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samsa23's avatar

A Night In- Finale



       "Good girl, keep going, up and down just like that," Beanie smiled. The water that filled the bathtub sloshed back and forth, stirred by the motion of Gwen's arms and his legs. He had the tight young heroine pulled against his body. Her slender fingers were currently wrapped around his erection in the small space between her ass and his pelvis. He'd told her if she didn't want it sliding home inside of her, she'd better find some other way to occupy it. That was when he'd felt her hands close around it.

        "UMMMGGPHHH..." Gwen whimpered, unable to move much more than her hands pinned as she was between her captor's legs. His hands roamed her body, leaving nothing untouched or unexplored. She'd of course had her fair share of boyfriends before, and sexual encounters...then of course there was her imprisonment in Indigo City Penitentiary. Yet despite all she'd endured, Beanie's touch was different. 

    In the past her captors had devoured her, stealing away her body to sate their needs. When Beanie fondled her, when his hands caressed her thighs...there was more than just pure was seduction.

    He knew just where to kiss her, where to touch her, where to pinch cause her nipples to harden in his hands, and her sex to moisten even in the water of the tub. 

    Gwen realized that her entire time here with him had been a gradual chipping away of her body's secrets. Over time he'd learned just which of her buttons to push. He'd taken the time to learn how to play her like a skilled musician their instrument.

        "You like this don't you, sweetheart?" Beanie grinned just before lightly biting the nape of her neck, she quivered. "Yeah you do...tell me have any of your other boyfriends ever touched you like this?"

        "MMMBBBLL..." she mewled.

        "Don't worry after this we'll head up to bed and make this more exciting," water splashed as Beanie slid a hand between Gwen's thighs.

        "MMMGGHHH?!" Gwen yelped in surprise as he cupped her crotch.

        "I can tell you're dying for some release...and I'm sure I can help with that."
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MirrorKhaos's avatar

Seems Beanie knows the secret of Gwen body. ;)