a nip game with a propaganda so it's fine, but when it's a western game then it's a big deal, how dare you destroying NIPPPOOON!!! GAIJIN BAKA GO HOMU.
>>682495902 (OP)
>nips are starting to go against AC Shadows
Starting? They have been shitting on the game since since the first trailer dropped.
inferiority complex
>this game sucks because i hate black people and women. i will dogwhistle this game due to my insecurities and i wasn’t going to play it in the first place
>this game sucks because it’s $120 ubislop with awful sleep-inducing gameplay
which one sounds more reasonable and normal to you
Get fucked.
did they ever pretend that nioh wasn't fiction?
the whole reason this shit is actually gaining traction instead of the usual ignoring that they do is cause ubi and western regressives are literally trying to rewrite history. see >>682497664
all your seething chud lies have already been deboonked in two links. cope.
Seems like the only fans are african-americans, who immediately associate themselves to be the descendants of samurais, some e-girls for clout and that stereotypical rimglassed, balding, out-of-shape predator who works for free as a corporate mouthpiece
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Remember when shills were desperate to point out the nips didn't actually care about this?
But it turns out they just didn't hear about it yet.

And when it spread everyone got mad lmao.
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Yes, retard. They tried to be as HISTORICALLY accurate, other thing is that the art of the STORY. You faggots are pathetic.
imagine not taking the opportunity to shit on ubisoft whenever you get the chance
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Same energy.
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ayooo dem finn bixx noood sum shieeeet kakete koii nigga omaeeee
>>682495902 (OP)
Nah, not really. The Japanese don't really care about Ass Creed in general. Even the Change.org petition is mostly gaijin getting angry in their stead.

The actual overall opinion of japanese people is that it's a damn game and as long as they put "fiction" or "Not real history" in the game, they don't give a shit. They have manga series where Nobunaga is a cute girl, several historical figures are made fun of, they understand what's fiction and what isn't.

The few people complaining are the usual grifters trying to make this a bigger deal than it is to make some youtube money. Just ignore this fucking game as we have been doing since, I dunno, Origins?
Reminder to ignore people like this they just want attention
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it's amazing how wikipedia retards actually use reddit as a source, and even reddit are retarded for using Lockley's fanfic as a source.
Meanwhile picrel: literally ALL of the contemporary sources, nothing saying he was a samurai
>Where were they when they had Yasuke as a samurai in Nioh 2?
Oh, another retard, Yasuke never was a samurai in Nioh 2, HIMSELF told it to you that nobunaga never made him a samurai.
>did they ever pretend that nioh wasn't fiction?
Nioh pretended to be a fictional story on a set of historic events.
Why'd you only start ignoring it when it had a darker skin protagonist?
>>682495902 (OP)
I don't care about japan
>>682495902 (OP)
>a game in feudal japan
>pick the one super obscure black person who was brought as slave and carried luggage
westoids just can't help themselves, can they?
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So you agree that YASUKE THE LEGENDARY SAMURAI never existed and that this game is a work of fiction?
>>682495902 (OP)
i really love retards doing free marketing for ubisoft
very ebin, please keep going i need to hear about the latest ass creed number 8273881328384 (black nigger edition) (faggot of the year award)
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You guys love to repeat yourselves His epithet is literally the obsidian samurai
No, I mean Origins was the last one that tried to change the game in a meaningful way, with more RPG elements and such. I mean you started to ignore it after that. Sorry if my phrasing wasn't clear enough. Also, it was when they started adding those goofy DLC where you fight gods and such, which was fun for a goof, but really show how the devs didn't really care about the plot anymore
Hey you want to know something funny Anons that aren't this faggot I'm responding to? When the big reddit outage happened years ago we could see where all the site traffic was coming from. Guess which "nation" was the no.1 for reddit traffic? I'll give you a hint
>is that it's a damn game and as long as they put "fiction" or "Not real history" in the game,
They stated from the start that yasuke was "the legendary samurai.
>They have manga series where Nobunaga is a cute girl,
Do the creators of those anime claim that nobunaga was a cute girl?
Oh, so you are that kind of retard...
You stupid motherfucker. I could call you the Greatest Olympic Sprinter but that doesn't make it factual.
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No it's all good clarifying it was enough thanks
>brown people preteding to be japanese
Faking shit to win an argument doesn't help you.
>It's not historically accurate
Ok so in AC2 where did you fight the pope? Was it in a Chinese Pagoda? Was it in modern day New York City?
Or was it in Rennaisance Italy with accurate to the time architecture and environments?
Meanwhile AC """Japan""" has square Tatami mats, is using Torii Gates as entrances to villages and having two seasons running simultaneously like it's some Hot Cold Land shit
You've guessed it: a grifter thread!
>fact vs. fiction
>history vs. historical revisionism
>I can't tell the difference, because I am retarded
>>682495902 (OP)
uuuhhh babel bros? I'm not liking this thread
https://youtu.be/ux-P4TzGIPU?t=291 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/ux-P4TzGIPU?si=dDx_qCzw8kRs46OW&t=333 [Embed]
>>682495902 (OP)
The new cope is that ass creed was always alternate fake history and nobody even claimed he was a samurai
>Movie is called Seven Samurai
>There are actually only six samurai
The only reason games in the west are the opposite of what people want is cultural terrorism and most people being NPCs controlled by marketing hype
Revising their own history while also revising medieval history
Impressive, DEIfags
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>The Japanese don't really care about Ass Creed in general.
They DO however care when someone is STEALING from them(using the Sekigahara Rifle Corps flag without permission) or horribly abusing their culture while claiming there's any semblance of accuracy.
Environment and architecture is NOT story you fucking retard. Their focus is on all the fuck ups on things that could've been solved with the use of google. The fact Ubi are meant to hire historical advisors to get things accurate ENVIRONMENT wise and the people they hired don't even know how to use google is why they're pissed off. ON TOP OF the forced historical revisionism like they actually give a shit about some random nigger.
>literal no name until some gaijin faggot with a nog fetish comes in and writes fanfiction.
>No one gave a shit about him before then.
Openly admits it's not real, is an isekai AND admits to being alt-history. Even then it's STILL more historically accurate than AC since the environment and architecture is all 100% accurate.
It helps that he only ever shows up in one or two missions
I think its to late to pull that shit. They got called already by everyone.
The titular "Assassin Order" was historically inaccurate from the conception of the game you blithering retards.
Yes, obviously.
wish westerners would this mad when they started adding negroes to western tales and myths in every medium.
Better now?
same thing
white women are for bbc
yellow women are for awc
Shill-kun, read very carefully
No one gives a fuck about the plot you disingenuous, street-shitting retard.
>is an isekai
It was now, just the usual fiction like sengoku basara, but with a nog as protag, and a more gay Nobunaga.
You never watched the movie, did you?
>It was now
I meant "Was not"
Yes, I know some of them were not "real" samurai. But doesn´t change the fact that, for nearly everyone in the movie, they are presented as such
japs have sissiefied historical people before. nobody cares. it's always western nerds, weebs and lesbians who want to decide what's problematic and what's not
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so you havent seen the movie lol
He contradicts himself in less than a minute. Did the gameplay cutscene guy and the video cutscene guy not talk to each other about getting the script straight?
Wikipedia still states that Yasuke was a LEGENDARY SAMURAI, although literally every single Japanese person is saying that it is total nonsense.

Leftoids are going to die on this hill, because they aren't right in the head.
he says that hes not a true samurai but was given the samurai title so maybe hes just missing some other samurai benefits like having a mansion maybe? youd probably have to compare the voicelines to japanese subtitles
I was just making a point that Ubisoft doesnt care what Japan thinks
>so you havent seen the movie lol
Enlight me then.. because They hired one at firts,and then this one gathered another 6
Okay then. AC2, the tower in Florence that you got an achievement for climbing up, that didn't exist in the time AC2 took place, don't remember anyone pulling their hair out over that. Or how about AC Odyssey, with stupidly exaggerated size of the statues, again, nobody gave a rat's ass about that either.
>>682495902 (OP)
HOLY FUCKING KINO!!!! The true samurai have returned, and they're angry!
I mean Ubisoft already confirmed the game is going to have romance in it. So basically Yasuke is going to muh dik his way through Japan which adds an extra layer onto this humilation ritual. Even nips who are generally considered herbavore men are getting pissed by this.
>>682495902 (OP)
>appropriating black culture
>appropriating japanese culture and making it revolve around the holy cow of americans
Nah there was all kinds of shit wrong with Odyssey in terms of historical accuracy but you play as a literal demi-god going on a mythical adventure so people just shrugged it off.
Even if he was given the rank the day he was bought by Nobunaga, he would've been a samurai for maybe a year. I don't know how anyone would even consider thinking Yasuke was a Samurai in the traditional way we think of it. Nigga didn't even train for a year, he probably barely spoke even the basics of Japanese and was a novice with a sword.
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>>682495902 (OP)
I sincerely want everyone who endorses this DEI bullshit dead.
Apparently, being a samurai in that era was as easy as saying "Hi". Let´s throw away the meritocracy and hereditary part of being a samurai and give it to some random nig that doesn´t even talk your language. This remind me that emperor who put a horse in a position of power.
leave it to the west to find a single black guy who was a literal footnote in japanese history and try to spin him as this super important legendary warrior.
toshiro mifunes characters entire thing was that he was not born a samurai, wasnt as skilled as samurai and didnt act like a samurai
they didnt even want to hire him because he was a liar and a drunk but he followed them anyway
But it's okay when William Adams does it right? He gets to run around Japan being a big hero and even fucks that Japanese chcik and has a son with her. Just admit it's about Yasuke being black.
>>682495902 (OP)
Japan is alerting all the Japanese copyright holders of copyright infringement committed by Ubisoft
AC has always taken minor historical characters and made them into assassins/templars/sympathizers or whatever, and it would be completely fine if they did the same with Yasuke as a side character. It makes zero sense whatsoever for him to be a playable character and part of the main narrative.
It wouldn't be totally out of character for Nobunaga. He sometimes just did retarded stuff that pissed off everyone for the lulz. But the important part is, even if he was given the rank, he sure as hell wasn't acting like a samurai or even would've been capable of it.
>>682495902 (OP)
>always play fictional characters.
>all of a sudden play a real slave/servant but they changed him into a samurai
>gaysoft acting like you got a choice and you won't see his black ass just because you can play as a woman
I just wanted to play a Japanese ninji (male)
Ubisoft are out of touch and gone completely insane. AssCreed used to be a decent to good franchise
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>Again this shit.
A white leftist man is responsible for this Yasuke fanfiction. Why do white people worship niggers so much?
Adams like Yasuke was a real guy, difference is he was actually a relevent figure in Japanese history. He was an actual Samurai with titles and lands that go along with it and he did actually have kids with the Japanese wife he got for being a Samurai.
Ubisoft bragged that it was okay for the Notre Dame to burn down because they could just hand over their asset data for Notre Dame to the French government.
If he were a samurai (despite hideyoshi later saying that he was an animal and couldnt be one), he would do something besides being the caddie for Nobu, right (lets not conjeture about getting Niggsuke as his fucktoy)?
Just because you live in Retardville doesn't mean normal people aren't hearing about this shit. Sorry anon, everyone is finding out about it and they don't like it
Notice all these reddit historians want to keep their names anonymous
>They DO however care when someone is STEALING from them(using the Sekigahara Rifle Corps flag without permission) or horribly abusing their culture while claiming there's any semblance of accuracy.
They really don't. The US has been doing that for decades, at least since the 80's-90's and they never gave a shit. You are the one thinking they care about people "taking stuff" from them.

>Environment and architecture is NOT story you fucking retard. Their focus is on all the fuck ups on things that could've been solved with the use of google. The fact Ubi are meant to hire historical advisors to get things accurate ENVIRONMENT wise and the people they hired don't even know how to use google is why they're pissed off. ON TOP OF the forced historical revisionism like they actually give a shit about some random nigger.
What the fuck are you talking about? Ass Creed games were never 100% accurate. It's all about being inspired by history. Are you telling me there weren't giant squids hidden inside italian catacombs like in Ass Creed II? Literally grow up and discover that games aren't real life, even if they are portraying stuff that might exist in real life.

>literal no name until some gaijin faggot with a nog fetish comes in and writes fanfiction.
>No one gave a shit about him before then.
What the fuck are you talking about? I knew about Yasuke for years before this Ass Creed was even announced. He is a folkloric figure basically, like Johnny Applessed, even if there was an actual Yasuke that wasn't the same as the legends. His pop culture version is just based on the real guy that really existed, but was never this big of a thing.

You are that fat guy complaining that Parasyte won an Oscar because nobody ever heard of Korean cinema when they've been around for decades. Same thing. Not everybody world cares if somebody else gets their culture wrong because the Japanese themselves put effort to keep their traditions and culture alive
So you are not telling me something I didn´t know...
THe thing is, was him, along with the other 6 considered a samurai at some point of the movie?
>>682495902 (OP)
Japs turn important White figures (e.g. Napoleon) into anime girls, I'm not interested in their hypocritical outrage. I hate woke shit but I hate gooks even more, two nukes were not enough.
I was talking about Nobuna you retarded faggot
They had a million different samurai to choose from and they chose the nigger.
Post the brag
>What the fuck are you talking about? Ass Creed games were never 100% accurate. It's all about being inspired by history
You are exposing yourself there already. No one never said they were 100% accurate, just that they tried to be as accurate as possible (remember the xbow thing)
>Dismissing me because I see the outrage farm retards like The Quartening have been doing for almost a decade has become mainstream
Look, I feel for guys like the Quartening, he was fucked by WotC, but then he made a whole career out of being a whiny bitch and dozens of other retards jumped in the same shit. If you like jerking off due to the fact that other nerds also care enough about shitty games not appealing to them, you can go right ahead, anon. I've just been here and I know it leads nowhere and it's literal coping.
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Yasuke was less than a footnote in Japanese history. Quite literally everything ever written about him is marked red in this image. >>682498347

Good enough for Ubishit to turn him into THE BLACK SAMURAI OF LEGEND AND FATHER OF JAPAN.
Japan does care, which is why Nintendo uses American laws to punish trannies like yourselves for stealing Nintendo content.
Not at all, they stopped trying to do that ages ago. It's like saying that pokémon is still about "catching them all" when they gave up on that years ago when it proved to be too much of an effort to constantly keep over 700+ different models updated forever. YOU ae the one exposing yourself for not noticing that Ass Creed gave up on that aspect ages ago. So much for someone that feels "invested" in this series to the point of constantly arguing about it online.
There is no Japanese folklore about Yasuke. There is no Japanese who ever wrote a poem or song about Yasuke. There are no Japanese statues of Yasuke either
You will never be a samurai, niggers.
>I knew about Yasuke for years before this Ass Creed was even announced
Why are reddit spacing Ubi-shills so illiterate? Does reading basic English really challenge them that much?
why are blacks so desperate to insert themselves into everybody else's history yet make no effort to talk about their own?
quit the speculation and just read the sources yourself >>682498347

Lockley the lying bastard just read 彼を殿とするであらうと言ふものもある/dizem que o fará Tono and ran with it to the fucking bank, ignoring the fact it's a source from the jesuits that pretty plainly states that it's some peoples gossip is all
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Based anon with human agency
>Equating culture with copyright laws
Tell me you are american without actually telling me. You should call Frank Miller and Genndy and warn them that japan will sue them for making stuff based on samurais without being 100% accurate to historical lore.
>just that they tried to be as accurate as possible
Wrong there too
Because their history can be summarized as
>Rape children
>rapes actual monkeys and created aids
>rape each other
>kill each other
>enslave each other
>eventually some of those enslaved were bought by Jews for the high, high price of some alcohol
I stopped playing the games after what they did on AC2 (Oh, there are some parts of the memory we can´t access... well, they are not important anyway. Oh, btw those are dlcs you have to buy!!), and Prince of persia "ending"
>I knew about Yasuke for years before this Ass Creed was even announced
Everyone knew about niggsuke from Nobunaga´s ambition, Dynasty warriors, and even Afro samurai. And no one bat an eye at that time.
This game was made by white frenchman. How about whites stop being so obsessed with blacks?
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the whole thing started because of this guy's dumbass lies in his book.
this vid >>682497664 pretty accurately sums it up
Folklore can be anything, anon. He was just a oddity and was referenced every now and then. You don't need a full, formal literature to have folklore. American has shitton of stuff like Cryptids and folk tales that have only been sporadically referenced or talks about.

>There is no Japanese who ever wrote a poem or song about Yasuke
There are several manga and japanese games with him on it. CLEARLY he was at least acknowledged as someone that existed and people talked enough about it to survive to present day and allow them to reference him in these works.
I'll stop hating niggers when they get shipped back to Africa in crates.
>quit the speculation
Quite literally anything discussed about Yasuke is wild speculation because there's so little info about him. Nobunaga granted him land and a stipend, which usually was reserved for Samurai, but not always.
Believe or not, not all nigs are under 70IQ.
And they don´t buy this pandering shit. Same as people don´t buy the female Custodians.
>>682495902 (OP)
Well it's not like I ever cared about ASS creed anyway. My thoughts is that i don't care about this game with the samurai nigger.
Sure, after all white people in the western hemisphere return to europe.
Almost as if it's a term mostly used within entertainment and creative industries, specially vidya, shows and comics, and given DEI is the bussiness side of virtue signalig, the practises and strategies companies will adopt to appeal to that audience and/or get benefits from being inclusive.

If anything, you should think the opposite, that the fact that something that should usually stay within a company grew so out of control that even people less exposed to modern day bullshit are getting angry over it.
>granted him land
Land? Or a place to stay? Because when someone talks about getting lands they are not refering at that they got a little parcel next to the house he got to grow some shit to eat or whatever.
>reddit, oh, yes, that historical source.
>I stopped playing the games after what they did on AC2 (Oh, there are some parts of the memory we can´t access... well, they are not important anyway. Oh, btw those are dlcs you have to buy!!), and Prince of persia "ending"
Yeah, then you missed how they completely gave up on Desmond's meta narrative in AC3 and DLCs where you fight gods and fucking Final Fantasy DLC stuff.

Their commitment to any effort to be as close to history as possible has been broken ages ago. If people are so angry about this one that actually uses a well estabilished black character in Japanese history, why weren't they yelling as hard when Valhalla had black and asian people all over the place?
To be fair, there are some actual Japanese creators mad about this, even if some others come off as just /v/ larpers.
>uses a well estabilished black character in Japanese history
So well stablished we have few lines asserting his existence...
A hourse with a servant. As with everything, there's no detailed information about it and a clear level of obfuscation because the source of this info are the Jesuits who were sheltering Yasuke after Nobunaga's defeat.
>>682495902 (OP)
If they were so desperate to push their agenda then they could have just made an original character.
I mean well estabilished as in there is a history of a black guy bought by Nobunaga and used as a escort or something and it remained a story for generations, even if it was not a big thing in real history. Show me on nordic mythology or history where they were just hanging around africans and dealing with asian merchants all the time.

I'm just pointing out the double standard here.
Nobody even knows if Yasuke was even African. All we know is that Yasuke had "dark skin".
>>682495902 (OP)
Japanese are starting to catalog and report on all of Thomas Lockey's lies.

Why It Took So Long for Japanese People to Realize the Yasuke Problem: Perfidious Historian Thomas Lockley: https://japanese-with-naoto.com/2024/07/10/perfidious-historian-thomas-lockley/
It's also a little known fact that Yasuke brought the first boombox to mainland Japan
>very dark skin
>arrived with portuguese traders
>6' tall
Especially that height is really narrowing it down. There are some tribes in Africa that are just naturally that tall, even in their nutrient starved situations there.
This is why Yasuke's battle theme is a hip-hop remix.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6g6rwVaZds [Embed]
Thomas Lockley's book African Samurai has him claiming Tamaki Mitsuya is a descendant of Yasuke without any evidence to back up such a grand claim yet he spends pages and pages trying to argue that Tamaki Mitsuya is a black man
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Picture related: Tamaki Mitsuya's side profile
So the obvious, not anything no one would expect. The probllem comes when people try to use the "he even got some land" meaning he got a feud or something.
This looks my cousin
>>682495902 (OP)
Japanese are suspecting that Thomas Lockey is Tottori Tom, the Wikipedia editor, most obsessed with the Yasuke Japanese Wikipedia page since 2015.

>There's been an issue with editing the Yasuke wiki in Assassin's Creed, but a person named "Tottori Tom" was frequently editing the Japanese Yasuke wiki around 2015, and that person is a professor at a certain university who wrote an incredible book on Yasuke. If this is true, then that means he wrote the Yasuke wiki himself, fabricated it himself, and spread it around, right? Isn't that bad?

I mean that's pretty close to what William Addams got from Tokugawa when he was granted the title. The house was probably bigger and he was granted multiple servants, but it's not like he had a village or larger area to rule over. I don't think anyone but the highest ranking Samurai were granted that privilege.
>Japanese person with large lips
>He is the descendant of YASUKE!!!!!!!

Two centuries is like 10 generations. Any niggerish traits would be long gone after that amount of time.
That's the point, there's so little to go off of and no conclusions easily made.
The fact that he didn't get a last name is pretty damning but who knows, maybe just maybe the stars aligned and he was made samurai without one. And who knows, maybe just maybe Akechi just had a spur of the moment bout of mercy and spared him at honnouji despite any samurai being expected to die with their lord.
Thing is, leftards WANT him to be a samurai so they're already trying to work from that angle to begin with, because they're mentally ill.
Imagine if in science all you had to do to prove a concept was ensure that there just isn't any absolute negation or proof to the contrary.
That's what they're doing with Yasuke, ignoring all of the evidence to the contrary he's a samurai because there's a small small chance that he could be, since noone outright said he wasn't
The difference is that Yasuke got the things he got so he wouldnt be homeless and could serve his master, his home was probably the smallest one Nobu could find, since he was alone. Just imagine if Niggsuke were to serve nobunaga every day stinking like a pajeet after a shower int he Ganges.
Absolutely agree with everything you say. I personally don't think he's a Samurai, specifically because of the Honnouji incident situation where he didn't commit Seppuku. But even more than that, I think it's an irrelevant discussion if he was granted the title or not, for one simple reason: He obviously wasn't acting like a Samurai (as evidenced) and the briefness of his stay means he has no fucking idea what it even means to be a Samurai and most likely couldn't wield a sword properly.
I'll try to draw a comparison here: In theory, any catholic male in the world could be granted the title of Pope. If every cardinals came together and voted for some random Joe Shmoe in some fucking village, he would be the Pope in title. Does that mean he understands the scripture, the canon, the meaning of his position or what responsibilities this comes with? Fuck no. It's the same with Yasuke if he was a Samurai. It doesn't matter what title he had, he wasn't in fact a Samurai.
>>682495902 (OP)
im not going to pretend i was ever going to play assassins creed, or know anything about japanese history, but at least im honest with myself about that

historical citation itt: wikipedia edit history
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and hell, japs themselves have made OC about yasuke for ages, including works where he's a great warrior or a samurai.
they're up in arms about this only cause people are trying to rewrite history.
picrel best explains their feelings
have all the contemporary sources then >>682498347
>THe thing is, was him, along with the other 6 considered a samurai at some point of the movie?
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>Thing is, leftards WANT him to be a samurai so they're already trying to work from that angle to begin with, because they're mentally ill.
Blacks are the holy cow of Americans. Sub-Saharan Africans have built nothing, invented nothing, discovered nothing, never built a civilization, never positively contributed to society or the sciences in any way, and were still living in the stone well into the 19th century.... yet these degenerated Whiteoids still worship them as gods.

Truly an empire that deserves to finally perish.
stone age
>>682495902 (OP)
They're mad because people are finding out that 90% of modern Japanese claiming samurai ancestry have less legitimate claims than Yusuke and they don't like the world finding this out. That's what it really is about
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>>682495902 (OP)
>>682495902 (OP)
I couldn't care less about Ubisoft games that aren't Anno
Peasant bloodlines have always out numbered any other blood lines. that's true in every society.
got a source for that?
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Japan derangement syndrome is the next step after America derangement syndrome. If someone says something retarded, even on a board without flags, America is invariably blamed for it.
Yusuke's level of samurai is the same as what many people in Japan claim. If he's not a samurai, that messes with their family honor.
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>>682495902 (OP)
>we Japanese
Westoids are so pathetic AC yasuke will be the best selling AC of all time with all the free advertising you retards are giving it
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its not exactly a mystery
https://www.facebook com/tottoritom/
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Everytime you see a japanese flag on /int/ /pol or /sp/ 99% chance is a retarded westoid living in japan, like you.
again, the source?
>>682495902 (OP)
>Apparently nips
Caligula's horse escapades have been morphed through 2,000 years of Chinese whispers. He never actually made his horse a senator, he said he would to piss off the senate. Caligula was evil and vindictive, not insane.
the dude posted just a few hours ago, he's japanese
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvQ9AtPQHxo [Embed]

look at his video list, look at their comment sections
This is what was going on in the Weimar Parliament every session before people voted the unpopular man for no reason
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>>682495902 (OP)
>Over 1 million views already
I kneel Japan
Nazis could never get a majority, Hindenburg gave Hitler what he wanted to placate him and without that the communists would have won next time very clearly
>20 videos about yasuke
Don't forget that Adam also hated Catholics and convinced the shogunate to drive them out.
He would have been perfect for the ass creed story but he just had the wrong color
if you are non-white
>White Frenchmen
The only Frenchmen working on this game are pretending to be women.
There's also people that make OC about niggers building the entirety of western civilization, it doesn't mean anyone but self-hating cucks accept it as reality
Said the self-promoting grifter.
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>yasuke uses a one piece sword
Unless inbreeding was involved, that is.
here comes the damage control
>I don't get why leftists are going NoTrueJapanese over this
Because they're desperate racists who aren't functional enough in Japanese to know the difference anyways. And they know if they just lie nonstop, they won't get called out on it by the gaming press.
>>yasuke uses a one piece sword
OPtards are pathetic. WOuldn´t be more exact that both nigsuke and zoro used a japanese sword? Afaik, OP dind´t invent katanas, as well Naruto didn´t created the nine tailed fox legend.
There's definitely hate marketing going on, but some of it is actually organic. Do you have any idea how bad you have to fuck up to get acutual Japanese to protest pretty much anything?
Some nips have found out Thomas Lockley's wikipedia user page.

He literally wrote the Yasuke fanfiction then edited wikipedia to affirm his fanfic.

More info :
nothing will happen
you wont do shit
it will sell millions
Ubi will laugh at your face
>Nah, not really. The Japanese don't really care about Ass Creed in general.
This part is correct. That's actually a SERIOUS problem for ubisoft. They needed a home run in Japan. They're getting beat by koreans and fucking Chinese.

And the few japanese that DO notice are annoyed.
b-but its the exact same design
>nothing will happen
>you wont do shit
what exactly is anyone supposed to do? are you inciting violence?
>it will sell millions
asscred sales have been declining for years before origins and they quickly started plumetting again
>Ubi will laugh at your face
They can laugh as much as they want, I'm just not sure if their investors will approve if it's at their expense.
Lets hear it in Japanese to be sure. My guess is that he says he was granted the TITLE, but that's not the same as a TRUE samurai, issued the daisho, completed his training, adopted or married into a samurai clan.
>They needed a home run in Japan
Why exactly?
It's going to sell significantly less than it would have if it didn't have a black protagonist. That's all that matters, you gotta take the small victories as they come. Obviously AC is too big to be acomplete flop, but luckily there are games like the new Prince of Persia which show exactly how badly a game with a black protagonist can flop if it doesn't have a massively popular franchize behind it.
>Leftoids are going to die on this hill, because they aren't right in the head.
They're going to lie and claim that they never did any of that afterwards. See Hogwarts Legacy.
>>682495902 (OP)
I'm waiting to see how many vtubers ubisoft will pay to stream the game
keep coping

>asscred sales have been declining for years
Valhalla made over 1 billion dollars
Only one of those games requires a Uplay account
you just know that all the jap vtubers will stream it and praise it
It's wild to me that some white guy strolled in, told all the a different nation and culture that they're wrong about their history and that it's actually all niggers and somehow the left is siding with the white guy.
No, it's a serious problem that nobody cares about Ass Creed in general, hence why they've been trying any trick to make more money, like Crypto and NFTs.
>you just know that all the jap vtubers will stream it and praise it
They only play popular or big games.
He means the specific DESIGN you muttonhead. Sword designs are goddam IMPORTANT, particularly to a samurai game.

Ubisoft FUCKED UP Naoe's sword in a way that your average 12 year old Japanese boy would have gotten right.

Ubi would have beeen better off firing all their historical advisors and hiring one piece fans. Except for the pedo expert . She writes all the sex scenes.
>What did he do that made him legendary?
>He.... uh...he was black.
You mean fat whores hiding behind anime avatars to dunk on incel virgin faggots who will do everything for money?
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total jannie death
It's just pathetic how the west has fallen to this point, normies kiss the ground black people walk on.
Because they lost an ASSLOAD of money in the last 2 years, as in hundereds of millions of euros both years. And they stand to lose goverment support if the canadian goverment shifts next year.
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>Sars, do the needful and stop brainrot, sars
Presented without comment for the JP readers here.

The saddest thing about the whole Yasuke situation is that people are acting like it's the reason you shouldn't buy the game when the reason you shouldn't buy the game is it's going to be another mindless, shitty Ubisoft game in the vein of almost every game they've made since AC2. I don't even get down to the Yasuke dicksucking on my list of reasons not to buy the game before I find one that's a good enough reason to never touch it. Same thing happened with Hogwarts Legacy, people were getting so worked up over the social and political issues surrounding it that they overlooked the fact that it just looked like a shit game.
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The lies of Thomas Lockley.

>be lawyer
>have bbc fetish
>wrote fanfic about yasuke
>edit jap wiki to affirm his own work

Can't make this shit up.
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...Are you a NEET? Not shitting on NEETs, but that's the only explanation I can think of for why you'd think DEI is some internet exclusive knowledge or some shit. DEI gets brought up in all sorts of businesses. The average person does know about it.
What pisses me off is the insistance that the game's stuff is le real. Couldn't they have just said "we made it this way because we think it's fun" instead of going on this crusade to prove he is le samurai
>calling brown people apes
Stay classy, Ubisoft
Except the initial concept art for the game didn't have yasuke in it
He was added later because they need to keep making Larry Fink's dick hard to keep the money flowing
>Misusing the word grifter
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the game has only one audio track and yasuke speaks in english so i screenshotted japanese subs and put them through deepl
Funny thing is that the biggest japanese objection isn't even about making Yasuke a samurai in the game. Which is painfully obvious with even a casual reading of any of their shit. And you see the people in defense mode use the exact same copypasta, and blaming racists.
>>682495902 (OP)
you mean a bunch of weeaboos who think they speak Japanese cause they watch all their anime with subs.
I'd want to check Japanese subtitles. DeepL cant' fill in the inferences.

No. And a diet isn't just eating correctly.
It doesn't matter because people aren't editing wikipedias and claiming the fantastical events of nioh actually happened and writing down that yo lkai are 100% real and that you are a chud if you don't believe in them.
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>/v/ is discovering キャベツくの人
is this guy a serious diet member, respected and all?
says hes in "The Party to Protect the People from NHK"
>if we keep coping about it it'll be real eventually
amazing how you guys have started going NoTrueJapanese
>JP readers
people who can read moonrunes actually have better options than this garbage dump or the equally bad(because it's the same fucking place) xitter
>he doesn't like going to the zoo
Thats the epitome of being a leftist, trating the race of someone as a merit/demerit instead of its abilities
Samurai weren't issued a daisho in Nobunaga's time that's Edo period stuff
Farmers could walk with a katana, and a wakizashi in the sengoku period if they could afford it
Nobunaga started a sword hunt but it was a failure it was Hideyoshi sword hunt the one that was successful
Why is everyone pretending they were going to play this game? This is just ubislop #200 that was going to be ignored by everyone and go on sale for 70% 2 weeks after it drops
>>682495902 (OP)
https://youtu.be/dKLa4Aw29yY?feature=shared&t=106 [Embed]
>>682495902 (OP)
>literally who on Youtube
Well, that settles it
Go ask 20 random people on the street what "DEI" stands for and see if they know
https://youtu.be/9MD2ecNC_dU?si=oQP-DIho9ZhM5CPW&t=206 [Embed]
>why are blacks so desperate to insert themselves into everybody else's history
Black people wasn't asking for this a bunch of WHITE people decided to do this. When black people see shit like this they either know it's pandering or just think "weird" and proceed not to buy.
>yet make no effort to talk about their own?
Black americans straight up can't because their ancient history was forcibly removed from them. And other blacks do but only within their country.
>>682495902 (OP)
who fucking cares? who actually plays assassin's creed? i mean what kind of bad taste mongoloid plays this shit?
the cooler yasuke
can we talk about the song
the part at 1:27 fucking slaps HARD
and slaps even more if you understand jap
>the average person does know about it

Lol stop larping anytime now
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Ubisoft executives must be desperately trying to stir the pot with this one.
They know the company is on the verge of bankruptcy so they're purposefully pushing a Yasuke Samraui thing in attempt to make people talk about it because any PR is good PR.
Incredible that the Canadian government are financing this shit company and are the sole reasons why they haven't gone under yet. 3 more years.
>>682495902 (OP)
I just (justifyably) hate blacks. Don't put them in there if you want me to buy.
Herro I am Japanissu I hate arr brack peopre prease make them stop existing.
they probably don't know what dei stands for but they know almost every media they enjoy is being plagued with shit just for the sake of representation.
The term dogwhistle is the most schizophrenic bullshit I have ever seen. It enables total delusion that anyone you disagree with is definitely lying about their intentions. It's actual insanity.

Anyone who uses this term is not mentally sound and should be treated as such.
The Diet really doesn't do much of anything in the first place, but even by that standard he's a minor figure. The anti NHK party is a consistent fringe party, where NHK more represents liberal media and goverment intrusion than the literal NHK itself.

He shows up on video game issues occasionally.

This is as much to filter out the shills, who don't have marching orders yet, and leftypol, which doesn't know enough japanese, and doesn't care except shitting on regular pol.
isn't mostly far right wingers the ones always talking about this game
after valhalla I don't see how someone with a brain expects historical accuracy from
>film called Seven Samurai
>there are actually zero samurai
>argue about one of the seven's status
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a shit ton of jobs literally make you learn about it during orientation, anon...
I wonder when will the fence-sitting failed normalfags will finally reach the conclusion I have reached years ago, that a pozzed game ideologically is always ALSO a bad game mechanically and writing-wise. It's the harbinger of shit. The sooner you drop this enlightened centrist act where you pretend to be impartial only to waste time and money on a shit game - the sooner you will be able to save yourself the trouble by seeing that it's DEI garbage and dropping it.
And no one cared about him being there
l iterally everyone that obsesses over politics and surfs Twitter to argue all day is talking about this.
It doesn't matter so long as they're against this propaganda game. He wasn't a samurai. He was a servant at best and Nobunaga kept him as a pet and called him a dog. And once Nobunaga died, yusuke was released into the wild supposedly. But he was not a samurai and not much else was written about him and Japanese people have every right to be mad. Just as mad as you are that you will never be a woman.
>because any PR is good PR
This is a jew cope and not actually true.
> surfs Twitter to argue all day is talking about this.
right so people without a brain
Japanese obviously hate black people, everybody does, but this has nothing to do with his skin color. THE LEGENDARY NIGGER SAMURAI AND FATHER OF JAPAN simply never existed.
I don't know what this means but if it's agreeing with me then I approve of it.
That's because the modern left is overwhelmingly made up of exactly the sort of person you just described.
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>『イエズス会日本年報』には、「ビジタドール(巡察師)が信長に贈った黒奴が、信長の死後世子の邸に赴き、相当長い間戦ってゐたところ、明智の家臣が彼に近づいて、恐るることなくその刀を差出せと言ったのでこれを渡した。家臣に弥助をどう処分するかを聞かれた光秀は、『黒奴は動物で何も知らず、また日本人でもない故、これを殺さず』として、『インドのパードレ[注釈 4]の聖堂に置け』と命じた」という記録がある[6]。
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I just think it's funny that this is the first time AC has ever let you play as a real historical figure and they decide to use one that has very little information about him known and literally he's only significant (in their eyes) because he's black.
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>>682495902 (OP)
Reminder that ubisoft is extremely based for keeping the spirit of western imperialism alive.
Why did one attempt at repression fail, but the other attempt succeed?
so you are taking the word taking of the guy who backstabbed the nigger boss for fact without any context
Ironically it's the Palestinian rioters who've been using this rule to great effect the last few months.
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>he's actually arguing that yasuke was japanese and not a slave
snap out of it, man
I know in modern japanese 黒奴 is derogatory for black person and can mean black slave, but was it true for the era?
Didn't they call any person やっこ back them
I mean the account itself notwithstanding, if he was a samurai he would have been expected to seppuku together with his lord
please use deepl next time
there are a couple of mistranslations there

>mitsuhide handed it over to him
where the fuck this this come from
original just says
>akechi's vassal approched him (yasuke) and said "do not fear, just hand over the sword" so he (yasuke) handed over the sword (to akechi's vassal)

where the FUCK did mitsuhide came from??????????
Nobunaga was the strongest warlord in Japan and controlled one third of it and Japan was still in war.
Hideyoshi was the regent of Japan controlled most of it and most of fighting subsided.
Is way easier for Hideyoshi to ban swords since Japan was more stable and he controlled a greater portion,
also Nobunaga probably didn't care as much as the Monkey to ban swords for stability to enforce as harshly
>I know in modern japanese 黒奴 is derogatory for black person and can mean black slave, but was it true for the era?
it just means black slave and was not derogatory until it was
he was called 黒奴 because that's exactly what he was, if he wasn't a slave he would have been called something else
>>682495902 (OP)
at least they made yasuke gay, can't be angry about that
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why are you posting this like its some kind of a gotcha
this bit is even included on the english wiki
>they decide to use one that has very little information about him known
doesnt that make him a good condidate for a protagonist though? it lets you write him however you want without being bound by factual events
>please use deepl next time
when was the last time you used deepl? it's garbage now. googletranslate is actually better than it now, wild as that sounds.
>doesnt that make him a good condidate for a protagonist though?
No because he's a black man in Japan. If any actual asscreed fans still existed they would want a Japanese man in Japan for the Japan AC protagonist.
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it looked like a gotcha to you, so you assumed i posted it as one. i just thought it was funny.
>>682495902 (OP) p
Lol why the fuck should I give a fuck what Japan thinks about? Especially when it comes to "historical accuracy." Japan does the same fucking shit.
Just admit you are racist against Japanese.
all bets are off when people start trying to remake the narrative on historical facts.
Nasu isn't going out there literally going King Arthur was a girl and is historical fact after all
Show me ONE 100% historically accurate AC game
>Japan does the same fucking shit
They literally never do.
when I said anything about Yasuke being a slave or not?
that would make sense if every samurai did sudoku after their master died but that wasn't the case also Yasuke was in Nobunaga's service for a year maybe 2 makes no sense that he would adopt that custom so quickly
Yes, but I also hate black people and want them gone. There is double the reason to hate new asscreed.
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oh yeah it is funny
what makes it even funnier is how the wiki hypothesizes that it was akechi being wholesome and showing yasuke mercy lmao
>'you are a beast not worthy of death. get out out of my country'
>umm actually he was just being nice!
>that would make sense if every samurai did sudoku after their master died but that wasn't the case
Name times when that was not the case.
>>682495902 (OP)
Apparently OP still sucks cock on a regular basis
no end in sight
Thing is, it would have been OK to MAKE a game about yasuke being a samurai, but the whole presentation and claim to history and fucking with Wikipedia \

interestingly yasuke says Samurai in Katakana, presumably for emphasis.

Initial He wanted to become a samurai. Doesn't specify dreams.

本物 Honmono samurai.

He was granted the 身分 mibun. Rank.of samurai. Title of samurai is reasonable.

It's very straightforward. He wanted to be a samurai to fight for Nobunaga. was granted the Title of samurai, but he doesn't think he's a real one, because Nobunaga's death cut things short. He doesn't specifiy exactly where he fell short.
this line is completely unnecessary.
why would he be nice against an ally of his greatest enemy that he literally just defeated
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this isn't even funny
>Almost as if it's a term mostly used within entertainment and creative industries
What the fuck are you talking about? I've heard DEI used on mass media outlets countless times. The culture war shit is completely mainstream
WRONG you fucking idiot.
please stop spouting bullshit if you don't understand japanese.
He wants to send black people to Lord Enma's hell. Which isn't to be confused with Yami hell, or the Shadow Realm from Yu Gi Oh.
>>682495902 (OP)
>english only
>tts rap
Hm... I could be wrong, but it reads more like a white guy did this
it also goes against their logic of how its fine to call yasuke a samurai with 100% certainity if theres a single source calling him a samurai
meanwhile akechi calling yasuke a non-japanese beast? surely he didnt actually mean that!
There's no shadow realm from yugioh. That's a dub invention.
I dislike the concept of eternal suffering, even for black people, but if that's what it takes to get rid of black people, it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
It's almost like this dude is a culture war grifter
check the rest of his channel
>Hm... I could be wrong
dont worry you are
but just keep doing the NoTrueJap cope if you wanna
It is only as derogatory as the word slave is to begin with.

>if he was a samurai he would have been expected to seppuku together with his lord
If he had attempted it, and particularly if he was allowed to, I think he would have been granted the rank, posthumoursly, and be remembered more. Maybe as much as Hachiko.
These are white dudes
only data from the honoji incident is from surving samurai.
If all Oda samurai in honoji in killed themselves then Luis Frois would have no data
Feel free to correct my errors anon.
look at this retard and laugh
>If all Oda samurai in honoji in killed themselves then Luis Frois would have no data
>there were only samurai there
Why is woke ideology being rejected in asia?
So...not the same as Lord Enma's hell.

It's not ETERNAL. Eventually they get rotated back to try again at life for a better shot.

There's pushback but it's a cultural battleground.
>3:34 俺は・・・信長様の為に戦い、サムライになろうとした
I fought for lord Nobunaga, to become a samurai

>4:09 信長様に本物のサムライにしてやると言われたが、
Lord Nobunaga said he would make me a real samurai

>4:16 ついにそれは叶わなかった
but it was not fulfilled

>4:19 だが、お前は本物のサムライになったようだな
But you have become a real samurai

Yasuke is regretting that his dreams of becoming a samurai is not realized because nobunaga is fucking dead, while expressing praise that Williams could do what he could not (becoming a samurai).
>>682495902 (OP)
Japs only cry about accurate history when it's not about their war crimes.
Japanese don't care, it's white guys getting angry and speaking over them
What war crimes?
So you're saying the black people will just be tortured for a bit and then BROUGHT BACK? What is the point then? They need to be gone, not tortured.
Nice machine translated comment
So did Ubisoft themselves or official promotional material actually claim AC Shadows is 100% historical realism?
Have you been in a coma for 15 years? That's the exact description of every woke or even left wing cultural cause for decades. They departed from reality a long time ago, as long as you tell a "noble" lie that can be used as propaganda it will have served it's purpose, the mass media transitioned to narrative formation over factual reporting and have deluded themselves into thinking that is the true aim of journalism. They will use any justification for mass immigration and globalisation.
the war crimes that was made up exactly the same way as samurai yasuke
sounds pretty native >>682506907

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>>682495902 (OP)
>they never learn
>some nips
Some white dude from Mississippi is not "some nips"
It's sort of like the prison system.
they were the gud guys in ww2, bad guys used nukes
Curious how the translation is in perfect English
Woke ideology is zombie christian morality that has morphed into Ressentiment. East Asia has very little history with Christian morality, South Korea being a strange case where it was imported of their own accord, also not a surprise then that they are the wokest East Asian nation.
2 nukes weren't enough
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Yeah sure, picrel looks VERY Japanese >>682497386
As does picrel >>682497627
So you agree Japan committed no war crimes.
>using google translate
Why were the people ok with this? Why didn't they use those swords to protect themselves?>>682512379
nukes are a jewish application
No, I don't agree with your retarded weeb delusions.
I'm sure those white guys speaking on behalf of all Japanese are VERY Japanese
So, again, what war crimes?
>those white guys
living rent free in ur head?
Back to your containment board.
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>>682495902 (OP)
>Suno AI music
>>682495902 (OP)
No one gives a shit about what rice niggers do or think.
Oh yeah and all the comments in the videos are just white people using MTL then? the ones with 1M views, no english comments, and handles randomized from being kana?
Keep coping.
>The Japs CANNOT go against my narrative, if not they're just white people!
literally no true japman lmao
>linking to wikipedia
>in a thread where we know wikipedia is a compromised entity
Try again buddy.
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The war crimes evidence:
It can be pretty good, I don't know why they didn't just generate until they got something that sounded nice.
>articles with sources don't count as facts
>only my delusional schizoid thoughts
Jump off the nearest bridge, genetic dead-end.
Since it seems you are a tourist here, don't link to wikipedia. Link to the source directly.
Otherwise we call you a retard.

I'm curious where the white people you're talking about are. Those videos are nowhere to be seen. You didn't add that shit in did you?:


Top posts don't look MTL either.
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the articles with sources in question:
This may very well be the last asscreed game ever made, if this flops, which with its dei dogshit and goofy arcadey combat it likely will. Which is a pity. I've been playing syndicate for the first time on PC and it's amazing, story is kinda shit but performances are largely good, and the environment is steller. This is ubisoft at its best. Pity about the combat though, it's shit and was the beginning of this new era of goofy combat where a single thug takes 100 blows to finally kill em.
If I had 50 million to spend I'd get the unity team back and have make another game using the newest hardware possible, likely releasing on ps6, Xbox whatever and have em recreate either Chicago or new york 1905 following the story of a urchin criminal rags to riches story as he joins the templars and you fight against the assassin's for once.
Either that or something new like medieval Spain or something or the aztecs.

https://youtu.be/WhOt40A_IVI [Embed]
Why do you even respond to those broccoli brains?!
>no niggers
>no uplay account
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>>682495902 (OP)
i don't care what gook chuds think
We have literal Japanese elected officials talking about this, albiet weirdos, and those racist fuckers are still claiming it's just white people.
>>682495902 (OP)
I had never bought ubisoft game and will not start now
Those are NIPS, not GOOKS, dumb frogposter. We expect the HIGHEST quality most accurate racisim here.
Meds now. Not an argument.

Sure buddy, the crimes don't exist. That's why the japanese themselves apologized. Lmao.
can't wait to see a collage of "ugly" men collected from this page and a hashtag about it to discredit anyone who says they don't like this game
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the crimes in question:
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japanese rightwing youtube grifter :O
if they made a new Rayman you'd get on your knees and choke on their cock without a moments hesitation
That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not my fault.
And if it was, I didn't mean it.
And if I did, you deserved it

You are forever fighting this cycle of bullshit
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>can't wait
ok, fine. i'll make it.
>>682495902 (OP)
>White Guy goes to Japan
>Gets a statue
>Game makes him spirit whisperer and demon killer who helps save japan

>Black guy was in Japan

>just believe what the history professors teach you anon! The same history professors that say Hitler was gay and injected semen into himself
>ubislop picks the one (1) black guy in all of Japanese history
It’s disingenuous to pretend like you don’t know why they picked him.
>japanese war crimes
This bot is malfunctioning.
because it fits their narrative and they seek to soothe their anxiety any way they can

all leftists are grown children
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the authenticity of war crime claims:
kys english teacher go back to your own country.
because the regent send their soldiers to enforce an punished the samurai that where in charge of the farmers if the farmers didn't comply.
you need more than swords to to defeat actual trained soldiers if you are farmer.
a revolt is harder if the country is unified
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>black man in old japan?
>better play hip hop music
>black man in old rome?
>better play hip hop music
Spear beats sword anyway.
based japan standing up to western cucking of their country

imagine making a Asscreed American Civil War that stars a Japanese guy killing white americans in america. And maybe fucking white women while they're at it.
Well it don't work for blacks. They're all like "Dayum, how dem crackas expectin me to keep outta prison? All ma shiet and ma homies be dere!"
Didn't american soldiers just rape a minor in okinawa this month

Stop being a kike. Your an entitled foreigner who wants to play neocolonialist and gets butthurt when Japan notices
>Didn't american soldiers
No. Blacks.
Also, there were only nobunaga's samurai there..
Not when armored.
Its a shrine. I assume there were priests there. Or groundskeepers, or any number of random peasants.
american soldiers

american culture

american bases

stop trying to individualize when westoid society is the collective problem you jew
fun fact: there actually is a list of all people that was executed in the event
and that list also disproves the samurai yasuke theory btw
You know the Japs only wore like bamboo armor right? And you know that the sword was never the primary weapon of war at any point in Japan's history right?
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Hey Ubishill, tell your company that they should stop bragging that their games have historically accurate settings endorsed by historians and experts
yeah cause if French revolution assassins creed had a black hero no one in France would have complained at all and every japanese person thinks like you because they re drones with no personality, GTFO retarded leftist
So why did they conduct a sword hunt instead of a spear hunt?
It's weird how Mirage kisses up to Arab and Muslim history and culture the entire game, but then Shadows comes along and craps on Japanese history.
ubisoft is french candian so they import nafris from france, hence the racial bias, they would have never even thought of looking up some black guy to make him fit in Mirage
Japs liked the first 2-3.
Though I'm sure thats the same for most everyone honestly.
Everyone responsible for this decision was white
Thats a lie. Leftists like to talk for others and pretend everyone thinks like them, leftists in other countries would also pretend that no one in the west cares about this or that and that its a bunch of strangers typing in their language

they do the same thing all the time in political discussion, saying that no one is actually against immigration in real life, when anti immigration parties are n°1 in almost all the western world

leftists think demcoratically, not with their brain, so the numbers argument have a lot of weight in their head
Because the sword was a symbol.
Also I assume they confiscated spears as well.
>>682495902 (OP)
Cool thread, Marketing-kun
chud copium

this shit doesn't fly anymore in 2024
Friendly reminder there's an anime character whose name is literally (e)zio.
says you

and they would have done it anyway to not offend the nafris. they dont care about japanese because they re meek and civilized overall so they can afford to shit on them

the usual weak with the strong, strong with the weak

+turns out politians and the capital want more immigrants to japan
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>>682495902 (OP)
>Using AI slop to bitch at Ubishit
No, look at the fucking development team. There are no black employees, it's either white people or token east Asians who grew up in the west.
Japanese armor was made of leather or lacquered steel or iron
it looks like wood because of the laquer
>Yasuke being black.
Unlike Yasuke, Adams has a town, a train station and a monument named after him. He was a known figure in japanese history and an actual samurai with a complete name.
The main thing about AC protagonists is that they used to be nobodies and fictional people, and then for some reason Ubisoft decided to use a real character in history and turned him into a MC. Perhaps you should ask Ubisoft why they decided to turn a real black guy into a MC when Ubisoft never did that to their MCs
i dont think that the development team makes these decisions though, is ubisoft says do this instead they have to do it
swords are used civilian life since you can carry them in your waist while doing some else.
spears not
you can have sword close by or with you while doing your daily life
spears are carried, sword are worn
Who the fuck is "ubisoft" if not the developers themselves? are you so far gone you think there's an ubisoft deep state?
This game is just more black on Asian violence
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>>682495902 (OP)
wow japanese fans are vocal about the new game and they are not happy. Theyre discontented with the way everyone is woke like overwatch and the whole blackening. I guess they were holding out hope for a good AC game. There's even a petition that's garnered thousands of signatures to have the characters changed. Obviously that wont happen but it shows how unhappy they are.
They'll use whatever lies, bad faith arguments, semantic games, etc. they need to in order to push their agenda.
Remember when you ghouls were saying that Yasuke being a samurai was historically accurate? I do. Lying rat.
the editor, the mother brain. studios are just proletarians for ubishit
One thing I do not understand about Ubisoft defenders is that they like to tell other people that they are racist or any buzzword for whatever reasons, but isn’t it racist that Ubisoft decided to overglorify a black guy as a main character in Japan?

Yasuke is basically the Token minority in AC Shadows that Ubisoft is using to enforce relevancy and marketing to the franchise
Adam's boss was the shogun and died of old age
Yasuke's boss was attacked by soldiers during his vacation and committed sudoku
Being racist is their most powerful accusation, if it actually turns out the Japanese are mad then they have commited the most egregious crime they can imagine. They must deny that any criticism comes from a real Japanese person or their worldview would shatter.

How could DEI lead down a path of racism? Impossible, inconceivable, they are soldiers against racism.
>the manga about a girl obsessing over western video games has western video game references
protip if u know jap: you can post sarcastic stuff with internet slang and nobody will understand your post and machine translators will not help the EOPs trying to decipher ur post
Americans are so dumb they genuinely believe corporations are people, people that tell their employees what to do.
>>682495902 (OP)
>Western culture war grifting
>Japanese culture war grifting
but they cut off the ring finger. jeez japs
Shhh, you are saying the quiet part out loud. The shills know that, but they can't say anything negative because political agenda
Everyone knows 'grifter' refers to leftist breadtubers. You are losing.
Since when did we give a shit about culture war grifters? You need to fuck off back to where you came from. Nobody cares how people make money so long as they point out the reality denial and cultural dissolution that wokies are pushing.
>Woke grifting
>Anti-woke grifting
>>682495902 (OP)
Surely the game won't sell well in Japan but it sounds like it is doing fine elsewhere. It's only if the game doesn't sell well worldwide where Ubisoft will think twice before doing something like this for their next game. But from the sounds of it by the shills and any actual fans, the IP brand is enough to get people to preorder the game.
>employeers telling employees what to do
yeah thats kindof the point of a company
listen to his accent, he isn't native
>>682495902 (OP)
I dont care.
My interest died when these fuckers said that they game wont be on disc and will be online only. I know these jews will rob it from me when they feel like it, so fuck em.
Now who's the employeeeer? Yves guillemot? You think he's on a non-stop global tour to dictate every design decision they make in every game?

People are employed by other employees you fucking moron. Your boss is an employee, the executive team is there to reap the profits and make business decisions, they do not have the time or expertise to give a shit about creative decisions, this is the job of creative employees.
those are all... people
Aren't there a ton of weapons that are repurposed farm tools? A sheath gets in the way when you're doing farming and not their era's equivalent of white collar work.
Something as consequential as the protagonist of the next installment of their flagship game must get at least a cursory review by the suits back in France.
Also known as.... Developers. You are so fucking stupid.

Ubisoft is not a person.
nah his atamadaka and odaka patterns are perfectly tokyoite
not to mention his zoomer slang and word choice in general
>Ubisoft is not a person.
Ubisoft is made up of people. Are you an ESL or just insane?
Yes, I'm sure the Rabbids team is running their main character choices by guillemot, I'm sure they desire the business mans input on the character design of their stupid cartoon characters.
How long are Ubislop credits nowadays? They used to take like 30 minutes.
Yes, it took a million posts but I'm glad you finally agree, ubisoft is a group of developers, not a god entity.
Sparks of Hope was pretty dope though.
Surprised nobody is recognizing this AI shit lmao
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record yourself saying
or else no one really has a reason to believe you know jap yourself.
Nobody cares, it's a meme comedy song about a black cartoon man. This is the ideal use case for AI slop.
japanese sisters why do I only see ugly gaijins
No one is actually preordering this bullshit.
Why does he have a video reacting to the gameplay trailer where he calls it the reactions of a Japanese man? You think he made an entire career out of pretending to be Japanese just so he could shit on an ubisoft game years in the future?
Because you're obsessed with ugly gaijins.
Didnt the greek, egypt and norse ACs had great legs and sold really well in the long run?
No you dismissive fool, it's the other way around. The head suits get briefings and keep a cursory eye on things.
You tell me Yves didn't know about the little dig against Israel they hid in Mirage I'd easily believe you. You tell me he didn't know who they were making the protagonist of their flagship game I'd laugh at you. I don't know French law, but if this was a US corp and a game flopped because because of this and the company floundered, they'd be wide open for shareholder lawsuits for dereliction of duty.
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Can someone whos able to read runes rate this translation? Is it better or worse than google/deepl?
Egypt and Greek yes, I don't know about Valhalla. I know Mirage, the one after Valhalla, was completely forgotten, however.
That alone should tell everyone that Yasuke was not a samurai. If he was, Akechi would have killed him or make him commit seppuku, but he wasn’t even worthy of that
They were getting Canadian tax dollars, not American. Blame Trudeau for this one.
>And a diet isn't just eating correctly.
A Japanese diet sure ain't
You are conflating shit, Yves is aware of what his teams are making, he is aware of broad facts about these games. He is not responsible nor does he intervine in the jobs of his creative staff. He's an 65 year old business man, he doesn't not give a shit about creative decision making so long as they are making profit and not stirring up controversy. NOW he will give a shit because this retarded game is causing a PR issue which will effect their reputation and sales.

Passive acceptance is not the same as active decision making.
>>682495902 (OP)
Here's proof that The Japanese are all in agreement with my reality bubble
No, far from it: I live ourside the US. Only terminally online people would know some US culture war topic.
What's the significance of sending him all the way to India? Who's Pardel?

>Passive acceptance is not the same as active decision making.
When you word it that way it makes much more sense. But the suits certainly give it a once over at very least. Executive meddling is a real thing too.
Where is it stated that AC Shadows is meant to be more historically accurate than the average AC slop?
The suits, especially Yves is not ideological or the sort of man to meddle in creative decision making. His only desire would be that they make an entry in a successful IP, his desire stops at the fact that they are already making a new assassin's creed game.

At Activision all the suits do is force them to make new COD games, they don't then dictate the race of the main characters or the narrative of the game. Some will mandate DEI targets though I see no evidence of that originating from Yves especially since he's an old french man.
if it had an ounce of soul the Ancel games had then I'd swallow for free
The point of globalism is to bring US culture war everywhere, so unless you are a retard or live in a 3rd world shit hole, its impossible to avoid it
The point of globalism is corporate freedom to extract maximum global profit, not culture wars. Culture wars are incidental since they needed to justify mass immigration for cheap labour.
>you're a retard or live in a shithole if you're not flooded with black people or tranny content like me every day
>>682495902 (OP)
AC is so dogshit, also anyone who plays AC games for historical accuracy is an idiot
these games have always been pure fantasy
I wonder if my Yugioh pals are aware of it. Spoiler alert: I doubt it. You have to explicitly searching for it.
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>That one thumbnail on the bottom left with the upset black
Culture wars are a very important part of it, because it's designed to distract the masses from the class war being waged against them.

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