Democracy Dies in Darkness

Sen. John Fetterman on why he’s standing by Biden’s presidential campaign

The Pennsylvania senator discusses why he is standing by President Biden’s presidential campaign, the divisions in the Democratic Party over their nominee and the stakes for the 2024 presidential election.

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Sen. John Fetterman joins Washington Post Live on Friday, July 12. (Video: The Washington Post)

Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) has been a staunch defender of President Biden even as a growing number of Democrats have called on the incumbent president to drop out of the 2024 race. Fetterman joins The Post’s Paul Kane to address why he is standing by Biden’s candidacy, the divisions in the Democratic Party and how he sees the stakes for the presidential contest.

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"Debates are the not the end all in a presidential election. I’m trying to remind people of that. If we can learn anything from Republicans is that when the s—t hits the fan, they choose to be supportive and [Democrats] tend to panic.” - Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA.) (Video: Washington Post Live)
“How much damage do you want to inflict on a president that has held every line as the only person in the country that has kicked Trump’s a-- in an election? … It’s appropriate to have a conversation after that debate, but at some point, when does a conversation just become a vendetta?” (Video: Washington Post Live)
"Project [20]25 literally is the quiet part that nobody wants to be said aloud and now it is ... Think about some of the weird, twisted and extreme stuff that Trump embraces ... That's their agenda if they're able to win. We can only blame ourselves, Democrats, if they choose to give him a second and potentially a third term.” - Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA.) (Video: Washington Post Live)


Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.)

Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.)

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