

ちなみにTwitter上に証拠はないけど、構想自体を始めたのは9月ごろ。もともとは「バーカウンターで全てが始まり全てが終わるゲーム」で、10月にそれがシーシャ屋が題材になるよう変更された。Discordにログがある。 * I will also include the English translation of this posts in the alt text.
The Shisha game (HH) was released by Company A, but here is the proof that my Shisha game simply happens to have the same theme by coincidence. Back then, no one else was making one... (I realized the overlap in mid-April from a quoted retweet by a Shisha player.)

> Lately, I've been researching various Shisha shops to develop my Shisha game, and I'm accumulating enough knowledge to write a book. (10/26/2023)

By the way, there's no proof on Twitter, but I started the concept around September. Originally, it was a game where everything begins and ends at a bar counter. It turned out to match the Shisha shop I was really into at the time, so I changed the plan to set the game in a Shisha shop. There are logs on my Discord server. (This image is that log.)

> (Image 1)
> Thread name: A Game Where Everything Begins and Ends at the Bar Counter
> HADHAD: Let's brainstorm some ideas.
> (Image 2)
> HADHAD: The momentum for creating a Shisha game is building.
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However, regarding the logs in image 2, I had to change the production thread to a private thread midway. I used Tyrrrz/DiscordChatExporter to export the logs and then deleted the thread. Therefore, the raw logs are no longer available, but I have kept the thread ID and content. (1162035405575684239)
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